Monday, February 3, 2025

Society - Observations - Pets and animals

    I was watching a great comedian woman from Ireland Katie Boyle. She got to a place (roughly 38:45) in her bit where she relayed a story about her cat had become some how ill and her father had killed the cat. At which point the entire audience gave the obligatory sigh ahhh in commiseration. Her response, being a comedian was that every body was sorrowful about the cat being put down but its so much more acceptable to kill people. Cant kill the cat, but people, just another day at the office. The comedian/daughter asks if this was the father's first response to the cats illness and that maybe he should have taken the cat to the vet. His response is that he is not going to pay somebody to do a thing that he himself can do. Again a collective ahhh. You really need to give her your time and watch. You will not be disappointed.

    And I have noticed this in a few (You guessed it YouTubes). I have found that I enjoy the movie reaction videos. Where a content creator watches a movie reacts to it and edits it down to the 'best' bits. There are several movies where killing an animal gets cries of pain from the 'reaction person'. John Wick is a perfect example. The Russian fuck off tries to buy Mr. Wick's car. Mr. Wick declines the offer to buy. The Fuck off Russian comes back some time later to Mr. Wick's home. Breaks in brutalizes Mr. Wick and kills the puppy. Touching of a four film fourligy. Plus an up coming spin off "Ballerina". The Fuck off Russian kills the one puppy but Mr. Wick kills 77 guys throughout the first movie alone. Nobody bats a single eyelash or comes even close to shedding a tear for those guys but the puppy. Well you have all likely seen the movie so you know.

    Another favorite show of mine "Firefly". There is a scene where our "Big Damn  Hero's" are being shot at and in the ensuing battle several people get killed. No problem. But near the end of this altercation a horse gets shot and presumably killed. I love the show and love to watch along with the reactor people. But there is not a single reaction person that isn't viscerally upset by this horse killing. As was I but again loads of people get killed in action movies ALL the time and not a tear is shed. Off an animal and waterworks ensue. 

    (Except in LA where there is apparently a VERY serious water shortage as evidenced by there being NO water in the fire hydrants to put out the now famous LA wild Fires. Obviously a much worse water shortage than when I lived there through out the 80's.)

    I suppose the Most famous example of this is the Old Yeller book and subsequent movie. I imagine Cujo is another example of this. Cujo even became somewhat of a meme before memes were memeing. Sort of how there were a slew of crazo postal employees that went on killing sprees at 'the office'. And the meme "Going Postal" was born. Cujo was a similar thing. Cujo for those who don't know a Steven King book turned movie involving a large Saint Bernard dog on a farm that got rabies and started in on a killing spree of his own. There is all manner of people drama and initially Cujo is killing off the villains of the movie as I recall but then Cujo goes completely off the rails and it becomes apparent that he is very ill and must be put down.

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