Many minorities or "Victims" as the have come to be known in Modern culture are guilty of word play. A long time
ago (not that long really) Black persons in America were referred to as Negros then Black and now they have draped across their collective shoulders the Moniker of African American. A single word has been stricken from the American Global vocabulary. Now known only as the "N" Word. A word that the black population freely use to to their "Homies' or anybody it now seems. But WOE Betide any White, Red, Brown, Yellow, Green, Rainbow but especially a White Male person person that should let slip from their lips the dreaded "N" Word. Much like a Black backed Fatwa, they would likely wake up dead in their beds with their throats slit, or more likely dead in their living rooms due to a not random Drive By Shooting. The Drive By shooting made notoriously famous by Black thugs. The Black Nation Shall Rise up against and with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. So I am clearly paraphrasing Jules Winnfield's line a bit. But the Idea is the same. Because that is how they Roll. "Roll" being yet another Black Thuglife culture created word meaning how they act and behave or more pointedly act and behave badly. I think this odd though in light of the BLM movement. I would hope that BLM Bitch would be calling for Thugged-Up Blacks to be better. To show the world that Black Thugs are not what everybody has come to KNOW that They Are. I realize that it is the actions of a less than 50% of ganged-up assholes that are dragging the reputation of the entire Black community down BLM got it's start with Trayvon Martin in Florida. And gained sudden prominence with the death of George Floyd. But, Instead The Black Lives Matter people keep making blanket excuses for Shit Black Thuglife behavior. If a gang of White guys suddenly crashed the doors of a Nordstrom's department store and looted it for $100,000.00 or so, the Black community specifically the BLM Fuckwits would blame the White assholes who perpetrated this heinous act of violence, thuggery and theft. But when this gang of Masked up Black Assholes do the same it is some how excused away as a societal or systemic racism problem and dismissed out of hand as a non-event. Or worse call it reparations for the slavery issues that have crippled their ability to be good productive members of society. They make it sound like this Colonial Slavery issue is still going on or at most was just one generation ago. When in fact it has been 6 generations. A full 150 years ago. Not yesterday not last year but LAST FUCKING CENTURY. Some how the Jewish Nation managed to stand up after the Atrocities of World War II and keep from blaming the WHOLE of the World for that. And that and that was ONLY 80 years ago.
But what about the rest of us? Don't we matter? Some how the 'African American' moniker/label got pushed back a decade of so to when black people were black people. And not some self stylized hybridization of African and American.
It bothers me greatly that a black person can claim 'Citizenship' or 'ethno-origination' from a Continent they are most likely not from born on nor have they visited nor will they likely visit in their life time and in many cases can't even identity on a world map. It also bothers me that Asian Americans and Mexican Americans and any other ethnicity nameable claims their ethnicity First and their status as Americans last. If you live in America and are 'enjoying' freedoms and that have been won with the blood of the American Soldier and whatever else is afforded to you by dint of living here legally - legitimately then it stands to reason that you are an American First and whatever else you want to tack on behind. Similarly it bothers me that by claiming to be African American and you can't identify the Country on the African Continent that you hail from, not even the region. I recently saw a YouTube video of a Ms. Jasmine Crockett decrying the lack of White Oppression in this country. WOW! Is she calling for there to suddenly be some White oppression? This NEW ANTI-Racism is not anti-racism at all. What Ms. Crockett is calling for it is a NOT too thinly veiled guilt-enabled and guilt-driven White Oppression. For being such an (self claimed) educated individual she is WOEfully and apparently intentionally ignorant on the subject of history as it pertains to black oppression and black slavery. I find it interesting that she believes the Black People are the ONLY people who have ever, Ever, EVER been oppressed or enslaved. She rails about an injustice that occurred more than 200 year ago. She herself was not dragged anywhere at any time in her entire life, Ever. And yet she would call down with Great Vengeance and Furious anger a lie that has been fed to her all of her life, that she believes this lie hook line and sinker but has never taken the time to research the real world of Global Historical and current Slavery. There is not a group of people that has not been enslaved at some time somewhere on this planet. No matter how you want to break down the groups by race, by religion, sex by what ever metric you want to look up you will find that at some time some where every group of every people has been enslaved. And it was never about race it is and has always been about Power. If one group could defeat and capture another group... The Romans enslave the Christians, The Egyptians Famously enslaved the Hebrew peoples as did the Babylonians and about any other group. And Yet the Jewish nation doesn't lay down and play victim. According to many people and famously Mr. Mel Gibson the Jewish people run the world. They did not roll over and play dead more to the point, Play Victim. The Chinese were Occupied by the Japanese as were the Korean's. All of those countries are doing well. Genghis Kan has famously spread his 'Seed' Over most of Eur-Asia. And yet somehow the Black community is the ONLY community or race that has ever been "Oppressed". Oppressed so significantly in American culture and it would seem by the entire world that we as a nation and collectively as the human race must be reminded of this day after day after day after day, after day ad nauseam, ad ridiculousiosity, ad YEAH WE GET IT! But the way Ms. Jasmine Crockett would have you believe it the Black community has been "Oppressed" past the point of Extinction. The Black community has been reduced to Thuggery and Violent behavior and the only way out of this is, well she really doesn't lay out a solution just yet more Victim-Splaining and accusations leveled at any individual or group who Dare tread on the Sovereignty of the Black man. And that if not for her constant and vigilant reminders the Black community might parish from the face of earth much like the Dodo Bird. If you doubt these facts... and look up for your self about the true facts about slavery. There are so many that I stopped counting.
