Friday, October 22, 2010


    Your challenge for this Friday, 10-22-10, is to use the photo above to write a flash fiction of 100-300 words. Since everyone seems to be enjoying the required phrases, please use this phrase in your submission:

"...a sneer curled her lip..."

(A) He turned a walked away unaware of the situation developing behind him. He had been talking heatedly for several minutes. To tell the truth she had no idea what he had been saying really, she was there for an altogether different purpose now. He continued yammering, work load, constituents, Joint Chiefs yada yada yada. Her ears pricked when she herd the words blow-job, pussy, cock then it all faded back to blah blah blah. She had just about had enough when he turned to her and looked her in the eye and said “So what to you think?” She was sort of caught off guard because she had not been listening. She had been wondering if the 8 inch sound suppressor would keep the woman in the next suite from hearing. She was calculating the appropriate shot trajectory and spatter pattern on the wall needed to create the desired crime scene effect. He was staring at her waiting for a response. A sneer curled her lip. She let her silk robe slide slowly down her body exposing her magnificent heavy breasts. Her nipples we so hard they nearly cut slits in the silk as it fell. Her occupation excited her so. His jaw fell open at the sight of her naked form or was it the FNP-45 she was leveling at his forehead.

Baclank his Harvard education now decorated the wall behind him. She gathered her things wiped down her wineglass and slipped quietly out the door.

(B) A woman impatiently waits in her hotel suite pacing back and forth in front of the window 40 stories up. For a moment she allows her self to admire the view… then her focus returns. She has endured several hours of listening to the screams and moans of his and her pleasures from the next suite. She briefly tortured her self wondering what this other woman knew that she did not. She wondered what this other woman looked like undressed. Why was she worth $5000 for the night to him? The two women never met, never even spoken on the phone. She didn’t even know if this woman’s voice was sexy, sexier than her own. The only communication they had was by currier.

She had been patient before and before… years of waiting for him to get home knowing that, like tonight, he was with another woman. Tonight however was different. Tonight she wasn’t waiting for him to come home.

The sex sounds had stopped and now there was talking, loud talking, his voice only though. She leaned forward to the edge of her seat straining to hear…to here it. The talk seemed heated but it could very easily have been excited. Suddenly she was aware that the room was silent. How long had it been quiet? Had she missed it? The silence was punctuated by a heavy thud. She had not missed it.

A sneer curled her lip then slowly spread into a broad satisfied smile. Slowly she stood she sipped the last of her Champagne. She carefully wiped the glass and the bottle of all traces of her presence. She turned, retrieved her gloves from her purse and slipped them on. Finally she pulled the hood of her heavy fur coat over her head and silently left the room.

I don't really know where the notion of murder for hire came from but I will say this, my Sweety's DVR is set to record some stuff on the Oxygen channel. How ever when some is home and sits to watch some thing what is on live at the time is a show called Snapped. Have you seen this show? It's about women mostly that kill. They kill their lovers husbands boy friends bosses. The show revolves around the arrest and the trials of these women. Sweety has always be in interested in the law but this worries me. I fear that she may be taking notes on where these other women went wrong.

Initialy I wanted her to be toting a 44 Automag but that is a Big loud gun. With a sound suppressor on it this gun would have been nearly a foot and a half long... too long for a naked woman in a silk robe to conceal. the FNP-45 is a shorter tactical handgun and comes from the factory with a threaded barrel for sound suppressors. So that made more sense.

This woman looked to be leaning there both board and busy contemplating something very serious or sporting the biggest booboo pouty lip I have ever seen... No more blowjobs till I get a bigger diamond than your wife! She also looked like she had a slender chest with large breasts and could easily hold a gun under those breasts and not be noticed until it was too late.

I worked really hard on a way for him to be standing some how away from her looking at her and cumming or just about to when she shot him. I wanted to include this... his body hit the floor full length with a very dull thud. His cock was still throbbing. Then suddenly a long milky arc spewed from the head of his cock... his last orgasm reached posthumously. Impressive she noted, silently to her self, for a guy who is both dead and had already cum twice time in the last two hours... good distance that one Tex.

Monday, October 18, 2010


    I would have been a horrible sexter. I would have been crazy for this. I would have been sexting all the time, except that I hate those tiny little key boards and even worse using the numeric key pads to write things. But I would have been crazy even so. I would have had the most in shape thumbs ever. I guess I was fortunate in that regard that I missed the smart enough phone to sext on that is not to say that I didn't do my share of the sexy emails. I Never had a cell phone camera sufficient to send sexy pictures though and taking a truly sexy pictures with a cell phone camera is tough in the best of conditions. It is no wonder that more and more people are getting addicted to sex and porn. Technology makes it oh so very easy and private... right there in your right hand after you have wiped all the goop off.

    I wonder though does it make sex better or does it make sex a let down. On the one hand it would allow for foreplay to last all day long so that when you finally get together you just rip each others clothing off. I like that idea plenty. On the other hand it makes it so ubiquitous that it would get boring after a couple weeks unless you got more and more kinky which ultimately leads to... well it takes you away from the true nature of sex which is supposed to be love. If your focus becomes sex and more kinky sex love can get lost.

    Oh yea what brought all this up... Apple got a patent on a sex filter. I personaly dont think it has a chance. Kids will adopt a new slang to circumvent the filter faster than the filterers can keep up. Sort of like the ebonics and Rap languages were adopted to be able to speak freely in prison and not have the guards understand that you were planning a shanking in the showers after dinner.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I have noticed

    I have noticed lately that my bloggy stuff has changed as of late. Where as in months gone by most of my blogs were of a internal personal nature and typically about unhappy sex related stuff. They have now, with the exception of the FFF thing, become more external and less personal.
I wonder if that means that I have turned a corner regarding my issues with sex and addictions and other would be inappropriate things on the internet. I hope so. I feel that this could very well be he case. I know that I don't experience intrusive thoughts about sex during the day. My thoughts are more or less work and living related not sex related. I used to experience very intrusive thoughts about sex and porn all through the day, now not so much.
    I have the occasional flare up to be sure, but they don't last very long and are much lower intensities than before.
    At once I am happy for that and miss the thoughts as well. I suppose that is sort of akin to how a kidnapping victim might feel after their release.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sex Sells

    I read recently that there was a study preformed on shoppers. It seems that shoppers get the same sort of "high" as they might in sex when they get a great deal.

    I don't know about that really but it makes me wonder if years of social conditioning hasn't contributed to this phenomenon somehow. Decades of selling with sex or so closely associating purchases with sex might have really collectively goofed out heads with regards to shopping.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I wonder…

    I wonder that deer and other wild life animals must feel about Field and Stream magazine the way I feel about this magazine. Apparently there are articles in this magazine that tell how to spesifically kill Americans and how to cause the most terror. Oh goodie