Why are Race relations strained to an all time high in America today?
I guess my only take away from this video is this, the black woman
accuses the white woman of calling her a "N!@@€R". And did speak THEE Offensive Word to the Police Officer. I do absolutely believe that
if the police officer had spoken THEE Offensive Word back to her even in an only quoting her for his note taking record manner the black woman would have had
that Police Officer put on trial, in a Kangaroo Court there in the parking lot, put in jail fired, publicly excoriated, paid for his wife's inevitable divorce, blm would have held a daylight candle
light vigil and the Right Reverend Al Sharpton himself would have flown
in on his private jet then a rented helicopter to that very parking lot with his personal podium
in tow with in minutes of the police officer's arrival, to decry the racial bigotry brought on by the systemic racism throughout America that was without cause perpetrated upon this poor lost lamb
of a woman who did nothing What-So-Ever to incur the unbridled Wrath of this Viscous and Hateful, white-Supremacist, Neo-Nazi, Fascist, white woman and the
verbal brutality of the Police Officer. blm would have
firebombed that Starbucks and the neighboring businesses and special attention paid the white
woman's house, but not before making certain that the entire family was securely locked inside. Those incidents would have been calked up as poor gas line maintenance. Both the officer and the white woman would have had their
faces splashed ALL over EVERY available media outlet with in the hour.
Because the white woman and the Police Officer had used THEE offensive Word that
shall not be spoken, by anyone other than a black person.
How is it possible that in black culture and in the black community N!@@€R can be and is freely thrown around like candy at Halloween, but WOE betide any poor fool outside the black community and culture that drops THEE N Bomb. Even FÜÇK is more acceptable than N!@@€R in any and every setting. Even President biden drops the F bomb on hot mics on the regular, or at least he used to. I think he has forgotten that word along with his own name. Whip out the "F" word and nobody bats an eye but drop THEE "N" Bomb and things take a decidedly dark turn (pun absolutely intended) and
I don't know how to just have a audio file in a hyperlink sort of thing which is why you get to see Mr. Chick McGee say "RIGHT NOW"
How is it possible
that black culture and the black community has fought for decades to Erase THEE "N" Word from the GLOBAL vocabulary but somehow this same said black
culture and community retain 'Ownership' of THEE "N" Word for their own use
and as a stylized shield against any one who dare utter it even under
their breath like it is some heinous action on par with the Holocaust? And they have breathed life back into it. Using freely in movies and especially in rap music.
This is a similar bit of video, and so is this, and this. The number of these videos is staggering. It is this sort of thing that makes it so very difficult to Not be a racist. I don't understand the entitlement that is on display in these videos. I do believe that the Proposition 47 has really moved the entitlement needle right past peak to a heightened new level especially in California. This is a better video by Amala Ekpunobi who takes the time to break this down really well as she usually does. She produces great content. I highly recommend her work.
I came across this video of Chris Rock a while back and thought that I will post it here as a small counter point to all of the not so black friendly Ñ‼@@€RÐLY videos. Here Mr. Chris Rock. explains it in a way that only a black man can. Because if a white man did this he and his family three generations both past and future would have the shit canceled out of them. Fired from work and Firebombed out of their homes.
It all but speaks for its self.
I have recently taken up a youtube viewing habit of watching movie reactions by content creators. Some are better than others but when EVER a movie scene issues the word N¡@@€R every content creator visibly blanches and has an absolutely visceral reaction. In the movie Full Metal Jacket Gunnery Sargent Hartman is giving his 'welcome speech' where in forms the recruits that there is no racial bigotry in his Beloved Corps. He does not look down on n¡@@€Rs, kikes, waps, or greezers. Everybody asshole clinches up so tight with the first of that list of non-bigotry that there must certainly little bitty shards diamond in their underwear. They all stop-down at the first utterance of n¡@@€R. But Kike, wap, and greezer slides right by like he was reading the grocery list of the day. Absolutely Nothing. Now perhaps they don't know what a kike or a wap or a greezer is I don't know. Maybe they blanched so hard and the n¡@@€R word that there was no time to regain composure. I don't know that either. But I do know that line could not be included in a movie today. Not even Quintin Terentino would have the nerve to try that. And he is the man who brought Mother Fucker back to cinema. Well he and Samuel L Jackson. Nobody delivers a "Mother Fucker" on screen like Mr. Samuel L Jackson. Nobody.