Watch your thoughts; they become your words.
Watch your words; they become your actions.
Watch your actions; they become your habits.
Watch your habits; they become your character.
Watch your character; that will become your destiny.
These are the writings of a guy who is as emotionally stable as a bag of rabid rats in a flaming Meth lab.
Watch your thoughts; they become your words.
Watch your words; they become your actions.
Watch your actions; they become your habits.
Watch your habits; they become your character.
Watch your character; that will become your destiny.
I hope that any one reading this recalls that Rosemary had a baby and there was a movie about that event.
So some years ago there was a country song out by Jessica Andrews titled "Who I am". The Chorus goes like this...
I am Rosemary's granddaughter.
The spitting image of my father.
And when the day is done my momma's still my biggest fan.
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy.
But I've got friends that love me.
And they know just where I stand.
It's all a part of me.
And that's who I am.
I was listening to this back when it was out and the first two lines really strike me every time I hear them.
So if this woman is Rosemary's granddaughter then she must be the daughter of Rosemary's baby. As I recall Rosemary's baby was possessed of cloven hooves and in all likelihood had horns… as in Satan. That leaves me with this; this is the daughter of Satan. The next line states that she is the spitting image of her father. Now depending on whom you talk to and the situation surrounding your encounter with Satan he, assuming a gender, is either a horribly ugly thing or an impossibly beautiful/handsome being. As I recall that is what got to Satan/Lucifer his pride and his narcissistic tendencies oh and pride. So Whoever Rosemary's granddaughter is could be either ridiculously ugly or painfully beautiful. The next two lines sort of clinch it for me though her momma is her biggest fan… is that another way of saying a face that only a mother could love? And the clueless and clumsy line; Cloven hooves could do that for you. Can you imagine playing High school girls basket ball with cloven hooves for feet? I imagine that she would have to disguise her feet and in all likelihood shave her legs and arms daily and would likely be sporting some ridiculously long and thick sideburns.