These are the writings of a guy who is as emotionally stable as a bag of rabid rats in a flaming Meth lab.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Where I live... lived
I know that there is plenty of high end aerodynamics going on with them... who is in front and for how long and the ones that follow follow at a precise angle and distance so as to maximize some lift potential created by the disturbance caused by the bird ahead. It seems also that since the lead bird is experiencing the maximum drag he/she stays there for some period of time, determined by them I suppose, then falls off to the back of the line to rest and to work their way back up to the lead again, amazing, magic.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Danceing with the...
As she twirls and whirls about the floor waiting for her partner to arrive my mind burns with a desire that is difficult to resolve. At once I want to see her perform her dance with all the passion, grace and fire that she embodies but that same passion, grace and fire ignites a lust and passion and desire in me that I find difficult to manage. Her body moves with a sexy precision that creates such a deep lustful desire to capture her and experience awesome pleasure that her body could undoubtedly deliver. I imagine seeing her move through her set naked… for an audience of one… is almost too much for this setting.
To entertain this thought more than this moment would also carry the implication that I was some how her equal or that she could some how entertain similar thoughts or desires for me, a most unlikely possibility.
To in anyway consider fulfilling this fantasy would burst the gossamer bubble that surrounds her and the moment would vanish like so much smoke in a wind. The fantasy and the lust of the imagination in this situation are but smoky vapors when exposed to the reality of life.
The studio door opens… pop goes the bubble.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Now in my Sex addled mind I am thinking that the Loop Rope people could double their sales if they went a head and added just a couple things to their commercial. When he lists the places you can use loop rope... the Bedroom could/should be nonchalantly slipped in, and where he talks about what can be tied with the loop rope he should say that you can tie anything or anyone up or down. Very simple very subtle.
Now this Loop Rope sounds like the quick and easy way into a homey little bondage scene unlike the Japanese style bondage which is artistic and slow. Japanese kink is pretty and elegant and artistic as is most every thing in Japanese culture. The Japanese are a very kinky lot make no mistake. When there is woman (I assume/hope a woman) dressed in a Catholic school girl uniform all bound and gagged and kneeling in front of a fence post in a perfectly manicured forest of bonsai trees shooting a milk enema out her ass into a perfectly crafted catch basin hand painted with Japanese calligraphy. Probably hand painted by 100 year old blind monk with a brush made from the tufts of hair that cover the hooves of an actual unicorn and ink from made from crushed bits of the one true cross and iron shavings from the Lance of Longinus. Its easy to see the elegance and attention to detail the Japanese bring to their kink, unlike German kink which is just weird and often gross.
So but like I said I would already have several lengths of the stuff if the experienced guy added to his litanly of things to do with this new handy dandy product tie down his wife/mistress/submissive/slave to the RV or the truck or the boat... but alas the marketing department has no balls.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Is it any wonder; Part Deux
Most every one is acquainted with the principals put forth by Chuck Darwin, the Theory of evolution as it is more commonly known. I use the familiar Chuck for Charles to indicate that I have little or no respect for him or his work. It seems that every one has forgotten that Chuck himself later recanted his theories as flawed and erroneous. Chuck's ideas do at a certain level explain the changes of species over time. But some how today's scientists have dropped the theory part of the phrase and take it as Fact. How is it that other scientific communities move on from the past. Physicists moved past Newton to Einstein and beyond. Cant we move past Darwin? Even though not one scientist can categorically state with an absolute 100 % certainty that Evolution is a fact not a strained out dated theory or possesses the ability to reproduce the origin of life. Not a single scientist can "create" life at any level. I mean can not get the 256 proteins to line up in the proper order to be considered the MOST basic building block of life. And it makes me wonder even if you could get that to happen once in say every 100,000 years what is the likely hood that single strand could find another before it expired in what ever violent situation that might befall such a randomly joined bit of protein in the unbelievably violent environment of that time. Volcanic activity, intense meteor activity very unfriendly chemical oceans you name it, this was not a hospitable place especially if you think that this happened before the event that left us with a moon. That single event absolutely erased every thing on the pre-moon planet just like that. Look in to how the moon got where it is today. That is an amazing story!
It seems that if you speak just a whisper of descent of Gospel according to Darwin you can have your life erased, as a scientist any way. Professors who have mentioned Intelligent Design even in passing have been fired and black listed never to work as a teacher or scientist again.
Scientists allow NO room for a "creator" of any kind. Live as we know it "IS" all accidental undirected. You follow the accepted doctrin lock/goose step or else.
If you apply the same general guidelines that might apply to a cult to the elite of the scientific comuiity it begins to look rather cultish... to me. I read where one scientist proposed that with less religion in the way more science could fill the void on knowledge and as more science filled the void less and less religion would be needed until ultimately there would be no religion. We have seen this sort of pursuit before. The Nazi's pursued this level of commitment to science that ultimately lead to a policy of doing away with those not sufficiently worthy to eat, Eugenics... the Master Race. Heck even in America we pursued that. 50,000 people were sterilized against their will. Every time we see Government remove religion from it society we see events like those that took place under Mao and Stalin and Pol Pot. Similarly when you have a government that is totally religious you have states like Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan Saudi Arabia, Somalia where the penalty for most any tiny infraction is death, and not your run of the mill lethal injection death... stoning and other med-evil very cruel and unusual methods.
This post is unfinished but posted anyway.
I had a bad day, an amazing confluence of events that really beat on my faith in just about every thing there is. Days like this make my brain boil with frustration with lack of any thing to be done to work against this.
Is it any wonder Part Une
There is no good news any where for any one. There is nothing to believe in nothing to count on nothing positive that sustains.
I used to think believe in the one man/woman one vote system of governance in America. That is gone.
It seems that the people of California turned out in an official election sanctioned by the state to change the constitution of the state to ban Gay marriage ala Prop 8. The vote as I understand it passed in favor and by something like 600,000 votes, a substantial number in any state election. But along comes one judge who wipes that all away in a single stroke of his pen. It makes me very dubious about voting. Why should I bother to vote if the courts are as likely as not to dismiss my vote. Why bother to take the time to read about any of the propositions ponder their consequence for my self or others, why bother when some one else is going to come along and do that "for me". Clearly I am too stupid or too ignorant or both to make such decisions. Why should I bother to even think about such issues.
Having said all that please don't get me wrong I used to be against gay marriage but I have, in the last couple years come to understand that my position was based on the notion that marriage was a religious tenant and that the 'institution' of marriage was a biblically based spiritual thing, a God created and ordained thing, and I believed that the bible spoke against homosexuality male and/or female. So, well, a few years of thought and investigation, isn't the internet a wonderful thing, I have learned that while it might in theory be such a thing, it's roots are some what less lofty or noble.
So and as many comedians have put it why should I keep the homosexual community from 'enjoying' the same hate, animosity, financial ruination that the rest of the community enjoys especially if no matter how many people vote to ban gay marriage if a judge thinks us all bigoted and backwards for holding these beliefs and voting out conscience that he will set us all straight and show us the error of our ignorant ways.