Friday, March 5, 2010

Receism 3-4


n. Offensive Slang

1. A. Used as a disparaging term for a Black person: "You can only be destroyed by believing that you really are what the white world calls a nigger" (James Baldwin).

B. Used as a disparaging term for a member of any dark-skinned people.

2. Used as a disparaging term for a member of any socially, economically, or politically deprived group of people.

I really think this definition needs an update. Racism has morphed in to whatever the black person throwing it wants it to mean. If someone, it doesn't matter who or for what real reason, somehow slights a black person that none black person gets labeled a racist. Somehow that just smacks or racism in and of its self. It's as if black people believe that it is fundamentally impossible for every none-black person to not be racist.

brace your self this is ugly

I read somewhere a poll where the pollster was asking about the flamboyance of recently more common black names. Shniqua, Lafanda, Laquisha. You know them when you hear them. I don’t recall exactly what the pollster was asking now but it was associated with a blog and the question of the day was the new cultural “Black names”. Ultimately I don’t care one way or another. If I had a company I don’t think I would necessarily object to hiring a person named Lavon or Shniqua. My issue is with Black culture… and I call it Black culture not African American culture. Most of the Black people in America have never been off continent let alone to Africa. Interestingly enough I have. To claim heritage, say African heritage, you should know something about where it is that you are claiming heritage from.

That is to say you should know something about the region or in the case of African heritage possibly the tribe you claim to be from. If you are going to Glorify it so and “keep” those traditions alive and wear the dress of “your people” and name your kids in Culturally relevant names it seems that you should have done some background checking so that you could know where you are from before you start insisting that you are African American. White people as a group don’t call themselves British, Scottish, German, or Irish Americans. By and large we are a mixed lot with no specific heritage beyond European. I think its crap to call your selves African American unless you are fresh off the boat/plane and that by definition means you hold citizen ship from that country first. You are carrying a green card or are in the process of changing to American citizenship. Are you a Citizen of this Country… The USA? If yes than you are an AMERICAN, simple as that. On 911 did you step back and say this is not my fight I am not an American I am African American. I imagine you stepped right up and were angry that you had been sucker punched by Osama. That’s because you are American, not African American. Seems to me that you can’t have it both ways… oh but I suppose being that this is America, like Burger King, you CAN have it your way. I think that is crap.

And another thing about the NEW “African American” handle. How long is that going to last? When are you going to get tired of being called African Americans and change it up to something else? It started as Nigger moved to Negro then, we moved to Colored then Black now African American now it seems we are going back to nigger… Oh wait that’s nigga’ can’t be bothered with finishing the word or maybe its because if it’s not nigger it’s ok like shoot is ok for shit. I am sure there has been a couple more in there that I missed. I did almost forget colored somewhere in there. In all that time how many other people have changed their collective Titles? White people are still White. Mexicans are Mexicans as are Cubans and Porto Ricans… No other group makes as much noise about what they will be called. In 5 years I am sure that we will be calling Black people something else collectively at their insistence and woe be unto whitey who doesn’t keep up. I wonder how that crap gets started any way. Who the heck starts that sort of thing anyway? Some Liberal thinking college professor in Berkley??? Probably a white professor at that feeling all guilty about slavery and all.

Country names in Africa change with the seasons, or who is the most ruthless dictator\General to come into a bigger box of guns than his neighbor. Before I start sounding all “racist” and everything lets define racism shall we. The classic definition is

1 : A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority or inferiority of a particular race.

I don’t think that really works any more. I do NOT believe that because a person is Black that they are inferior or superior to any other race at anything intellectual physical or otherwise. I will describe myself as a cultural-ist though. I firmly believe that the Black culture has slid down a long ugly slope of degradation. Dr. Martin Luther King did NOT lose his life so that little black kids could walk into McDonalds and intimidate the workers and patrons there by cursing and swearing at every one. He did not die so that Rappers could say Fuck on the radio. He did not lose his live so that black people could call each other niggers. He had a dream. In the nick of case Black people have forgotten he had a dream. His dream was that every man and woman would have EQUAL rights… And he surely did not die so black people could bring freely use nigger. His dream was that All persons of ALL races would be judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin. Black people in general (at least most of those that I have seen lately) seem to have forgotten this simple truth. It’s ok for one black guy to walk up and say “Heyyy M-nigga wassup.” I find it interesting that in much of Black-speak Nigger is one of the few words that gets pronounced most nearly correctly… nigga. Simple words like “ask” are seemingly too tough to get their lips around. Black culture has purposefully set its self apart from the rest of society. If a white person calls a black person a nigga… no matter how cool they phrase it or how deeply correct they speak Black-speak that white person will wind up “living” in several different zip codes and mostly in dumpsters by day break, or at the very least die from high velocity lead poisoning. Black culture seems to be more racist than any other culture. Black people are not “inferior” by race/DNA they are “inferior” by acculturation. I say “inferior” because it seems that the Black culture is purposefully becoming more violent and… well… less smart for lack of a better way to say it. I don’t believe that the Chinese and Japanese kids in school are inherently smarter… their culture (parents) pushes them to be smarter. A Chinese kid is likely to get his ass whipped for not coming home with an A+; where as a black kid is likely to get his ass kicked by his “friends” for getting even remotely decent grades… I have heard taunts like “… what …U tryin’ to be like whitey now Bitch?” Being white is the worst thing possible in black culture.

