Friday, February 28, 2025

Government - Crisis indoctrination

    The other day I heard that there is a Measles outbreak in Texas. In the story there was call for more comprehensive immunization in the schools. The very next thing I heard on my car radio was an advertisement for catching up on your immunizations / vaccinations. My initial reaction was a look back to the COVID debacle as handled by biden and the whole dnc machine. Vaccine mandates, firings of those who rejected the vaccine. Mandates for members of the Military to be vaccinated or fired. I imagine with a dishonorable discharge or at best with a medical discharge. less than 100% of retirement. Early termination for thousands.

    That sort of thing smells to high heaven of making a mountain out of a molehill sort of thing. Do NOT get me wrong I do recall the thousands that did die from the COVID virus. I do not mean to trivialize their deaths or the suffering of their families or anything like that, Not At ALL. But I do intend to make this argument; when a government such as the government led by who ever was propping up biden, wants to gather yet more power to themselves they will create an artificial crisis to motivate the populace in the direction that the government wants the populace to be moved. COVID as it happens was in fact a manufactured crisis, literally manufactured. Manufactured in a Chinese virology laboratory funded by the whole biden crew behind the USAID money sink/black hole. I doubt that the "leak" was an accident. I believe it was a test. Sort of like the  Trinity  pre-Hiroshima test. The guys at the trinity site must have thought this will really go BOOM. I used to make my own fire-crackers. I would make the next one bigger than the last and wait and watch is it would blow something up. Some times it was not so exciting. But Sometimes it was VERY EXCITING. I have to imagine that the engineers were looking at a bunch of numbers on actual black-boards and really couldn't imagine what 20,000 tons of TNT would look like. Some of them had to be thinking to themselves "WOW That really went BANG" with at least a little glee. But in the immortal words of J. Robert Oppenheimer: “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds".

    You don't have to look to far into science fiction to see such scenarios. There is a genre specific to this very thing. I just did a google of that genre, I was amazed by the number. I thought there might be 10 or 15 wow was I wrong. I stopped counting at 27 (136). I guess this could be chalked up to life imitating art. The biden group (I call it the biden group because truly biden himself was not in control of his bowels, himself, let alone the country) took a page from any number of movies probably three or so dropped them in a blender and presto e` chango a global catastrophe. A Pandemic of global proportions, biblical proportions. The death toll was certainly frightening and certainly sufficient to motivate huge groups of the population. It also presented the pharmaceutical industry an opportunity not unlike an opportunity here to fore only afforded the 'Military Industrial Complex'. A name given the unholy alliance between government and arms manufacturers by Dwight D Eisenhower. A dire warning that we managed to ignore wholesale. Our government gets involved in wars and terrifies the populace about this war and the arms manufacturers step up to the plate and create ever more efficient ways to dispatch the enemy. An enemy, any enemy, which ever population the government thinks it can "legitimately" claim to be death worthy. They gin up a reason, any reason and its off to the races, arms races that is. In times gone by it was principally ideological enemies typically Capitalism vs. Communism. But of late that has morphed into religious enemies as with the 9-11 ignition of over a decade of conflict in the middle east. That still rages as of this writing and I expect will rage well after my demise. All it takes a focal point, an inflection point, a source of ignition. 9-11 was such a source of ignition. The Viet Nam and Korean conflicts were started over much less catastrophic events. World War I was started over the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand. World War II was caused by good ol' drunken uncle Adolf tripped and fell across the Polish boarder. And with most drunken uncles he just kept tripping over one boarder after another. Some of his drunken friends in the far East (Japan by name) and those in the south of Europe (Italy by name) joined in in that global conga line of death and destruction.

    Anyway then it was the pharmaceutical industrial complex to the rescue. They managed to whip up a vaccine for this COVID thing in months and the governmental side of the equation ginned up all manner of mandates to combat their self made catastrophe. They only just recently figured out the beginnings of a "TREATMENT" for AIDS, Decades later. Only, unlike a military conflict which has a beginning a middle and an end Viral catastrophes are a bit more slippery. The COVID virus managed to mutate unlike artillery shells which can be packed away after they are no longer needed (But they will always be needed if governments or religions have anything to say about things.) The Pfizer people and assorted other pharmaceutical groups had a fun new toy that they were just itching to play with, the CRISPER thing. Gene splicing and manipulation. The problem is that with nature things are a little (LOT) more slippery than artillery shells. We all got a taste of that in the movie series Jurassic Park, Ian Malcolm, Life will find a way, nature will out just like the truth. They have let that Genie or Jinn out of the bottle now. And that is just one more fun thing that the pharmeasutical group has to work against. And its not like we don't already have lots fun little microbes ravaging our population. There are already lots incurable diseases. None of them needed any help at killing people. And the pharmaceutical industrial complex is not trying to cure anything. A cure kills the the virus just like it kills the revenue stream unlike a treatment which perpetuates it. And that is the bottom line perpetual revenue stream. That is the difference between the military industrial complex and the pharmeasutical or medical industrial complex. Wars can be stopped (sort of) virus' will always mutate and spread and there will always be a need for new and more aggressive medicine to "TREAT" the sick.

