Monday, March 15, 2010

Tolerance VS Acceptance

I think that "tolerance" is crap. In out not so brave new world of Enforced Tolerance I find a huge wave of resentment building up and spilling over in lots of places.

From my perspective we should not be teaching and preaching "Tolerance". In my opinion if you are forced to tolerate something it breads resentment. Resentment build and builds and… well explodes in little things like hate crimes and race riots and bigotry and Jihads and lots of other ugly manifestations.

What I feel should be "taught", is acceptance and understanding. Education for understanding and acceptance of one another's differences.

Having said that there are some/many instances where that just does NOT work.

In this multicultural melting pot of a world everyone is just going to have to get over themselves a little bit.

I thought this was going to be such a profound topic… but it sounds ridiculous when I read it. I guess the point of this is that I am sick and tired of Political Correctness and the 'T' word being thrown around like it really means something.

Oh well… never mind.


Calliope said...

Big Geek, it seems like you are playing fast and loose with the semantics of wording.

Acceptance; noun: a disposition to tolerate or accept people or situations.

Tolerance; noun: willingness to recognize and respect the beliefs or practices of others.

I do not believe we are a melting pot at all. If you were to take several different metals and melt them down, the characteristics of those individual metals can no longer be distinguished. They are all blended together.

With people when acceptance and tolerance is used to appreciate the cultural differences between people we are more like a stew. Everyone still seen as individuals appreciating our own cultures and religious beliefs but each new person enhances the flavor and injects all new perspective to the dish.

So pour a glass of white or red wine and enjoy the stew!

Big Geek said...

I oopsed and am learning about comments since these are some of my first...You cant edit them... I wanted to rewrite what I commented back to Calliope which explains the deleted comment... now this is what I meant to say the first time

You are probably right its just words and like so many on air apologies they are becoming less and less meaningful anymore.

...but I would say this... When I looked up Tolerate I saw words like endure and discomfort. Somehow I don't think you "endure" a happy situation where you are recognized and understood so much as you accept it or appreciate it.

Semantics... sure I can accept that... or if you prefer tolerate.

Thank you for calling me on it.