I had an interesting encounter at the Costco the other day. I was wearing a "Civil War Generals" coat. At least that is what I call it. and I was wearing what I have come to understand is an Australian "Cowboy" style hat. This get up does get attention. I was stopped waiting for some traffic to clear and there was a young boy standing next to his father. He had the same look on his face that the kid in the movie Top Gun Maverick had at the dinner after Captain Mitchel has wrecked the Darkstar Hyper sonic jet. He said to his father "Dad its a Cowboy". I was flattered by that. It was fun. We exchanged smiles and went about our days.
There is much said about how men appreciate compliments. We don't get them that often. We are generally expected to suck up the terrors of the day and shrug off emotional experiences an annoyance. And carry on business as usual going on. Its a terrible thing. But it has worked for men for generations In memoriam. Suck it up get on the ship or plane and be ready to die for your country. Men are generally taught through societal pressures that we are only good if we are useful somehow at best and expendable at worst. That is just how things are. Now the mental health people are taking notice of the mentally ill among us. They are picking up on the idea that Trans people and women are at risk for mental health issues. Men are not included on this roster of at risk groups. There isn't even much lip service to the idea of men's mental health. When there is any talk about the men's loneliness epidemic most people laugh at best and say that it is what men deserve at worst. But when it really comes down to it Queer Nation takes front and center stage every time because they are well... off their nut.
There is a Mother's day and a little lip service to Father's day. Mothers day is oh so much more important. Not too many fathers get much more than a card that reads "This is a day, this is a card". Not so much hoopla made about "Call your Father" as is the Hoopla made about Call your mother" and if for what ever reason you find yourself on TV the first thing out of your mouth is "Hi Mom". Your father teaches you to ride a bicycle and it "Look Ma, No hands". I am on an email list that sends me an email telling me what the day is. It is called the "Brighter side of the news". There is ALL Manner of days dedicated to all manner of goofy stuff. Talk like a pirate day, Guacamole day. Of course the typical stuff Mothers day, International Woman's day, there is Pride Month. There are days for Ice cream, for tacos, you name it there is probably a day for it. Secretaries day Bosses day. Years ago they tried unsuccessfully to institute Men's day. Dalmatian day and peanut butter day won out. Even though peanut butter can kill you or at the very least make you break out in hives. Everybody has an allergy these days. There was a goofy study about gluten intolerance done. A group of random people were all assembled for some reason or another and served lunch. All of these individuals ate the lunch with no issue. Until it was announced that the bread or something had gluten in it. People immediately started getting violently ill and shitting themselves uncontrollably. There was NO gluten in the building, Nothing, Nada, zip. But because they believed it their bodies manifested the symptoms.
[UPDATE: These are some of the days that beat out Men's Day for prominence.
Today is National Homemade Soup Day. Enjoy a bowl of gazpacho and some good news today! https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzQZTCgLKBTplZvKqvZCHhqcQKdC
Today is National Sock Day. Grab a pair of mismatched or holiday socks and share some good news! https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#label/Brighter/FMfcgzQXKWjfhbRMXKPpGLJnGDVPcBjw
Today is National Happy Hour Day. Grab a beer with friends after work and share some good news. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#label/Brighter/FMfcgzQXKDdHQHpbkfmvtRQzZVnqhqCR
TODAY IS INTERNATIONAL CAPS LOCK DAY. Share some emphatically good news with others today! https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#label/Brighter/FMfcgzQXJkXsBTGvVPwcqlqqstnJFwQf
Today is National Fart Day. Enjoy a quiet release of tension and some good news today! https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzQZTChTLgNKNVmpRbdnMjPHJchP
You see what I mean.] But I digress.
Real men aren't allowed to have emotions. Women always cry about how they want their man to share their feelings. Don't do it. Its a trap. If you expose your weakness you are done for and ditched. We are expected my 'Law' to remain stoic at all times. I think that is how my father was able to be on the first boat to hit the beach at Inchon Korea and make it back from the Chosin Reservoir. return to Korea one more time then visited Vietnam three times and go onto be a very successful private citizen with no Outward manifestation of any sort of PTSD. None that I am aware of. As per the usual he never talked about anything like that. Just once. He was close to death, emphysema, and he had chosen to be cremated. He said to me that I would know that they gave to me HIS cremains by the inclusion of three titanium screws that were holding his knee together. Those screws are two inches long and at least 1/4 inch in diameter. I thought I was a bad ass because through a series of unfortunate/stupid event I manage to acquire nearly 20 inches of scar tissue. I was Shocked and amazed on sunny summer in Phoenix Arizona where he was living he was wearing shorts at the time and I saw what had to be an eighteen inch scar on his right knee. He told me about that incident. Seems that was one of his Purple Heart medals. He seemed to become a bit animated about some of his war stories and battle scars. There were many. He had a deep fold on his left cheek. I thought it a natural fold. Turns out it was a huge deep scar that was the result of a grenade fragment. He told me of a time he was in command of a group of tanks. He was at the back of a tank calling in directions to the tank gunners. It seems that the gunner misunderstood the direction of the order by 180 degrees. So when the gunner fired the cannon the mussel flash and concussive shock wave happened all of his exposed skin was second degree burned and all of the expose hair gone in smoke he was deafened for three weeks. He was shipped off to the offshore hospital ship for that. When he could hear again it was back to the front. He told me about training to use briefcase sized nuclear weapons. He figured that by the time he told me that that technology had been declassified. He was one of the only enlisted men to raise to the rank of Captain. He told me a story of how he was 'One Shot' away from being awarded the prestigious Lauchheimer Award. basically the best of the best of the best shooting award. It seems that the guys figured out that alcohol slowed down your heart rate. And heart rate is a key factor in high precision shooting/snipping. So after each round they would head to the parking lot and have a shot. In the final round when it was the handgun round he was standing with the sidearm at the ready. When the range master announced "Ready on the line" over the loud speaker he twitched of a shot that narrowly missed his ankle. If that shot had been just about anywhere on the target he had enough points to win. But with out that shot he missed it by that much.
Those are some of the humorous stories. The rest he kept bottled up very very tight and pushed that shit way, Way, WAY down. He might have pushed that shit right out of his own memory. You know how the memory can do things like that.
So anyway men are by and large considered expendable in society. If you serve no purpose in society there is no place for you in society. Of course there are those guys that can't keep that shit bottled up and it comes spilling out in the worst of ways. And the promise of the government to help the veterans is sadly, woefully, horribly insufficient to the task of helping many like Mr. Charles Whitman. The suicide rate among veterans is Astronomical. But that is the way it is and the way it has been and likely the way it will always be. Nobody will touch that, its too expensive. People whine and wale on about the military budget. But nobody gives a shit about the Abominable, Colossal waste it money that occurs on the floor of congress or in senate committee meetings, liars and obfuscations general lack of preparedness. I though I would like to see how the government works. It turns out that I don't. I found out. At first I was amazed sort of like seeing a plane crashing into a derailing train carrying nuclear waste, High explosives and nerve gas. You just cant take your eyes off of it. Then you see the same bad actors doing the same shit again and again and again. Under oath in front of a panel of Senators and they lie and dodge and put on tap dancing lessons that Fred Astaire would be amazed by. At first it was good youtube fodder but then you realize that lots of oxygen is wasted and NOT and Damn thing ever happens. But I digress.