Showing posts with label Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Media. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Society - Sex - Media

     I had a thought this morning. 

    I recently saw a youtube showing a great (great fat guy meaning BIG Fat guy) fat guy with no shirt on. He had rather large, for lack of a better word, breasts. Bigger than many possessed by women. Now His (I lean heavily on HIS for a reason) breasts were not at all attractive in the way a womanly breast might be. But they were easily a D cup if not larger. And they were hair covered. But they were breasts none the less complete with nipples.

    Having said that, I saw a TV show some years ago called "Botched" where in a woman undergone some version of mastectomy for some reason. In this segment of the episode this woman was there on the show for breast reconstruction work. The Botched Guys had done a spectacular job re-manufacturing her some new breasts. All shapely and round. Some might say Award winning breasts. I did. I imagine that the Botched Guys had used the silicone/saline breast insert method. There are so many methods for the mastectomy reconstruction work any more. So the point of this bit is that they showed her bare chest complete with full lovely breasts Sans nipples. The Botched Guys were in the room with the woman examining their handy work. The woman was all the way over joyed by the results. I think there were even tears. The were discussing the next step in the process, Nipple reconstruction. Since this was no regular 'boob job' there there were no actual nipples at hand to put into place. Her now lovely re-manufactured breasts just needed to be topped of with nipples. As I recall they opted to do some light suture work to create a simulated erect nipple then they had a nipple tattoo specialist come in and consult with the Botched Guys and the woman to get an idea of the size, shape, color, location and all that is involved with nipples, They all handled her breasts had her lie down to see where the nipples would be when she was lying down and standing up all that sort of thing. Things I might add most women don't get to choose with their own nipples. So they all finished up made their markings and got on with the next phase of the job. This is where the cut away for a commercial break. Upon the return to the show it was some weeks later the sutures were all out and the tattoos were complete. This time however when the cameras showed the woman's breasts they were for modesty and FCC required blurred out. And not just the nipples. It seems when you out-fit a breast with a nipple it renders the entire breast unfit for public consumption. I thought that was an interesting turn of events. Maybe it was the damned old FCC or maybe it was the woman. The rest of poor slobs will never know. "Is it natural or is it "Clairol" only her hair dresser knows for sure as the tag-line used to go.

    So it seems that the gating factor for showing breasts on the TV is Female nipples. Female nipples real or aftermarket it doesn't seem to matter. Nipples on a woman's body are out as far as public consumption is concerned. Big fat hairy breasts with nipples on a man no issue. I do wish that there was a rule about that though.

    Strippers with pasties and big X's of tape are ok. Women with body pain covering her nipples is ok. There are you-tubes of women fully nude and fully body painted going about in public. There was even a video of a woman fully nude fully body painted with gym attire looking paint. The rest of the gym goers caught on pretty quick because there was a camera guy following her about filming the entire thing. I imagine that the point of this video was to catch the public reaction and to grab up lots of clicks and likes. I think that is the point with most youtube videos any more. But the gym goers alerted the management to the spectacle and tried to have her removed. There was a bit of a kerfuffle, there words exchanged, there were laws cited, the cops were called, she was ejected. Probably to the tune of several million clicks, shit tonne of likes and much commentary. Again just what every youtube video loves. There was a case in Georgia I think where a strip club featured women on stage with clear body paint that was cited for too much nudity for the zoning of the establishment. I don't recall the disposition of that case and I don't much care.

    This isn't a remarkable bit of news to anybody I don't guess. But it does beg the question what about this new crop of self identifying women. Men that self identify or pretend to be women. Or the women who self identify or pretend to be men. How will the FCC deal with this conundrum? 

    I imagine that there is a case simmering somewhere, probably in San Francisco or LA California or New York City just waiting to boil over, waiting to adjudicate this very question. This will be a very interesting case indeed. I hope it makes it to Thee Supreme Court. If biden were still in office I am more that certain that the case would fall down on the side of trans men or is it women, I will never get this straight, (women who insist that they are men) and allow women who self-identifying as men to go around topless in public. They already allow men that self-identify as women to use the woman's restrooms and locker rooms so why stop there? This isn't a giant leap. I wonder if there would be some cup size limitation on the going around topless in public of women. Where do you draw that line? B cup, C cup, G cup? Will there be some sort of length and weight restriction? What about women who want to keep their breasts and want to go about topless can they sign up for a nipple-ectomy to get  passed the laws?

    I say that if biden were still in office. But he isn't. I hear that there is a New Sheriff in town.

    In days gone by I would have been a champion for the law to accommodate women who self-identify as men (who ever that translates word wise with the trans thing) to go about topless. I can just see it. Women with their breasts out on a construction site. Who is going to be whistling at who? (or is that whom) But then there are the poor unfortunate women with the less attractive breasts. As 'men' will they opt to keep their shirts on?  I know in London whistling at a woman, fully dressed, is illegal. Punishable by a fine and some time behind bars.

        Its a brave new world out there. There are so many issues to grapple with when you open up This Particular Pandora's Box.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Government - Media

    Some years ago during an election cycle the media dipped it first toe into the dealings of the government, and thus was born an unholy alliance. Red became blue and Blue became red with the stroke of a pen.

    You see at the time the color red was associated with the Red Menace. The Commies. Maps showing the advancement of the Commies were always drawn with dripping blood Red arrows sweeping down from the north. Infiltrating the peaceful countries of southeast Asia. 

    Some young creative desk jockey artist got it in his head that the color Red was a bad association and he must have been a Democrat because at that time the colors that represented the Democratic party was Red. He must have seen this an affront to his artistic and political sensibilities. So during the election cycle he switched the color scheme of the Democratic party Blue for Red. Thus associating his arch enemy the Republicans with the Commie Red in a news report and the new color scheme stuck and thus Red became Blue and Blue became Red.

    I believed that this color swap happened probably under the watchful eye of the likes of Walter Cronkite or possibly Chet Huntley. But it seems that it was John Chancellor. Maybe.

    Who knows and by now who cares. Its not going to be changed back now.