Saturday, March 13, 2010

my sex addled mind

I listen to country music. I can say the word country all day long with no thoughts about it but… When the local country music station radio jingle comes on the way they say it with accent or no I can't tell it just sounds like "Cunt tree". I can't not hear/see it, when they say it. I envision a tree not unlike a peach tree with little spherical orby things hanging from its bows. The orby things would be soft fleshy things with labia on one side similar to a peach only real lips and real flesh and… well real peach fuzz on younger less ripe pieces. I can imagine cross and selective breeding for size and color, haired and hairless and every other desirable aspect of a "peach". I just love eating a "peach". I can imagine them engineering these "peaches/sextoys" to live on the proteins and carbohydrates and other "nutrients" found in a load of spluge. There could be sort of a symbiotic relationship thing going on there. The "toy" needs you to "feed" it X number of times a week or a day. I can see women buying similar "toys" off a "Cock tree". These cocks would be genetically designed to live off the absorbed nutrients from the secretions of a woman's vagina. And again they would have to be fed and bathed X number of times a day /week. Ok I hated saying "secretions of a woman's vagina", but see a previous post about the word juice. Vagina isn't even worse. I like the word Pussy a lot. I like eating pussy more. But pussy is just a little less specific for the purposes of this discussion. Is it the Vulva is it the vagina is it both? I sort of think it is both.

They (Scientists/Researchers) are genetically recreating ears and organs and other body parts why not pussy's and penises? I have to imagine if they could grow a 12 inch cock and if it were fully functional and transplantable guys, rich ones at first, would be lined up to be getting themselves one. I suppose that that sort of research is less important than the life saving aspects of re-growing a heart or a kidney… but once that is commonplace the sex organs could not be far behind. I know they are working on the replacement breast and or gene therapy for growing breasts. I imagine that to be after a breast cancer surgery though, not just for larger funbags for your birthday… but still.

All this because they say country 'that' way.


I have such a difficult time with that word when it is used to describe the wetness of a woman.

I have yet to figure out a word that I am happy with in that regard.

Nectar seems to pretentious.
Wetness to vague.
Moisture too insufficient.
Humidity even less sufficient but sultry.
Juice too much out of a cooked roast or something. Juicy is sort of ok.

Anyone got something I should consider?

I heard to day...

I heard some one say "Close the door... were you raised in a barn?

Being who I am it occurred to me that if you were raised in a barn you would be scrupulous about closing the door. In all likely hood if you left the barn door open ever you would get your ass kicked for it.

Then it occurred to me that perhaps they used the wrong phrase there

screen saving and desk tops

I don't really pay too much attention to peoples desktops. But the other day I started noticing them. It started when I was walking through the office of a place where I am working and the woman at the front desk... crud I don't even know what all she does she seems to do every thing, has a big splashy picture of what would appear to be a bamboo hut next to a palm tree on a white sandy beach somewhere nowhere.

I my self do not have a back ground. I have a black screen. The icons don't get lost in the pictures and the colors seem brighter that way. Similarly I have just a black screen saver. No splashy aquariums or 3D pipes snaking themselves around the screen, just blank black scren. I have thought about captureing some scarry "Blue Screen Of Death" shot and using that to freak people out. But that really doesn't save the screen so no on that.

What does this say about me?

I woke up Wednesday morning…

I woke up with a portion of a song title rattling around in my head. I am not a big deal song aficionado kind of person who knows all the songs and all the lyrics of every song I have ever heard in fact most songs I hear on the radio I only know the "Weird Al" versions to anyway.

So any way as I was getting to this first part was ratting around in my head… "People living in competition…"

It took me a few minutes laying there to figure out that the next line was… "I don't care if I get behind"

I could hear, far off in the distance the rest of that line… but could not quite get a handle on it.

Another half hour or even a shorty sleep cycle I figured out that the remaining pertinent bit was… "All I want is to have some peace of mind."

Boston tune I think.

Later in the day I "Quit", for the first time in my life, a job of sorts. It wasn't a real job really more like a Mercy Fuck only I was getting fucked and not in the way that I might could like. This "job" was costing me just about as much as it was paying. I was buying the tooling and the materials and spending time there for free when I could have been working at another much more lucrative place. I broke a tool, that I bought, my last.

It snapped and so did I.

Wow I didn't expect to feel so crappy about it after the fact. I felt like such a failure, such a looser. The Voices in my head kept shouting to get back there and apologize for my momentary lapse in sanity and beg for that job back. It's one of three that I am working… now two. It was a situational thing, nothing to do with the guy I was working for ... he is a good guy. In fact I wish I could still work for him weekends or something.

That "job" was robbing me of all my peace of mind.

Now a little less.