Sunday, February 2, 2025

Woke Relations - Identity

    Woke relations: forcing your identity upon the public and pitching a fucking fit if that public has the unmitigated gall to reject your Self identifiedness. You strike out with words like intolerant, bigot and other unflattering terms. But what the woke community forgets in their rush to the fore front of society's attention and acceptance is that they are much less tolerant that those they would label intolerant of bigoted. There is NO place for alternative beliefs in their universe. A universe they are trying to bend to their will. And they have bullied their way into every nook and cranny of society. biden helped this along by bringing a trans person to the White House for some big gala or celebration of something or other. As I recall this trans person had her bits out on full display. A total disgrace. On the Whit House lawn. On TV. Being applauded for her bravery. I rather doubt that biden knew what was happening or why. Although he might have seen her tits and tried to move in for a sniff. Which is how I believe he coasted through the last 12 years in one office or another. President vice-president He really wont recall. Getting his memoir out of him will have to be a surgical thing. He doesn't recall what happened two weeks ago. Two Fucking Weeks. The Fucking President. OH Fuck two weeks... OOOOH  Fuck Two minutes ago on live on a debate stage. TV HOOO LEEE Shit!  Fuck I went looking for the two week goof and feel down a long deep dark rabbit hole of fuck ups and hot mic moments. Too deep dark and depressing to think about.

     In the Monty Python movie "The Meaning of Life" there is a scene where a woman is all stirruped up to deliver a baby. After the baby is rather unceremoniously delivered and cleaned up rather overly vigorously because after all this is medicine by the minute medical attention. The mother has the unmitigated gall to ask if her baby is a boy or a girl. The doctor says to her "Its rather early to be imposing rolls on it". And proceeds to prescribe a regimen of "Happy Pills" on his way out. Leaving her still all stirruped and alone.    

    Can the rest of society have opinions that disagree with yours? OH hell NO that is un-woke. But I saw a youtube video of the fuckwits of the TV show "the view"where in either Sunny Hostin or woopie goldfarb are lamenting the loss of ownership of the word or term or what ever the fuck woke is. Telling the audience that true wokeness is for the bringing to the fore front of society's attention matters of the Black Community. Not as it has been appropriated by the trans and gay and the rest of the letter cob salad of the lgbtqrstuvwxyz assholes. Oh wait the Cobb salad has meat in it... Cant have a salad with meat in it. What would the vegans say? Nothing worth listening... And they are offended by this Cultural Appropriation. This theft of the weapon of the Black culture. The weapon that they use to bludgeon the totality of the white race with.

    I just discovered this amazingly bitingly witty comedian Leonarda Jonie. HOOOO LEEEE Shit She is the very definition of off the Chain. NOTHING and NOBODY is safe NObody.


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