Friday, September 17, 2010

Wet to the knees

    I am sorry Major. I have told you every thing there is to tell.

    Just one more time please, in case something else comes to mind.

I was skinny-dipping in Jameson’s pond. The next thing I know I am on a table sort of… suspended in mid air. A water balloon thing is above me then it bursts. I am splashed with pure heat. All this fluid slashes over me but it all soaks in to me. It feels like it fills every cell of my body. The only way I can explain the feeling is that it was like being pregnant… pregnant with pleasure. That is the only way I can describe it. I recall having two earth shattering orgasms, and now I am here, where ever this is, and you tell me that you found me nursing two babies. I am/was Not Pregnant. These are NOT my kids. Oh wait a minute…


SlowBurn said...

Ha! I didn't expect that! Cool!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Love this! Very creative. Love the "pregnant with pleasure" line. Loved the ending, too.

~CP (still laughing)

The Panserbjørne said...

Abducted by aliens! This one positively cracked me up. Thanks for playing along this week.

-- PB

Naughty Lexi said...

I think there may be a reference I'm not getting, but I don't care. This is just rife with drama. Definitely a master-class in telling a story in as few words as possible. Exposition, character arc, tension... it's got it all.

Anonymous said...

I almost can picture this, X-Files style. Very original!!!