There is also this issue. Black people are so bitchy and angry at whitey because they were brought here against their will. It seems to me that they might be grateful now. Not for the slavery aspects of their trip here but there are Thousands in Africa that would happily sell themselves into slavery to get to America these days just to get away from all the tribal warfare and genocide going on in the “Mother Country” that they are Oh so very proud of. There are more people sneaking into this country than any other anywhere else on the planet. Today’s Black people are in America and didn’t have to deal with the bureaucratic nightmare that it is to become a citizen or get a green card that any other nationality works so hard to get. They have citizenship and they bitch about it, they want to be paid for it. They want reparations for slavery more than TWO centuries ago!!! My taxes would have to pay for that and I did NOT benefit in the least from any amount of slavery. They have not picked one tuft of cotton and most likely haven't even seen a real living cotton plant. I think that idea of paying reparations is CRAP in the extreme. My personal feeling is this If Black people want reparations they should accept the money as a one-way ticket to Africa and move there. Then they can shut up about how fucked up it is that they were removed from their Homeland so long ago while some General is slaughtering their family and raping their sister or daughter infecting them all with AIDS. I would pay taxes for that sort of reparations payment… Happily. Leave the upstanding hard working Black men and women here to contribute positively to the American culture.

I do NOT say that American slavery was anything less that horrendous. Let’s face it slavery by definition is horrendous. But let’s not forget, as so many of Black people seem to have; Black people are NOT the only people on the planet to be enslaved. Slavery exists to this very day. And White people are equally the victims of today’s slave trade. No one talks about today’s slavery though. That is not the sort of thing that happens in a “modern world”. In history Christians (white people) were slaves and Lion food. Somehow Black people have gotten it into their heads that they are the only people (race) ever in the history of ever to have had the yoke of slavery dropped on their neck. They certainly make the more noise about it and use it to gin up ever more guilt to justify their attitude. “My people suffered so badly during slave days… Whitey owes ME.” Who the heck do you think really built the pyramids? Egyptians? Oh No Not Egyptians… Hebrew slaves, Thousands of them. Way more Hebrew slaves and their slavery lasted for hundreds of years longer than black slavery in America. Do you think that the Vietnamese didn’t suffer under Poll Pot and the Comarea Rouge regime? Those that got here to America don’t seem to be sitting around on their collective ass bitching and whining about how the US left their families there to die in 1974… they got their poop in a group and got into business. And before you go screaming about their tax breaks and all the whatnotery surrounding their businesses, let’s not forget about all the anti discrimination and affirmative action programs that have been enacted over the past, coming up on 5 Decades, to help black people get ahead. Did it help? Heck no. Black people are still just too busy being pissed off at “whitey” to do anything for themselves. They still want Whitey to do it for them. White democratic politics is more than happy to oblige. White Guilt, Political correctness. There is more guilt in this country for everything from slavery of 200 years ago (black guilt) to the new environmental stuff (green guilt) Americans are second only to Jewish people in the guilt stakes.

That to me is a Cultural thing. It’s also a Liberal Democrat thing… but that is a rant of a different color, for a different time.


I used to have such respect for the whole of Thomas Jefferson's thoughts and ideas as one of the brightest individuals ever was just crushed when I read this about his thinking regarding the Native American tribes of his time. I was heart broke to read it. It seems that his idea was to get them so deeply in debt to American business they would be forced to acculturate and settle down. It did, however, lay the ground work for what has happened to America today… Get the populace in debt and keep him that way. Then the corporations/Government will have total control of the populace. The Democrats would be so proud to see their work is so deeply rooted in America's history.