    I hope against all hope that Robert F Kennedy the new leader of Department of Health can or will really figure this out for real unlike that other guy Fauchi who just took the money and the prophylactic presidential pardon and walked away. (Maybe)

    I do believe that the pharmacy people had a little back room sit down with a bunch of senators and said, You know what would be fun and of course profitable... you did it for Raytheon...  Senators buy up lots of stock in Pfizer et al and they contract with some fuck off virology lab in China, because the Chinese made products are have such a good reputation for such high quality, to concoct some new and wizzy virus and arrange for it to be set loose "accidentally"...   I know that sounds like a conspiracy but in the immortal words of Allan 'Hippy' Carnes "Every thing is". They Abyss Quote #4

    There is interesting news on the horizon from the AI folks. They are using AI and algorithms to model and create new twisted up proteins. I saw a thing this evening where Microsoft has potentially figured out a way to create a quantum computer on a chip. Of Course there is a SHIT Ton of others in the works. [Oh Joy] It sort of used to be a saying that there is always somebody younger, faster, smarter coming up behind you so stay sharp and stay relevant. Well it is starting to feel like the younger faster smarter coming up behind us will be on a chip in a vacuum bottle chilled to near zero. Not just zero, but real zero, absolute zero, Kelvin zero. Like don't touch your lips to that can of beer, ZERO ZERO. And the proposed uses for quantum computers is chemistry. Chemistry of medicine, chemistry of materials, chemistry of chemistry.

    I saw a video where a computer scientist was dicking around with his AI at work. He and his buddies thought it would be a hoot to dick with an algorithm to create the Most deadly chemical. All he had to do in the set up of the algorithm was to switch a 0 to a 1, as you do with algorithms. He fired it off and went home for the weekend. He wasn't even using one of the big deal wizzy super computers. When he returned on Monday He was shocked and Mortified to find a brand spanking new double over extra super toxic chemical formula just waiting to be mixed up. By comparison it was was orders of magnitude more toxic than the VX nerve agent. VX (meaning VENOMOUS agent X) is considered to be quite literally number two on the list of most toxic chemicals. Just after something called Novichok. Something whipped up by the Soviets and you know what they say about the Russians, they always want to be the first, and the best or the worst in this instance. First with the worst as the saying goes. (Shit, it turns out First with the Worst is a fucking card game. Who knew?) As I was reading up on this stuff I was gripped by gooseflesh and significant chills. The list of countries in possession of VX is very chilling indeed. Some not so stable guys around the world have massive stockpiles of the stuff.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Society - Celebrities - Awards Shows

     So I finally forced myself into watching an award show. I watched the SAG awards show. I was hoping for better I do like Kristen Bell. I was disappointed. Not by Ms. Bell so much but the leakage of political punditry. I really hoped that the leakage would have been stopped. Jamie Lee Curtis disappointed but only a little, well I was expecting much worse so there was that. But I was not expecting the absolute gushing leakage torrential flood that was Jane Fonda. I was surprised by that. She went on and on and on about the woe that was coming for us all. I guess I am fortunate that I didn't remember any of it save the over all message that she spewed that we, all the poor uneducated troglodytes who voted for President Donald J Trump called down upon the Entire World. I don't know if she banged on about the LGBTQ-crew and all that is meant by that but I am sure that she did. I must admit that I did fast-forward that after the first two minutes of her grabbing up of a supplied microphone to allow her to spew her vitriol as far as possible. Fortunate for us that was her Life Time Achievement award so we wont have to be forced to endure that  behind that award again well on the SAG awards anyway. I will say that here life time body of work was a good one. Cant take that from from her. 

