I don't want this to start sounding like I am anti sex… I am not.
So I am thinking about the sex addiction thing and how it is becoming a more serious problem. People are losing their jobs their health and their lives over this. I suppose in that regard it's like any other addiction really. But it seems, and I have to agree, that sex addiction is a somewhat more intimate thing to discuss. Celebrities pop into and out of re-habs like fashionable restaurants anymore. And having been to drug or alcohol rehab is sort of a badge of honor. Sex addiction usually has the addict remarkably more ashamed than drug or alcohol addiction. In general most people with offer you a drink at a party at a bar and depending on the company you keep a line or a pill chaser. But in most cases they don't offer you the use of their wives or sisters for the evening.
So, but I was thinking about how there is this huge duality in America regarding sex. America's culture has historically been steeped in Puritanical belief structures. The "Proper" people would appear to be righteous and sexless. I can't even begin to innumerate the Senators and Congressmen and Spiritual leaders that have been destroyed because of sex scandals. So somehow sex is not good for power or authority or politics. But it would seem that somehow power and authority and politics is good for sex. Goofy looking guys in positions of power are getting it regularly, freely and I might add with women Way out of their league because of their position of power and authority. So, on the face of it, in America we are supposed to be moral and good which equates to chaste and pure. No politician is ever going to be elected with a known history of going to strip bars, watching porn or consorting with prostitutes. Heavens to Murgatroid that would be unseemly in the extreme. We cannot have our leaders having sex. That would be the same thing as thinking our parents were having sex. It seems that a sex life somehow infers that you are of low moral character and we certainly don't want that. There is the Stud vs. Gentleman, the Virtuous "Good" girl vs. Slut high school stuff. Much of that high school stuff is changing though anymore and speaking as a parent I am OH SO glad I got out of that alive.
So there is that. We as a nation are all the worst kind of twisted up about our sexuality. Only "freaks" are free to have a great sex life. But somehow Pornography as an industry is BOOMING! Somebody out there must be "getting' it". But only "freaks" are free to admit it. But Madison Ave is moving to change that. Madison Avenue has us in the palms of their hairy little hands. They sell us sex all day every day, especially in recent years. Pharmaceuticals have heralded the new wave of sexual revolutions several times. First was "The Pill". Sex without (much) worry, then came the "little blue Pill"s Viagra and Cialis. Sex on demand all night long but watch out for the dreaded four hour long erection. And now there's… Smilin' Bob and his Enzite, swinging the Long wood and the Extenze NASCAR and Indycar Racing team, and all those other sex enhancement products you see at the 7-11 counter. I suppose it only fair that "that certain part of the male anatomy" should fall prey to the same enhance-it fetish as breasts, bigger is better; If not surgically then chemically or mechanically. And more recently KY Jelly is getting into the game with their KY Intense 'personal lubricant'… supposed to enhance her pleasure. Make no mistake… I am ALL for her pleasure. Trojan is now marketing a little tiny finger tip vibrator sex toy now; oh no wait, it's a 'personal massager'. A couple years ago "Sex and the City's Kim Cattrall/Samantha Jones and Opra popularized the Jack Rabbit Vibrator. That had to be one of the most amazing sex toy marketing strategies EVER in the history of EVER. I wonder who the marketing genius was who masterminded that. He probably bought a country and moved there. There is a TV show on cable, late nights of course, "Shop Erotic". Hours of Home Shopping network style sex-toy sales. Two women extolling the benefits and the joys of the toys they are representing that night. Those are just some of the obvious/blatant sex things being thrust at us today. Sex is used in nearly every successful major advertising campaign. It doesn't matter what is being sold. Oh wait Political correctness has had its way with the "Snap On Calendar" No more sexy bikini models holding torque wrenches or impact drivers, but beer, cars and game shows sit-coms… sex is everywhere. Our favorite TV comedies ooze sex. The plots have the principals trying to get laid, desperately or regularly depending on the show and the character. Those who are getting laid make fun of those who are not. Nobody doesn't want to be getting laid. You are branded a looser if you are not getting laid. And those who are not be getting laid by choice claim a higher moral character and standard of principal. And I have two words for you INTERNET PORN. At no time in history has sex/porn been so free and easy to get in the comfort of your own home… own home… crap??? your own lap… top that is. And the ultimate in convenience… your front pocket in your cell phone. Where ever you go there it is. You can be in the middle of the central valley of California miles from any visible signs of civilization and you can get porn. Trust me I know. The sex addict is very far from a fix.
Update. I couldn't sleep the other night. I went to stop my brain by watching some TV. The first two bits of programming I saw were the Extenze race team and the KY Intense woman gushing geyser commercials… Just saying