Hope and fear

There is a trend developing that I hope for and fear at the same time. It sort of started several years ago. Sitting here, the first person that I can recall that is involved with this is Jennifer Lopez. It's no secret that she has a magnificent posterior. And low and behold she is remarkably popular and in no small part for that posterior. Not shunned or marginalized for her shapely ass-ets. No doubt that you have heard the rap tune "I like big butts and I cannot lie". When I lived in a much majorer metropolitan area, magazine racks sported magazines featuring women with abundant posteriors. So by now you are seeing a thread developing here. I am a fan of the pulchritudinous posterior. And while the adjective pulchritudinous doesn't necessarily mean plentiful it sure sounds like it could. Words like bootyliscious are popular now referring to a shapely posterior. There is actually an authentic word for this… callipygous. Not quite the same though… doesn't just roll off the tongue and rappers would have a tough time rhyming with that. If I had my way Cosmo would be shut down tomorrow or be taught that if they want to help women be attractive to men they should be advancing the cause of the bounteous bottom. Interestingly enough the blog I mentioned before (I guess it's no secret that this blogger is a woman) had a similar post now that I think about it. The blogger in question was lamenting the fact that she herself apparently does not have a colossal keister. She had posted a picture of a woman with a remarkable behind. Not one of those Lawyer's Girlfriend's behinds. If women want to know what men want them to look then like they should STOP looking to Cosmo for advice. Cosmo is filled with designer stuff. Designers are mostly homosexual. Nothing wrong about that except that they are designing for their 12 year old boyfriends, not the stuff of heterosexual men's fantasies. If you want to know what heterosexual men want to see in a woman's physique look at a porn star. Good porn stars not skanky Crack addicted porn stars. Much as I hate to say this, look to a Rap Star's music videos. These are women with SHAPE! Lots of Shape! Jenifer Lopez has it. Kate Moss does NOT! In my mind Kate moss, Paris Hilton and Calista Flockheart and her skeletally prominent sisters are the poster children for what is wrong with American fashion and body image. Tyra Banks; tall, one time, Victoria Secret supermodel, has a remarkable figure, and doesn't seem ashamed of it. I think her figure made Victoria Secret what it is today. Tyra had an onstage breast palpation to dispel the myth that she has breast implants. Another tall woman Aisha Tyler laments the fact that she as no behind in a riotously music video titled "Nowassitall". Aisha is a Great comedienne. And the woman's behind for whom the word "Bootyliscious" was coined Beyonce Knowles. Kim Cardashian is in this list of shapely women in pop-culture. Some years ago there was a bit of a splash with the plus size model Emme Aronson. Just try to tell me that Queen Latifa, Cristina Schmidt, Kate Dillon or Chloe Marshal don't make your dick hard. I wonder that the term plus size might be re-written plush size. I prefer the term plush. I mean when you go to buy something that you want to be comfortable you pay extra for the plush. Who wants to lie naked with a scrawny woman? It feels like laying on or next to a bicycle frame not a woman.

This about sums up what this is about sort of… Jenifer Love Hewitt was paparazzi-ed in Hawaii while on a honeymoon vacation. This is a woman who has been in the maxim magazine top sexiest women for several years in a row. FHM magazine even longer. She was caught in what were considered not so very flattering pictures which exploded on the internet and the gossip magazines. She defiantly answered back in this statement but then not too very long after she showed up on 'Shape" magazine's cover reduced (18 lbs) back to a somewhat smaller more Cosmo-esque body shape. I am somewhat disappointed by that. I had hoped that she would, as she admonished young women to do, '…stand strong" against the Size Zero Nazi's out there. Tyra Banks had a similar incident so has Kim Cardashian. I don't advocate that a woman should be overweight, health issues and all, but public opinion should not dictate to a person their shape. I understand that everybody wants to look attractive but by who's standards. And standards change. I hope the apparent current trend of the re-fleshing of American (women at large) is going to continue. There was a hint of that in some Milan fashion show where the judges or some other governing body indicated that the models had to meet some height to weight ratio minimum. This caused quite a stir. Some of these models make Kate Moss look like positively normal. She is NOT normal! Most of these runway models look like they "summered in Auschwitz" while the Nazi's still were still running the place.

I hope that fashion finally pulls its head up out of its ass and realizes what women are supposed to look like… curvaceous and swervaceous. I hope women pickup on this too. I hope it but I fear it at the same time. About the last thing I need is a nation of women running around being all shapely and gorgeous. The only butt I am really interested in, though, is my sweety's butt. oooOOOooo… now she has a Butt, Bountiful and Delicious. I just love her butt and no buts about it!

I didn't mean for this to turn in to such a long winded pontificating treatise about women's shape. But I am apt to pontificate. And as I recently found out I come by that trait naturally. My mother informed me that my father did the same thing.

Oh I almost forgot… what brought this all on was a commercial that I just saw… Reebok is apparently making shoes that will help with your butt and thighs. Yippy!!!

