I am suddenly slapped in the face with the notion that because these Fuckwits just keep digging the hole deeper everyday it seems I will be having to update this Rant regularly.
[UPDATE 12/01/2024] Every time I feel we have hit bedrock that has become the bottomless pit of a hole that societies FUCKWITS are digging, along comes this story. It seems that Men trans-women men who feel like women. I can't seem to get that label straight in my head and I hope for my sake I never do. these fuckwitted assholes just have to insinuate them selves into every woman's space. Its not good enough that they have barged dick first in to women's sports and by association women's locker rooms and women's restrooms. Even in elementary schools Now they have drilled down even deeper to find yet another heretofore sacred women's space. Its like the leaders of these fuckwits have a meeting once a month over a Zoom Call to discuss New and more pernicious ways to disrupt societal norms. Now they have found yet another women's space and have barged into again dick first the very much women only space of the La Leche League. While the name of this league may be a bit less than directly to the point the concept of this 'League' is very directly to the point. It is a group of Women who come together to help other women do what heretofore only women could do, Breast-feed. The League is there to support women learn to breast feed. While it might sound simple on the face of it Breast feeding is not as simple as falling off a rock. There are Lots of potentially difficult and potentially embarrassing issues involved with breast feeding.
It just occurres to me that these Fuckwits are probably taking a page from Gloria Allred's playbook. It seems that she has a "Spidey Sense" for this sort of thing. Where ever there is sex-discrimination going on she is there to thwart the forces of the EViiil.
I do not say that hermaphrodite,
intersex, DSD individuals whatever the new descriptors are for this condition
are now, don't exist. [ Word Creep or word migration as per George Carlin ] Clearly, They
do. And they certainly do have a place in the world and in sports just like every person does. They shouldn't be caused to live in the background Burdened with an overwhelming feeling of self doubt, insecurity and timidity. But this
group of people have the right to claim these titles for themselves. They come by
this title by birth right, not because they felt like it one
day. This
group of individuals is a vanishingly small segment of the population.
individuals used to keep this sort of thing very, Very, VERY secret. The
kind of secret that Edward Snowden or the NSA or Snowden and the NSA might be looking to dug up. And yet
some point this vanishingly small, Highly secretive segment of the
has found themselves as clients of some Crazy, Stupid Good, no strike
that, Amazing,
Preeminent, Illustrious, Prominent, without Peer and every other
you can think of the likes of which would have Gloria Allred herself quaking and pissing her designer panties, in front of a judge, Publicist Group who can seemingly be everywhere at all
day and night. Advocating for them at every turn, in every venue, on
TV panel show, YouTube video and channel, every Ticktock, social blah
blah, on every Congressional panel and in front of every judge in the
land, whether they want [Watch starting at the 3:35 minute mark. This woman should be on America's got Talent for her Masterful display of Tap Dancing around a very Very VERY simple Yes or No question.] it or not. [Here she is again exhibiting the very same level of tap dancing talent]
As an aside I have always, for whatever damn stupid reason, thought that if you are called before a Senate sub-commodity hearing you were some how under what I assumed was a "Double secret Oath" or something.
Al Sharpton could not keep up this many podium appearances. And he is or was the
master of popup podium appearances. For years it seemed that every time a young
black kid got so much as a speeding ticket, he was behind a podium somewhere
Crying that this was a racially motivated offense against all black people
everywhere in America, and how the 'Systemic' racial profiling was heinous and
those who committed this heinous and atrocious offense should be prosecuted to the
fullest extent of the Law. Meaning that they should be publicly excoriated,
eviscerated, eradicated and they and their family for three generations past, present and future should be deported to the Arctic labor camp where the Russian dissident Alexi Navalyn died (was killed). I hesitate to say
this, but not even Satan himself couldn't keep up this schedule]
digress as I am always apt to do [look for essay creep in all of my essays]... But it seems that this vanishingly
small, double over extra super, Top Secret, burn your eyes after reading, military grade, encrypted, secret agent level shit, segment of the population has been dragged, probably kicking and
screaming, into the public spotlight by the Trans movement wave now
besetting us all. Especially the women. That is a shame. That in my opinion is a INCREDIBLE military, weapons grade, invasion of privacy. [This is the same Tap Dancing Queen of Double-Speak we see later being interviewed by Senator Cruz.] I, obviously cant speak for this segment of the population but if I were an 'Inter-sex' individual and I didn't want my secret told I would be Pissed no, I would be ab so-Fucking-utely, Fucking APOPLECTIC!