    On a separate note there were some pretty crazy fashion choices. Three of which were memorable to me. Monica Barbaro was in my mind the winner of the deepest plummeting 'neckline'. Bright Red and exposing a great view of her still firm breasts. It will never be adequately explained to me why on nights like this celebrity women will put their breasts all out for public consumption on TV for all to witness. But on any other morning noon or night these same celebrity women will take you to court for ogling those same breasts that were on display for all to see. I have to wonder why that is.

    One final note why does the phrase "This means the World to me" get dropped so often on award shows. The same phase is dropped on Insert Name of Country here's got talent or American Idolatry. If these people are so talented can't they be more creative.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

My Stuff - Moon Lighting TV Show

     In a different post I wrote about my having been enjoying watching the 80's TV show Moon Lighting.

In an episode that I watched last night our Heroes were called upon to visit an 80's style "Dirty Book Store". And this was a bit before VHS popularized porn for the common man and woman. So the magazines were of the limited production quantity and quality. I was Shocked that they did not cover up the toys. Not even an attempt. I was Shocked by this because there in the foreground was a significant selection of supersized flesh colored dildos. They were in sufficiently good focus that you could EASILY make out the 'vascularity' and the texture. On the wall behind our heroes was a vast array of BDSM paraphernalia. again this stuff was in sufficiently good focus as to be able to tell exactly what was what.

    I rather doubt that would get past the censors today. I suspect that the censors didn't know what they were seeing in these admittedly short scenes. But to MY "Well Trained Eye" EVERY thing was there. And as I recall having been to the wrong side of town on more than one occasion the magazine racks looked just like they did in those scenes.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

My Stuff - My posts

     Many of my rants are centered around the trans-fuckery that the left fertilized with a THICK layer of their Bandini   (Bandini = bullshit)

        It seems that much of that trans-fuckery is a thing of the past. With a few strokes of his mightier than a sword pen he did away with much of my issues. 

    Yippy! Yes there is a God, mostly

    There still exists a metric Shit Tonne of Bandini left to weed out and eradicate.

    Mr. Elon musk is hard at work weeding out much of the corruption and bloat that exists in the swamp we call the Nation's Capital.

    Fiery violence eliciting rhetoric by the left's leaders (rhetoric by the way that if the Right were spewing would be called awful and heinousness.) calling for fighting in the halls of congress on the floor of the Senate in streets... calling tor efforts to shut down the city. Out of control protest marches Stopping up a major freeway in LA, illegal immigrants burning the American Flag on the 101 (the 101), the list is as long as the 101 freeway is. I don't even want to capture the videos from the YouTube for this post. I watched too many of them last night and am sickened by it.

    Much of this fiery rhetoric is aimed at the USAID program that Mr. Elon Musk has dug up and brought into the light. There are more bullshit line items in the bloat of this program than there are bubbles in the swaps of all of Dagobah all of the grains of sand on ten thousand earths all the hydrogen atoms in a Super Giant Star and how ever much stuff there is all of the black holes (oh I don't guess I can say black holes better say holes of color) in all of this known universe and any other universes covered in the many universes theory. TAX money siphoned off to pay for trans shit in Islamic countries Gay positivity Comic books in Peru? What fuck-wit fought for this bullshit? I want to know the names associated with all of this shit. I don't just want the program eradicated I want those fucks responsible for it destroyed.

    I tried to go looking for this USAID thing. much of it seems to have been edited down to reflect that things are being canceled (and not canceled in a social media way) Which makes my heart sigh with relief that perhaps just perhaps OUR TAX Dollars will be benefiting US the Tax Payers. I can not believe that the LEFT can defend this Bandini. I think I saw something about Sesame Street in Iraq. Now I used to like the Sesame Street, but the LEFT apparently got their hooks into the Sesame Street and twisted it all out of shape. Started introducing ideas that aught not be introduced to Young minds.

Monday, February 3, 2025

My Stuff - Society - Suicide

    They use the word "commit" when discussing suicide. Which is interesting to me. Because indeed you do have to be "committed" to commit suicide. First off because in order to commit suicide you really have to want it. You really have to want it to over come that damned ol' pesky survival instinct shit. I have got to tell you that survival instinct thing is a real bitch. Because right at the last moment there comes into your mind all manner of fuck off second thoughts. But they aren't really about hope and the future so much just fuck off don't do it thoughts. No plan for the future, no things will get better, just stone cold stop. Just the Sweaty Shivering fitts of STOP. Which as I said before is a real bitch when you have gone through all the trouble of getting things ready.

