American History
American history as it is being taught in American schools is a total SHAM. It is a Guilt induction indoctrination passed down from the Marxist college professors. I say that because the University system has a hard-on for America and want to tare it down mind by mind by mind by mind. And they are doing that by selectively teaching the Crappiest parts of American history. I say Selectively because they sort of gloss over the Revolutionary War and certainly only give the War of 1812 a chapter or two. There is Very Very little taught about the involvement of the French in the Revolutionary and 1812 wars. While the Revolutionary war was a pivotal time in American History, the war of 1812 was more consequential. I don't recall to much about the Spanish American War nor any of the other wars that went on in America.
Heck so much is given over to how horrible white people were to the black population of slaves. And by definition if you were a black person in America during that time you were by definition a slave. There were No black business owners, no black farmers and no black land owners and sure as shit no black slave owners. But oh Contrare there were in fact very successful business owners, black farmers, land owners and slave owners.
The primary focus of American History as taught in high school is about how SHITTY America is. They teach that Every and Only White men owned slaves in Southern State of America leading up to and during the civil war. There is no balancing taught about how many Black men owned slaves. There was no balance taught about how few actual slaves there were. They do bang-on at GREAT length about how brutal and horrific slave owners were to their slaves. There is NO balance about how that the world has ALWAYS known slavery. The way they teach it they would have us ALL believe that the only people that were ever enslaved were black people. and they would have you believe that slavery only ever existed in the Southern States of America and they would have us ALL believe that the Civil war was ONLY about slavery. This is being taught through the lens of Marxist Victim hood. There only two states of being according to Marx. You are either an Oppressor or you are a Victim.There is No in between. Its a very binary view of the world. And it is the obligation of the victimized to throw off the Oppressor by any means necessary. And sort of by definition Marxist definition the victims only means available is through violent over throw. And again by definition again Marxist definition the violence was due penance or retribution for the oppressors oppressive ways. Sort of a Yoda-esque statement. "No. Try not. Do, or do not. There is No try." With Marx it was always very Binary. Which id sort of odd when you think about how everybody these days is throwing off the idea of "Binary". But are falling all over themselves embracing Marxist ideals. [Watch this video. It is some of the most illuminating 30 minutes you are ever going to experience.] Thank you so much "College Educators".
[Sidebar; I noticed in Dead-pool II that on the wall of the Xavier's School for Gifted students has a framed portrait of Carl Marx on the wall. I wonder what that was supposed to subliminally mean.]
Seen through this lens everything is oppressor and oppressed. And seen through a new set of lenses called Presentism Everybody back then should have known better and done better. Abraham Lincoln statues are being torn down because somehow some way he was a fuck up So too was George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Fuck ups the lot of them. And sure as shit tear down ALL that is southern culture. Robert E Lee, Gone. The Confederate Flag, Gone For Sure. This in response to the killing of George Floyd. Please note that I did NOT use the word murdered. I do not believe that he was murdered. He died as a result of a confluence of events. Every day it seems there comes new evidence refuting the evidence entered in the trial. But because the damage is done and the headlines published and blm satisfied that they got their rallying cry for an entire decade and that the blm organizers made millionaires the toothpaste can not be squeezed back into the tube nor the cat put back in the bag not the genie back into the lamp. So innocent white police officers that were betrayed by their own police chief will spend time in jail or prison. The WIKI page displays it as a murder because the entire world dropped down on the case against Derek Chauvin. The entire city of Minneapolis was on fire. Black people were burning everything and anything that could burn. And the mayor did NOTHING. He let it burn. And that was one of the pivotal moments in the blm movement. But I digress.
Similarly they do not teach about ALL OF THE OTHER SLAVERY going on in the world. Colonial America did NOT invent slavery! Colonial America does NOT hold the patent to nor the copyrights to slavery. But the way it is taught you would certainly think so. They teach how horrible it was to be a slave picking cotton in the brutal heat of the south until your fingers bled. No doubt a miserable condition. But did they ever teach about the conditions of being a Galley Slave in a They did and do NOT. For a galley slave picking cotton in the South Georgia sun would be an All inclusive Club Med Vacation in comparison. Being a galley slave was quite literally like rowing your way right through Satan's Ass-hole.
