Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Before you all start screaming about me being a raciest look this up Operation Wetback. And hey I warned you about offensive stuff.
So how do we get Obama to read this?!? More to the point how do we get him to think that maybe just maybe this could be a good thing for the country. Oh wait that's not going to happen. Mexicans... Illegal Mexicans... are the fastest growing voting block in the nation. What "Politician" in his or her right mind would alienate those people... alienate... interesting word for this situation...

I have LOADS to say about this but not tonight... I suppose an update is forth coming. I hate reading things like this. All sorts of things come up not the least is my blood pressure. And so as not to be ambiguous about this... Illegal boarder crossing is illegal! If I have to worry about running an Amber light with photo ticketing Javiere should have to worry about his citizenship his true citizenship. Senators and Governors and Mayors all work on behalf of the illegal immigrant enacting laws that fly directly in the face of federal law and looking the other way when Federal laws are broken. Man I hope I have Governors and Senators and Mayors working on my behalf if I ever get crossways with a federal law. Not a chance of that.

Don't think I have no empathy for Mexican people at large. This is not a race issue... its a lot of issues. Mostly I think that Mexicans are great people. The Mexicans I know personally I hold in High regard personally, professionally and any other ...ly you might think of. It gets on my last nerve though when I read about Gangstas... cant even be bothered to say the word properly... go around shootinig up the schools and kids in them over turf wars... turf they DON'T OWN! I used to do drugs so I have contributed in some real sense to this problem.

I am starting to ramble with no real sense of order or direction to this post. I will have to write this up and post it another time.

I have found writing to be a very effective tool to organize my thoughts. It takes a while... So I will be working on this... maybe. Its a highly contentious and controversial issues which I am not likely to solve and in general no one is going to care even a little one way or another about my "well concidered " opinions on this so there is no reason to really but so as to clear it up in my own mind I will (might). That is in fact one of the reasons for the blog.

It took a while but I hammered out my thoughts on abortion this way some years ago.

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