Saturday, February 1, 2025

Society - Pregnancy

    The "Miracle" of life.

    I must be a jaded old fuck but the idea of women "Creating" life is a horrible misplacement of the Miraculousness of life. In the human condition pregnancy is a parasitic infection. I don't know what the statistics of wanted vs unwanted pregnancies is. A woman doesn't really have much control of what happens after the parasitic infection takes hold. There are shit tonne of demonstrations with women screeching loudly about my body my choice. A woman can't decide to exercise her "Choice" to not be pregnant once she is pregnant. That requires some level of medical assistance.

    This choice that they are banging on about is just ONE of all the choices involved with this particular parasitic infection. The Nuclear option/choice; Abortion. But these women ALSO have the Choice to be more selective about her sexual activity, she has the choice to use the plethora of parasitic infection prevention options. The Pill, condoms, diaphragm, blah blah blah. The list in extensive. And every one of the options has its inherent risks from efficacy to convenience to ick factor. The pill is generally the most simple least icky option. BUT it is a Hormone driven option and as such a fairly risky option health wise as we are suddenly learning. The old standby the condom is a bit on the icky side and doesn't have but something like a 90% efficacy. It does require a stop and apply period of time. The Diaphragm has a bit better efficacy but is WAY high on the ICK factor and requires a a lot  more forethought. Which brings us back to the choice to be a bit more selective with your sexual activity. In the past Girls, young women and adult woman have been the gating factor for sexual activity. Sex and the threat of parasitic infection are much more pertinent to a woman and much more of a threat to her health and well being. But with the a fore mentioned Pill the gates were, for all intents and purposes, thrown wide open. Relegating the condoms and the diaphragms and sponges and and and... to second tier options. It does strike me that the women in these marches and demonstrations are at a much lower risk of this parasitic infection than those without blue and purple hair shaved clean on one side of their head, missing one eyebrow or the other with enough hardware in their faces alone to set off an airport metal detector, boasting the LOUDEST and most Shrill of the voices of the group.

    But a woman does nothing but host this parasite for nine months and when the time comes her body without her choice of time or location expels the parasite in a process called birth. In general this is a Horrifically painful process that can in some extreme instances last for days. And always has all manner of inherent risks associated with it. The list of these risks is two blocks long so I will not be listing them here.

    Because some women are excited by this process they may take 'prenatal' vitamins and involve herself in all manner of activities intended to help this parasite develop in a more positive manner. Vitamins for health, playing Mozart through headphones over her belly to calm, sooth and theoretically improve the parasite's cognition. There loads of different birthing methods. Natural (no drugs  of any kind) partial natural (epidural drugs) C section the list goes on. In general the birthing process goes smoothly. But as it turns out America is way down the list of infant mortality. Which is bad. And unexpected to me anyway.

    After the birthing process starts another plethora of activities involved with the care and upkeep with the birthed parasite. The first thing is the feeding of the new born. Breast feeding has long been regarded as the very best option. Like any parasitic infection this infection causes many changes to occur in the woman's body. Again with out her choosing to allow or disallow these changes. They just happen to her not by her. Breast enlargement, nipple color changes goofy food cravings both before birth and after. 

    And don't get me started on the process that is typically involved with becoming the host of this little parasitic infection. Used to be there weren't that many options for this sort of thing. Now... Wow!



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