…guess we all know where I stand on the subject of behinds now…

Double standards

Why is it that if a grown woman is living with her parents or mother somehow she isn't looked upon as a looser? But if a guy is living with his parents; that is about the kiss of death.

nights are the worst

Last night I was lying in bed angry and sad and desolate. I started praying and about a moment into that I thought "What is the point of this?" I have blown my last chance with my Sweety and there is no longer any point at all in prayer. Jesus gave me that last chance and I pissed it way. Don't bother Jesus isn't listening anymore. It's the worst thing in the world to lie next to your love and crave their touch but at the same instance feel that if they touched you, you would brush them away for in spite. There is no more helpless place, for me any way, to be praying for a thing, and in the same moment, resenting that very thing.

more on unemployment part deaux

Unemployment really screws with your sense of belonging and worth. If you have no real job to be at and no rhythm in your days a powerful feeling of inertia can set in. I am busy doing things for people that I think i would normal be paid for but as I said unemployment messes with your sense of worth so I don't ask for pay. I feel that some how if I ask for pay then I am not a goof person or that they will not have me around to do these things.
It doesn't take much to push that feeling over the top and have you sitting and trolling the internet for stuff or watching TV or any thing nonproductive. For me its the cold. The cold sets me to doing nothing. I must have frost nipped my hands last year while being macho and riding the motorcycle in the 26 degree weather. My hands start aching so bad at the least drop of the thermostat. And I am being cheap on electricity because I am BROKE and not using the heater. The house stays at about 54 degrees unassisted. It doesn't matter that I am wearing three shirts and a jacket two long under-wares and sweatpants, I am still cold.
I just dread going outside.
This is what agoraphobics must feel like.

Monday, March 1, 2010

interesting learning experience

I had an opportunity to observe and 'learn' something about breasts this weekend.

It must be a very strange thing for a woman to have a body part, specifically her breasts, go from a principally recreational and ornamental state to a principally utility state.
After a woman gives birth to her baby and decides to breast feed her breasts somehow transform from a sexy private body part to a public concern body part. It seems that a woman's breasts become sort of a 'public domain, topic of conversation'. Every one is suddenly entitled to comment on issues surrounding breast feeding and her breasts in general. Not just specifically related breast feeding questions but general observational questions and commentary about her breasts as well. There is no way, I don't think, that most women would allow their breasts to be openly discussed in mixed company with out they were at an orgy or some other such gathering. Issues of nipple soreness, and nipple size, nipple color, breast tenderness, breast firmness, breast weight and size and milk quantities, how many ounces at a time... left and right... the list goes on.

And now the utility aspect of breast feeding. There is the whole discussion about how much water you have to drink in order to keep up adequate milk production, what foods and or supplements aid in milk production. "I have to pump X number of ounces every Y number of hours so I can have enough for her to feed at the last feeding because I don't produce enough at once for her to be satisfied and sleep the night through." The whole talk really begins to sound rather clinical and dairy related. It takes all the intimacy out of the mother baby relationship. I can see how a woman could begin to feel very much like some kind of milk dispensing machine. Suddenly her baby and her life, at some level, revolve around her breasts and her baby and the milk production for the baby, the time of day and the quantities of milk that she can produce, what she can or can not eat which will affect the milk taste the weirdness of being in the shower and having her milk spontaneously let down or worse yet hearing some other baby cry and spontaneously letting down in public. Having to ware nipple pads to keep her clothing dry... suddenly her breasts are no longer very sexy or intimate or private. They are just inconvenient baby food production units hanging heavily on her chest.

There are laws in some locals regarding breast feeding babies. In some places its is considered publicly ok and others it is not. As for me, I think a woman should be a bit modest about the process. I don't think it is fitting and appropriate to just whip out a boob and feed your baby right there standing on a street corner or on the bus. As much as I am in favor of publicly naked breasts I think that it is still not appropriate to be fully exposed in a fully public place, breast feeding a baby. I guess in my mind it is a private and intimate thing. That is not to say that I think it should be illegal. I just think that a modicum of decorum should be observed is all. Use a blanket to cover up the proceedings. There is the possibility of causing an "Attractive Nuisances" condition. Some poor slob walking down the street might be caught unaware and find him self staring and step off the curb in the a fore mentioned staring unaware state in front of an oncoming bus. I can think of dozens of scenarios like that. Clearly I am conflicted about this. Americans are not yet ready to see naked breasts in public with out some level of shock and distraction. I am very in favor of changing that. It seems only fitting that if men can go around on a hot day with out a shirt women should be afforded the same consideration. Alas, I don't see that happening any time soon.

I can not imagine being involved in the the conversation like that regarding a man's dick. Clearly there is no correlation, but assuming there was for some reason that would be a weird conversation indeed... How big did it get? Did it get 12 or 14 inches long, did it get thick like a can of Fosters Beer? Does it hurt when she gives you head? Is she afraid to let you near her Whonanny with it? Can she get her hands around it... her mouth?

oh and one more thing... Breasts do seem to be getting more "main Stream" that is to say we are seeing much more of them. Watch the award shows and you will see plenty of dresses that expose plenty of breast. Any dress that requires tape to keep it legal is trying to hard. Some day soon, as one-ups-manship creeps along, there will come a day when Jenifer Lopez, or like, will show up with only a skirt and no blouse at all, or just the barest showing of fabric claiming to be a blouse. Stay tuned.