Sunday, October 24, 2010

Breasts... more

    I know I post loads about breasts but... well... I am fascinated by them.
So I wonder what it must be like to be in possession of a nice pare of breasts. As the cliche goes many women sporting a nice pair are seemingly irritated by them. These women seemingly always have to tell guys they're talking to to not stare at their breasts. What must that be like to go to a party where in your breasts are more popular than you are. Guys will treat you nice, buy you drinks and things to get a look/feel at/of your breasts.
Breasts are right out there, sort of un-hideable. They are the most public of private parts. Some Men will judge the desirableness of a woman based on size and shape of her breasts. In general that is a bad thing objectification and all. But when you don't know that she is smart and funny what else do you know about her other than what she looks like and well guys size up a woman by her secondary sex traits... breasts, hips, butt tertiary traits, hair, teeth leg length... the list goes on and becomes increasingly finely pointed.
In general average guys don't have this sort of thing working for/against for them. Guys who's lifestyle involves spending enough time in the gym to build their bodies to sport the big Guns are unusual well depending on where you live I suppose. Its tough to tell what's in their wallet just by looking. In general cocks are not so huge as to be remarkably visible unless they are built like a Palomino; again unusual. Perhaps evolution will eventually help that along. As a matter of fact it really already has. The ratio of body size to penis size homo-sapiens have the largest penis of all mammals, but I digress.

    Is it sort of cool to have great breasts because you are great by association? And if this is true the converse must also be true... how sad.
Another thing about breasts that sort of follows that line of thinking... they are sort of parasitic hangers on. In general they are used very infrequently for their intended purpose. In America typically 2.3 times at about 6 to 9 months at a time. But what I am getting at here is that you have relatively little control over them or their appearance, and yet they can affect not only your appearance but your standing in the community dramatically. You cant work them out to be bigger You cant hold them up out of your armpit when you lay down on your back. You cant do much to change them except for the "nuclear" surgical option.There are the pills, creams and vacuum bell-jars that promise to make them larger and/or firmer but the jury is way out on those options. The other option is to put them in a properly fitting brassiere, which by all accounts can be tough to find and frequently not very comfortable, especially for women blessed/cursed with larger than average breasts. The heart ache from ridicule when your breasts are substandardly sized can really wreck a woman's self confidence, confidence in general and her feeling of self worth and sexuality. For something that has so much control over a woman its a shame she has so little real control over them, aside from the myriad of braziers designed to enhance or minimize their appearance or the nuclear option surgery.

1 comment:

Drenchxoxo said...

Wow that's alot about boobs. I am admittedly busty and have never had issue with men looking at my boobs. Not to generalize (maybe a little) but men are easy. Pretty simple creatures for the most. Gotta love them though.

My self confidence has always come from inside, the people around me, the work ethic I live by.

But you're right, we have little control over the boobs. It's all the other stuff we can control that will make us better women. You men can help with that too (points to my eyes).