Saturday, January 29, 2011

so yeah...

Its been a very long time since I have had any thing that I thought was worth saying/reading.
The happy times are few and far between.
Some months ago I got my head slapped back to reality regarding my porn issues.
I have been better about that. That is primarily why I have been off line. Other reasons are that recently my personal live has ebbed very low in relational happiness. My work life has been no source of inspiration. Every project that I find my self involved in turns out to be an unmitigated disaster. I fear being fired so deeply having been unemployed for so long.

I know this sounds like an "Oh woe is me" bit of detritus and it really is I suppose. I dont have any where else to say these things so 'here' it is.


Calliope said...

Keep your head up things will get better. Your fears are not unwarranted. Being able to talk about it, blog about it a good thing. Harboring those feeling secretly is damaging and only adds to the unhappiness. I am sure you are doing a better job at work then you think. When it comes to your relationship however if you are unhappy CHANGE IT!! That is something you can change.

Big Geek said...

thank you for your continuing suppoortive words of encouragement.

I understand about changing the relationship but... see most recent post.

Nothing changes if nothing changes. Change happens when the fear of chage out weighed by the pain of the situatiuon I have heard about most of those platitudes but currently I am so far down the dark rabbit hole of dispair... well