The entirety of Sea faring European nations were at some point or other enslaved. By the Barbary Savers. But NOBODY remembers this. Nobody cares. There aren't Jewish Representatives in Congress or the Senate Crying about the racial injustices inflicted upon them. Hell we actually have members of Congress calling for the eradication of the Jewish Nation of Israel A Ms. Rashida Tlaib pro Palestinian commentary would seem to call for the extinction of Jews everywhere. But scarcely a word is heard about her radical ideology is makes the news. I think this was new-worthy of two days and out. But Ms. Jasmine gets to waste yet more tax money railing on against all white people every where, yet again. I wonder if her righteous indignation is specific to the Racist Slaver's that are the American White person and more likely White Men in particular. Because as we ALL know American White Men are the center of all that is bad about every issue on the entire planet. Climate Change White Men, Racism White Men, Global pollution White Men, Islands of plastic waste in the Pacific White Men, Deforestation of the Amazon rain forest White Men, Feminism White Men. Trans-phobia White Men, EVERY LGBTQrstuvwxyz ad nauseam White Men, Aids White Men, Wars, we all Know where that comes from White Men, Water Contamination White Men, Human Rights Violations White Men, Over Fishing the worlds oceans White men, Pandemics White Men, Mental health White Men, Global Poverty white Men, Global Starvation White Men, Illegal, Gun Control white Men, Access to health Care White Men, Immigration White men, Aging White Men, Pedophilia White Men, Gender equality White Men, Outer space White Men, Nuclear waste White men, Artificial Intelligence White men, Bio-terrorism White Men, Terrorism White Men, Social and population Collapse White men, Over Population White men, Threat of Nuclear War White Men, Cyber bullying White Men, Political Rioting White Men, Drug Addiction White Men, fentanyl White Men, Crack White Men, Meth White Men, Unemployment White Men, 5G irradiation White men, Too much screen time White Men, Light pollution White Men, Black Holes White men, Universal Heat Death White Men, Entropy White Men, Collapsing Stars White Men, Gang Violence in Haiti White men, I could go on and on and on much like Ms. Jasmine Crockett but you get the picture. Every thing that vexes your town, your state, America, the world, The solar system, the Galaxy, the universe, the Big Bang all of it brought about by the evil, pernicious, cancerous, corrupted, corrupting, pestilent, wicked, greedy, venomous, poisonous and again I could go on and on and on I should know all of these thing because I am a White Man and Ms. Jasmine Crockett will Never let me, or my kind, forget it. If I have left anything out just fill in the blank and let me know.
The Japanese Representatives aren't screaming about Manzanar. There should be some sort of Statute of limitations on the 'Right of Recall' about slavery issues or issues like that. If an individual like Ms. Jasmine Crockett want to waste the time on the floor of Congress rehashing the same old worn out shit like this then she should be caused to pay for that time wasted because it happened OVER 200 YEARS ago and Black people are not unique in their having been enslaved and "Dragged from their homes". Not even a little unique. Today's slave trade is alive and flourishing but you will not hear Ms. Jasmine Crockett calling down with Great Vengeance and Furious anger about that. Not a damn word, not a syllable not a blink of an eye. And yet for injustices perpetrated on her color people 200 years ago she gets to waste thousands of dollars per minute in the halls of government only to keep the lie of "ONLY BLACK SLAVERY" alive. As I said before her time ranting to no good end should be tallied up and every Representative in that meeting should get paid back each of their time's worth of wasted Tax Dollars. What she has said is nothing that everybody on the PLANET hasn't heard ad nauseam. Even the people in Australia are afraid of the third rail that is racism against the Black Man. Australia, a country that couldn't be more divorced from American Colonial Slavery. But so pervasive is the message from the likes of Ms. Jasmine Crockett that it reaches the 1409 miles to a country that has it's own problems with Aboriginal issues. But yet their own Aboriginal issues still take a back seat to Ms. Jasmine Crockett message and the vitriol people like her spew every day.
And most importantly to me is that this Vitriol is directed SQUARELY at white people. Dead center, center mass and the truly fucked part is that a white person on the Congressional floor cant stand up and shut her up because that would be Raciest. But her Fire-Breathing-Vitriolic Ranting against the White monster somehow isn't. Its fucking expensive, that is a for sure.
[Update: I certainly hope that our freshly minted Department of Government_Efficiency under the watchful care of Mr. Elon Musk himself at the behest of President Donald J Trump will see fit to take situations like Jasmine Crockett's complete waste of time on the floor of Congress as a starting point.]
We White people don't have a fancy hyphenated multi-organizational moniker like virtually every other race on the planet. And it seems to me that these fancy hyphenated multi-organizational monikers only exist in America. African- Briton, African-French that hardly rolls off the tongue. But African American... We White folk are still just plain old White people. There was some fuck-off movement some time ago to try to legitimize European American. That didn't even last as long as the push to move America to the metric system. We have always been and we always will be, simply White.
If for what ever reason there was suddenly a White Lives Matter movement the entirety of the Black population would rise up and Call that White Supremacy. They, I say they, I will lump the Black population in with any and all of those who have labeled President Elect Donald J Trump as a racist and White Supremacist.
I mentioned The Right Reverend al sharpton some posts ago. I mentioned his name in relation to his uncanny ability to be in front of a podium anywhere anytime day or night. No Holidays, no matter the weather He is better than the USPS Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays this representative from the swift appearance in front of the nearest fully microphoned up Podium, speaking out against All Racially, Black specific, motivated injustice , no matter how insignificant or unimportant. He was recently at his station in front of a podium decrying the fact that President Elect Donald J Trump's Cabinet Nominees don't include a single Black person.
Indians are next