Saturday, November 23, 2024

Society - Government - Senate hearings

    I have always, for whatever damn stupid reason, thought that if you are called before a Senate sub-commodity Hearing you were some how under what I assumed was a "Double Super Secret Oath" or something. Meaning that if you purger yourself there, and were found out, your prison term would somehow be double, triple or fourple the usual "So help me God" oath taking in regular court. Like speeding in a road construction zone. I guess I thought that because if you are called in front of a Senate Sub-committee and were lying you were burning a METRIC-SHIT-TON of Tax Payer money moment by moment with every syllable and every consonant and every utterance $10,000.00 every millisecond spent lying. And lest we forget, WE are those Tax Payers. I thought that the stakes were Much higher there. It seems that I was / am so So SO very wrong. This woman tap-dances for such a protracted length of time that I cant even imagine how much money was Burned. She could certainly teach Gegory Hines a lesson. Everybody in that room is being paid with Tax Dollars. All the Senators, their aids, the staffers, the everybody. She and everybody that stonewalls a Senate hearing, a Congressional hearing, any of those hearings should be made to pay for the time wasted. Senator Josh Hawley is famous for discovering this sort of shit. This is truly your Tax Dollars at 'work'. The head of Homeland security a mr. Mayorkas is an amazing example of this extreme time wasting stonewalling strategy. How many HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of our tax dollars has he, him personally, just in the Senate hearings alone BURNED? And that is just him in a singular senate hearing. How much waste is there when he is not evading [not answering] Senator Hawley's questions? How much is he paid to Not secure the boarder or to Not deal with illegal immigrant criminals. I love watching these Senate hearing lead by Senator Cruz and Kennedy and Hawley. Its like watching a plane crash or a train wreck or a plane loaded with yellow cake uranium crashing into a train hauling unprotected plutonium. People are dying, people are burning, its Terrible, its Horrific, its Ghastly, its Horrendous but is business as usual on 'The Hill' I have come to understand. How is it possible that there are abso-fucking-lutley no ramifications for is lying under oath in front of a Senator, several of them. He is proven guilty beyond all reasonable doubt over and over and yet he walks free. If you or I ever even attempted such bullshit in Traffic court for something as pedestrian as J-walking we would absolutely do some jail time and not a simple 30 or 60 or 90 days. Contempt of court I think is what the charge would be. And you can bet your bottom Tax Dollar you would get a SOUND Screaming dressing down by the Judge. mr. mayorkas, Nothing. He shows up Tap Dances for an hour or so then back to work burning Tax Dollars at the Head of the office of Home Land Security. But given his total lack of ability to answer reasonable questions about his work under oath it makes me wonder what his duties truly are, other than his demonstrated lying and tax money burning skills.

    This sort of thing would likely wind up on  your 'Permanent Record'. Like that matters anymore. I don't understand how this mr. mayorkas ever expects to hold any type of government job or public sector job beyond dishwasher and even then...

    Everybody bitches about the cost of the US Military. The Military budget can nothing compared to the Tax Dollar Super-Massive-Black Hole sucking process that is the Senate and Congress and every single meeting and gathering and conclave and confab and convention and conference and and and... Nothing. Every member of the all the Armed Forces could get a Huge salary bump if they just fired this weaselly little dip-shit. We as a nation wouldn't loose anything at all. He does nothing discernible that I can tell, of course other than his demonstrated ability to lie under oath. I imagine that he burns more money than ever branch of every Armed Forces under the Military umbrella, even the Black Ops stuff by himself.

    I hope that Mr. Elon Musk can change this abhorrent behavior. Seeing as he is now heading up some sort of committee regarding Government Efficiency. That is an oxymoron if ever there was one. We shall see if Mr. Musk can 'engineer' his way through the 300 year old swamp that is 'The Hill' I hope it but I doubt it. Maybe he can strap the whole shootin' match to one of his heavy lifting rockets and send that to Mars. As a test flight you see. And maybe this is one rocket launch that I can hope will explode 73 seconds after launch.

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