Sunday, November 24, 2024

Woke Relastions - Ranting - education - children - trans

    Point The First: Inter-species-self-identification.

    This essay is that I dispute the existence of inter-species-identifying individuals and the cause as I see it. I believe that this new addition to the never ending and fast growing the LGBT... whatever list is the result of the inability of parents to stand up to their children's every whim. Instead, they entertain 'ever-so-precious child's every utterance as if it were a proclamation handed down to Moses on a new third stone tablet and hand delivered to them by the Pope himself, not FedEx. Instead of saying "No Janie you are Not a cat, and no you cannot use the litter box along with 'Kitty'". Further I believe that it is a combined effort between these spineless parents and overprotective, oversensitive, over liberally educated elementary school teachers. It seems that after spending 4 years in the overly liberal higher-education school system that is our college /university system with those teachers / professors filling them with all manner of stuff and nonsense about how important and amazing they are. These freshly minted elementary school teachers somehow have come to believe that they are the right-hand-of-God when it comes to child psychology. And that they now are the end-all-and-be-all anointed by way of a 4-year degree regarding how a [Your] child should be raised. 'Damn the Parents, Full speed ahead' with the most Rainbow festooned, DEI swathed, Drag-Queen story hour, agenda imaginable. So deep is this crazy nonsense that even Timothy Leary would say “Wait a minute, this is way too far out even for me.” This coupled with equally goofed parents who want to cede the totality of raising of their little angels to a morally bankrupt educational machine more concerned with keeping the state’s tax monies rolling in so they can siphon this funding into middle management where it truly belongs. [Where oh Where is the sarcasm font when you really need it] Rather than the actual education, welfare and well-being of those in their charge.

    Point the second: Education.   

I believe that this started when parents handed over of the duty of teaching little Johnny and Janie about sex. Having lived through some of the earlier years of that educational fiasco I can without reservation say that it was an utter and complete waste of time, money, and effort and a level of embarrassment experienced by both teacher and student not easily matched. And with that one decision to add sex education to the school curricula little by little the roll of the school’s in the raising of Johnny and Janie has grown steadily more invasive, pervasive and pernicious year over year. Sex education for middle schoolers has now morphed into ‘DragQueen Story Hour.’ for third graders. And sexually explicit books that you might find on magazine racks at truck stops or gas stations or your local Seven Eleven that could have been printed in one of Bob Guccione's magazines. The problem is that when they squeezed sex education classes into the curricula, they squeezed Civics classes, Vocational shop classes, Home Economics classes out of the curricula. Every one of these classes is vitally important to young people trying to make it on their own in the real world. And we wonder why Johnny is still living at home in the basement. [This happened to me.] Yes, Algebra Trigonometry and Calculus are nice but those are rightfully college level classes. Right after graduation you are not likely to be using Algebra or Trigonometry or Calculus to balance your checkbook unless you are involved with what is known as creative accounting. You are not likely to be discussing with your friends why the Triumph of the Bourgeoisie was important with regard to the French Revolution.. Fuck if what I sometime see on YouTube is for real, most people don't know that France is a Country. You will instead be as quick as possible, forgetting all about that class and everything you wasted time learning in it. The same goes for Algebra and Trigonometry and Calculus, unless you KNOW at a very young age that you ARE going to be a Rocket Surgeon when you grow up. I genuinely believe that dance class should be part of the Physical Education requirement. If there is still a physical education requirement anymore. I doubt that it is. Or at the very least dance should be an elective. I am talking about Actual Organized dance, Ballroom dance. The Cha Cha, The Foxtrot, Waltz or for the more ambitious The Tango. These dances teach cooperation between two people. They teach respect for your partner. They teach respect for the opposite sex.

     [And a respect for members of the opposite sex [not gender] is evermore critical in today's fucked up societal Nuclear waste Level toxicity, Supermassive Black Hole, Suckage of a battle WAR between the sexes that [as I understand it the Fourth Wave] Feminism has delivered upon us. I looked up the WiKi of feminism and was delivered an about 1 hour long read. So I have linked what I believe to be the most salient Wave, The Fourth Wave, the Wave that we are living under now.]  

    What you need is to understand how to make and stick to a budget. What you Need to know is how to balance a checkbook. You should know how to fix things, not throw out a thing and get a new thing. Like every body needs to fill up their garage with $5000.00 worth of no-longer used crap while your $80,000.00 Tesla sits outside subject to the rain of winter and the heat of summer. Hell you should even know how to cook a little bit other than Macaroni and cheese in the microwave or Meth. A McDonald's owner or a department store manager or a restaurant manager isn’t really concerned about how much you know about the Triumph of the Bourgeoisie as it pertains to the French Revolution or that you can solve for X, or solve a high level Trigonometry equation, or that you can solve for the function of the area under a curve. They are generally more interested in that you can be on time and work hard. And that you can make a commitment and stick to it even when the going gets tough.

    [Camela Harris (Yea I spelled it that way.) has never worked that hard, ever in her life. Certainly not as "The Boarder Czar",  unless as some conspiracy theorists believe that this was an inside job of an invasion to the USA to buy votes to keep Mr. Donald J. Trump from becoming President again.]

    Point the Third: The Economics of Life.

    I think that parents began ceding this responsibility to the schools with the popularization of the dishwasher this was 1970. This was when we moved off of the single income household and onto the double income household. This is when Mom and Dad entered into the arms race known as "Keeping up with the Joneses" not to be confused with 'Keeping up with the Kardashians’ and had to spend both of all their time earning a living to support an ever-growing appetite for the good life. The "Good Life" being a Martini after dinner aperitif, two cars in every pot a Jet-ski in every boat, Adderall in every kid, every kid in soccer, piano class, ballet class, every after school activity there is time for and every kid in a "good" college prep-school beginning in Kindergarten and all of the Valium, Xanax, Diazepam, Lorazepam, and diazepine your many doctors will prescribe to you, in every purse, wallet and medicine cabinet being handed out by Johnny at his summer long Pharming party so he feels that he is cool.

    As I understand it, on the whole before this time families had little or no debt outside of a mortgage. This is when Credit Unions were the go-to for financial issues. Not banks that are so corrupt that they fail. The 'Arms race' of keeping up with the Jones's had begun. This, and, when it became legal for women to have charge plates now known as credit cards, this was 1974. [ I look forward to your cards and letters of condemnation. You were warned ] Oh and the advent of the television that brought all of Madison Avenue's and now the Internet's Psychological Warfare to bare on a largely unsuspecting and captive audience. The first TV advertisement.

    The Wrap-up.

     So, this perfect storm of the 'Arms Race' between Your parents and the Jones's, the sudden absence of a stay-at-home mother, [Or at the very least a parent that can be at home when Janie or Johnny arrives home from school. And thus the latch key kid was born] the over liberalization of the college education system, an amoral elementary school system, dishwashers, credit cards and now    'drum-roll-please    Janie thinks she is a cat and makes your life difficult if you don't abide by her delusional assertions and teachers who keep secrets regarding Johnny's new preferred sexual identification pronoun set from his parents.

    Game, Set and Match. Satan, please come and collect your Prize. The Prize? It’s your children in case you missed it.

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