Thursday, July 18, 2024

Here I am again

     Hi there and hello.


    So here I am again. I have several ideas that I need/want to flesh out completely.

    Some of these ideas are regarding the impending total collapse of society. Society, not just the American society but the global society. There are so many wolves clawing and howling at the doors. I guess I will try to list them here not just for anybody who stumbles upon this raggedy old mans thought cave.

        "Trans" as it has come to be understood to me is a mental delusion, dis-order, dis-morphia. Just a Anorexia is an eating disorder where in the anorexic individual's mental self image is not in line with individual's true image or shape. The anorexic's imagined or perceived weight is grossly high relative to their true weight. This idea is the same for the trans individual. The trans individuals bodily image is not in line with their bodily genetic, genital confirmation.

        I know that this page will need to be edited down, a lot. At the time (start time 5:15 am) of this writing iteration I don't really have the ideas all laid out in any discernible outline format or even the totality of the thoughts I need to clarify for my own self.

         (1)    The trans issue and all that this implies. The issue is much like a hydra.

            (A)    The notion of trans persons crossing into women's spaces.

                (a)    Women's locker and changing rooms at work out gyms.

                (b)    Women's sporting events.

        (2)    Trans persons in the military.

                (A)    Trans persons vs heteronormitive individuals with relation to PTSD and post service treatment.  

        (3)    Trans in elementary schools.

            (A)    "We're here We're Queer and We're here for your kids" 

                (1)    Drag queen story hour.

                (2)    Discussion of sexual ideas in elementary school classes. "What do you want to be when you grow up Johnny?" has suddenly gone from occupational, vocational question to a completely open ended question. A question that is left completely open to absolutely everything. If Johnny wants to identify as a dust mote or a cat everybody is suddenly compelled to accept Johnny's delusional assertion. This has been carried to ridiculous extremes in some grade schools. Some schools are actually putting  Litter boxes  in the school bathrooms for those children identifying as animals of one sort or another.



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