Oh and lets not forget the entire History of the Jewish people. They have almost not ever not been enslaved by somebody, some where at some time. The Bible is Replete with stories of Jewish slavery. 1948 Israel was created. I imagine that to this very day there still Jewish slaves.
They do Not teach that there was Vast Tribal warfare and subsequent slavery going on in Africa long before America or France or Britain or Spain or Portugal or Holland or, or, or got involved. The movie that Viola Davis is OH SO Very proud of. What that movie did NOT tell about was that tribal Warrior woman she brutally enslaved thousands of her tribal neighbors and was a Big part of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. That trade was ostensibly with America. Did the move mention that. OH Heavens NO. That would be 'off topic' and
counter to the WOKE narrative being PUSHED by All of hollywoke. She was able to abdicate this 'responsibility' by calling it entertainment and not a documentary. And I believe in that argument. And slavery was and is not to this day about race. It wasn't then isn't now and has NEVER been about race. Its about Power. If one group could over power another group they would make slaves of the weaker group. Central American tribes people have been involved in slavery for as long as the Meso-Americas have been civilized. The Mayans, the Aztecs, the Olmec, Nobody was exempt. And that doesn't account for South America and the Peruvians. They famously had coca leaves to chew on while going about their Fierce battles and slavery stuff. The Indians of America were also slavers. Tribe on tribe slavery was very prevalent. Us poor old American white guys are but bit players in the overall scope of slavery as an institution. But us poor old American white guys bare ALL the weight of that sin against humanity. I do hear that British history lessons is much the same. British history is taught that the Brits enslaved the entire population of India and everywhere that their empire would reach. But in the view of the rest of the world the poor old American white guy is the Absolute worst offender.
There is NO education given about the slavery going on in North Africa. The Barbary Coast. Those Pirates took and made slaves of everybody they could catch and concur. Principally White British, Spanish, Portuguese ANYbody sailing just about anything in the area. The Marine Corps Hymn talks specifically about "The Shores of Tripoli" That was the very heart of the Barbary Coast. The Epicenter of Piracy and slavers.
And they Certainly do NOT teach about modern day slavery. Slavery is a thing of the past. All white people in all of America had to be 'put down' to rid the world of the surge of the white mans propensity to enslave black people. But there are more slaves today at this very moment, in THIS as you read this moment [estimated 40 million] than were EVER enslaved in the whole of the 218 years of Colonial American slavery. EVER! [estimated TOTAL 10 million]And most of today's slaves are women. Sex slaves. Eastern European village women duped into thinking that they can make it in Turkey or some other Muslim nation as waitresses or other service industry positions. Positions yes, just not the ones that they were sold.
Ms. Crockett seems to have skipped much of world history in her quest to achieve her business degree. So I get BENT when people like Ms. Crockett Bangs-On and On and On, on the congressional floor Wasting Everybody's time [She does however like to criticize those who are NOT her who waste tax payer money] and MONEY about black Oppression in America. How only black people are and have ever been oppressed and sort of by definition in her argument by white people. [She herself does NOT seem to have been the victim of any oppression] Its Always White on Black Oppression. There is nothing else. No other race has ever been oppressed besides the black people. And she rails on and on about it and it not like the rest of the members in this meeting don't know this but it is incumbent upon her and her alone because she herself is a black woman to for 40 minutes remind everybody that they should hang our white people collective heads in shame for the actions of people 200 years ago. And that All white people should operate from a position of shame and guilt, Forever. But this assertion by Ms. Crockett feels like a not so thinly veiled black on white oppression. And that the magnitude of these sins mean that ALL white people will forever and in perpetuity be guilty and that we should never forget it and should the need arise she will be OH SO happy to re-re-re remind us of our inherited sin. A sin that can NEVER be washed form the collective hands of ALL white people everywhere. EVER!
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