Women hate men and men don't care.
It seems odd to me now though that the 4B Movement is getting so much airtime these days. It is nothing new. There is literally nothing new under the sun. Lysistrata was written millennia ago and told the same basic story. Only now that the entire global population is on the verge of collapse we really cant afford this sort of disruption. South Korea, where 4B originated is experiencing population collapse that make the Black Death, Great Plague look like a summer allergy season. Apparently women who were already upset with the state of relations between men and women were "triggered" by the election results in America and are now shaving their heads stopping wearing makeup getting neck tattoos and what ever else they can think of to make themselves repellent to men. To be fair many of these women were already pretty repellent to men at large any way. Given the state of the Mano-sphere that really isn't going to accomplish much. Lots of men have 'quit' American women and moved overseas. A counter-movement to Modern Western Women's entitlement is the Passport Bro. Many it seems to the Philippines. American women crab about how American men are moving there because the women there are uneducated or desperate or any number of other slurry sorts of things that they can throw against the wall. But its Not sticking. It just makes American men more and more likely to re-up their passports, weigh anchor and bid a not so very fond farewell to those shrill, spoiled, entitled American women.
If I were a younger man and the where with all to move, I would.