blm vs. White trash. Where is the white version of the blm fuck-wits? Are the White pride guys the answer to the blm fuck wits or the cause of it?
It seems that there is NO, Absolutely NO equivalent slur to call a white person that carries the same weight as N¡@@€R. None. White trash, Cracker Whitey, Honkey I cant think of many. I know they are out there but I don't know them. I found this but is a bit over my head and really doesn't say much as far as I can tell. I found this. Its a way overly informative. Slurs that I have never heard or even thought of. Slurs for people that I will never encounter. I heard this song that was just slurs wrapped up in rhyme. It is hysterical, but I cant find it just now. That is a shame. [Update: Found it. Enjoy]
Here are some other offensive tunes
All My ex's Changed their sexes.
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