Somehow it seems to me that wheelchair
bound basketball players playing against 'leg enabled' players seems unfair. If it follows that in order to play in the Paralympics in any sport you have to demonstrate
that you are crippled, handicapped, handy-capable, disabled an amputee or whatever new
softer word to describe your condition might be being used by this generation. [ Again, word Creep or word migration as per George Carlin ] I strongly believe that if you want to compete on the
girl's / women's teams you need to demonstrate that you meet the minimum
criteria for that being on that team. Those criteria being a Pair of X chromosomes. [Tough to fake, cant surgically or chemically alter that shit] You should exhibit the
typical primary or secondary sex traits shared among girls and women. But as
demonstrated in this year’s summer, sham of an, olympics in the city of lights,
paris france, by the algerian boxer man a
Mr. Khelif managed to compete in a full contact combat sport against women meeting NONE of the criteria required to be on any woman's boxing team. He didn't meet the XX chromosomal conditions, He
didn't exhibit any primary or secondary sex traits that a woman, by definition, would exhibit. No ovaries, no uterus, no
vagina, no protuberant breasts. What Mr. Khelif did however exhibit was an F in
the appropriate box on his passport. But this was good enough for the ioc.

This has got to be the most condescending look of smug UN-Fucking-deserved victory that has ever been taken in the history of photography. Even back to those cave drawings found in france wouldn't you know it. It just Screams "That's ok sweety you'll do better next time. Just stay out of the ring with the big boys."
[Now I can see with the pressures to Win Gold a woman might, in the interest of shedding a few extra pounds have those primary sex traits, ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes and for that extra few grams have her head, arms, and pubic hair lasered off, ANYTHING not essential for the sport. I do find it interesting that the woman's sport uniforms such as they are are even more skimpy than the articles you might find at Victoria's Secret, but I digress yet again.]
[ Shit it seems that Mr. Khelif is really going places now. First algerian Vogue an Instagram page a Milan Fashion week appearance now a Wiki page! Tell me that this guy doesn't strut around like a First rate 'Thug Life Baller'. Fuck Heidi Klum didn't and doesn't get this kind of press.]
bet that the Russians, the East Germans and the Romanians, the Bulgarians, the This, the That, the Other Countries are all kicking themselves
right now. ALL that Time, All that money, All of that Biological Scientific study learning how to cheat, Cheating and worry
about getting caught, Again, All of that Chemical and Hormone work done on their athletes was all totally unnecessary all this time. They were all out cheated by the semi-third world country, algeria.
Just pencil whip the passport and easy peesy moldy cheesy "et voila" "Quod erat demonstrandum", Gold Medals for all and ‘Honor’ for your country on the world stage.
Until the truth is revealed as it usually is these days. There are cameras every where in every phone in everybody's pocket in everybody's hand even while crossing the street. There is an Edward Snowden under every rock, in every mud hole, strapped to the back of every cockroach, on the wings of every drone pigeon looking for their 15 minutes of fame. You can trust the Men In Black on this.
It is concerning to me that only 'boys' and
'men' are fighting to get accepted onto the girl’s and women's teams. Where are
the girls and women fighting to get on the boys’ teams.* I
use the terms boys and men very loosely here, because any right-minded boy or
man would not try to compete against girls or women. Truly the victory would and
should ring very hollow. Certainly, there are girls and women that can and would and
do destroy boy's or men in competitions but this is not the norm. And generally not in any contact or semi-contact or combat sport. There have been a couple of unfortunate women who fancied them selves as real brawlers. That almost never ends well for the woman. *I do recall reading about some outstanding girls who successfully fought
their way onto their high school sports teams. I say GOOD for them. I applaud Their effort bucking sex based stereotyping. But these girls weren't stupid enough sign up to be members of the defensive line. Theirs is the uphill fight, the fight to be Better than, not the lazy unethical way to seal women's scholarships, medals, titles, places on the team. Every time an imposter wins ethics, hard work, HOURS of dedication and training loose.
I don't claim to have the answer to this conundrum but thankfully there are people much smarter than I who do and are fighting for "Truth Justice and the American way".