What follows is mostly just a tirade written in a fit of rage and should be skipped... but I mean every word of it.
… these are my thoughts regarding the 9-11 legacy that we have inherited...
Why is it that suddenly the entire world is bowing and scraping to keep the muslim (purposely NOT capitalized here or ever) population happy? No one cares what a Buddhist considers sacrilege or offensive or a Jew, a Hindu, a Christian or a Catholic. In 1987 Andres Seranno showed a piece of "art" which won an award in the Southeastern Center for contemporary Art's. A center sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts. The piece was called the "Piss Christ" Can you guess why? His work was a Crucifix suspended in an aquarium and filled with the "artist's" own urine. Can you imagine the Total World Wide Storm of Absolute islamic insanity that would befall us all, and by all I mean the entire planet, if someone entered a piece of "art" in a nationally sponsored gallery /competition and won an award with a piece of 'art' titled the "Piss Koran"? A stack or Korans or a bowl Koran ashes in an aquarium filled with Pigs Urine. Ho…lleeee…smokes that would be World War Three. Surely you all recall the Storm of islamic violence that gripped the world when a Danish newspaper had the nerve, the unmitigated GALL, to exercise their right to a free press and freedom of expression and printed a satiric political cartoon depicting mohamad with a bomb in his turban. Can you imagine the total melt down the world would experience if "Piss Koran" were to be shown or even discussed publicly? This makes me wonder just how far this little blog effort of mine goes. I guess I will find out if my house burns down with me in it some time soon.
Now some goofy priest/pastor, in some small town 20 miles east of nowhere Florida, is staging a protest Koran Burning to commemorate the events of 9-11. It seems that the whole world is telling this Pastor to cool it or you will upset the muslims. Even the General in command of the American fighting forces in Afghanistan is asking him to not have this protest because it will likely put his soldiers at higher risk. I don't recall any thing like this from World War Two… oh oh don't make fun of the Germans they might invade yet another country… oh oh don't anger the Japanese they might bomb something… again. I don't recall this happening during the Vietnam War.
Quite frankly I believe if the entire muslim population staged a bible burning, American flag burning, George Bush effigy burning (because we all KNOW they aren't going to burn an Obama effigy) no Christian, Catholic, Buddhist, Hindu, Jew or Civilized person would have a psychedelic freak out. I don't recall there being any huge world wide out cry condemning the muslim population when muslims killed, then dragged the bloody, charred, beheaded corpses behind horses through the streets of falluja. Then hung the corpses from a bridge and the entire muslim population spilled out into the streets and celebrated, just as they did on September 11th. Can you imagine what would happen if this had occurred in America. I can't even begin to imagine the WORLD Wide outrage that would directed at the US. Every American citizen would be unwelcome anywhere, including I imagine Antarctica. Embassies would be closed. Multinationa corporations would sell off stock and, and, and. But the muslims, iraq, iran syeria, saudi arabia, egypt… nothing, not a word, just reporters delivering the news and the Civilized world watched on and the muslims partied on. A group of muslims could stage a bible burning, heck they could burn down a printing plant where they produced bibles and they could fill that plant with people, children, school girls reading those bibles while the building burned to the ground and nothing of any import would happen any where in the civilized world absolutely NOTHING would change. The Civilized world would just wring our hands and wonder what have we done now to upset them so? Because we all know this is entirely our fault some how. We must open our arms to the muslim and embrace there differences and make them feel welcome in the world just like we did with the… oh wait there has never been this much political correctness and tolerance bestowed on any group at any time in the whole world, ever, in the history of ever.
If a political cartoon is all it takes to so sufficiently inflame the muslim population as to incur their wrath and have them throwing riots and burn buildings and people and generally creating and threatening chaos across the globe then this population needs to be dealt with differently. Simply trying to not anger them is NOT working, simply breathing enrages them. muslims will get more and more sensitive and they will demand more and more consideration for their beliefs which their imams will twist tighter and tighter until we must all be muslims or be killed. This is not some parinoid dilusion of mine and mine alone, this is happening in Countries across Europe; Denmark, Switzerland, France, and Britain. And even if we all did manage to observe muslim culture; eat their food, pray at the appropriate times, on officially approved rugs, using the correct words, facing in the correct direction, dress in the appropriately all covering costumes,wearing correct turbans we will never be able to keep up with the increasingly militant adherence to their culture and only the most extreme muslims will be considered good muslims. ayatollah nasser makkarem shirazi issued a fatwa that was later passed into law banning any advertisements about pets or alluding to the buying, selling or keeping of pets. He was angered by muslims blindly imitating the west by keeping pet dogs. mohamar khadafy called for a jihad against Switzerland because they voted for ban on buildings with minarets. Switzerland has its own distinct culture as does Britain and France and Denmark and they have every right to conserve and protect that culture through what ever means necessary with in their borders. I understand that China is actually considering rewriting its 5000 year old calendar to exclude the years of the Pig. Pretty soon the word Pig will be replaced with the phrase "The P word" much like "The N word" replaced Nigger. In London Piggy Banks, and pig decorations on office workers desks and calendars have been banned for fear of offending muslims. Dearborn Michagan put halal food in its school cafeterias at the insistence of the local muslim population. A kid was arrested and charged with a HATE CRIME because he put a piece of ham on a table where some muslim students were sitting. In Illinois there is a school district considering calling off Christmas holiday celebrations for fear of offending the muslim locals. You think I am being funny? Where does this end? Placating the muslim population capitulating to their demands will gain nothing and is certain to only make things worse. Jews, who have similar feelings about pig and pork products have NEVER EVER being afforded this sort of deferential treatment… ever!!!
There is a war against Christianity in America but there is a guilt induced party being thrown for muslims. 9-11 was our fault so lets at the very first opportunity elect a muslim president. And he has installed two devout Muslims at the head of Homeland security. We can't say "Merry Christmas" any more but let's build a SUPER mosque at Ground zero. Every one knows that the entire world's woes are the fault of every white American person living today. Every white American person should be held accountable for ever evil thing that has ever happened and reparations must be paid.
It's my opinion in this moment of heat and anger that we should have this koran burring and any muslim that lifts his head up off of his prayer rug in protest should be shot and America should have them selves a great big party something akin to the 4th of July with fireworks and Bands and effigy burning and mosque defacing, flag burning, turban burning, lots of political cartoons with mohammad buried up to his nose in pig shit and PIGS, lots of pigs, pigs on parade down every street in America led by naked strippers eating BLT Sandwiches… but we wont because we are the civilized ones here. but I can dream cant I? Oh no the political correctness police will come and take me away to some far away rendition farm in iraq ala 1984 and then maybe I will be at peace.
Wow I really just want off this dirt ball planet.