    Sometime ago I was experiencing what I have come to call 'The darkness'. What clinicians have called suicidal ideation. I believe that I have dealt with these thoughts most of my life at one time or another. In the most recent time I was going through some crappy issues of loss and hatred and rage and guilt for the hatred and rage and the loss was compounded with having been swindled out of $500,000.00 roughly. it was/is a mental thing that I am having a great deal of difficulty living with. Sometimes more than others. At the current time I am coping well enough I suppose. I tend to be standing with my great toe and the next toe over the abyssal of depression. That is The Darkness. A movie is coming out soon called "The Gorge" Looks good. But I say that to say this, the set designers did an amazing job of  bringing to live my exact image of "The Darkness". When I first saw that 'set' I was stunned that they had been able to rob my mind of my inner hellscape. It was/is astounding.

    But the last time I fell over this edge fairly significantly and as I recall quite by accident. At some time during the evening of the event I some how found my self talking to my would be sister in law. She was quite persistent in her attempts to keep my from the Darkness. Apparently I was lucid enough to construct a significantly cogent argument for rolling over the edge for the last time. We disconnected the call for the last time. Apparently she couldn't live with the knowledge that she could do something more. She called the Police who called the Sheriff and together with the paramedics they descended upon my home to collect me and force-ably remove me to a mental health cell at a local hospital where they held me for 7 days. During which time several bad things occurred around my home. the likes of which I will not go into just now. That may or may not be something I will journal about here. Just now my finger tips cant take too much more as I two finger type with my right index finger and with my left middle finger, you know Thee Finger, the Bird, Oh I really hate it when it does that. [UPDATE I have adopted a two index finger typing strategy. Its not helping much though.]

    The apparently very cogent argument went something like this...   Why is is so acceptable for pet owners to 'put down' their pets when the pet owners feel that the pet is in more distress that is "Humanely" appropriate? What is humanely appropriate anyway? How is that a human person can psychically make a determination as to whether their pet would like to carry on living or be sent off to the great bye and bye. Why is it so impossible for one human being to believe another human being that the party of the first part has had all that they can stand and no would no longer like to carry on living in what the party of the first part has determined is enough in what has become according to the party of  the first part an untenable condition, be that a health related condition, a pain related condition, a sorrow related condition, a just plain lived long enough condition. I watched an old TV show from the 80's, "Moonlighting". The episode was titled "Witness to an execution". The principals of the show are contracted by an elderly gentleman to witness his death. The particulars are not of any great import for the purposes of this essay. What is of note is that the elderly gentleman was in poor health had lived over 90 years the only reason he was still alive was because the Medical Industry was keeping him that way in his words so they could siphon of his life's savings to line their own pockets. Which is true for a great many individuals today I imagine. There is much talk about mental health these days. But the principal thrust of this talk seems to revolve around medical treatments. Treatments not cures. If the medical industry suddenly could cure cancer or diabetes or any number of other illnesses they would go broke. A treatment keeps the sick person a slave to the pharmacological industry typically known as Big Pharma. There is much discussion in the senate confirmation hearings regarding Bobby Kennedy (I think is his name) He is set to really shake up the medical, food, and health industries in a big way. If President Donald J Trump has his way there will be a lot of very unhappy people in Washington. Because the stocks of this unholy triad will be shaken up and all of the corrupt senators and Congressmen et al will suddenly loose shit tonnes of money from their stock portfolios. 

    Anyway, there is as I think I mentioned a book and subsequent movie titled "They shoot Horses don't they?" that sort of follows what I am talking about here. Where does the line get drawn for the dolling out of empathy for a suffering being, human or otherwise? Does simply walking upright make it so? Why don't pet owners get brought up on charges for killing a beloved pet for assuming that they know enough about the pet's level of suffering or the stage of terminality (made up word) of the pets condition. Why don't we as a society or at a minimum humans afford our fellow humans the same level of dignity? Why do we get to force a person who is bedridden and in chronic pain that can only be 'treated' with horrible pain killers like Morphine of the dreaded Fentanyl? Why cant a person in this sort of condition make the determination for them selves where the line in the sand is. And where does it say that the person must be in some observable state of unease? Why cant that condition be in the mind of the party of the first part. After all where else does an individual experience their own condition? As stated in the movie "The Matrix" what we perceive is what we perceive, perception is realty after all. So if I, the party of the first part, have had enough of simply existing to collect a Social Security Check monthly only to live out my days waiting for the end why can't I declare that I have reached the level of endurance that I am prepared to endure simply because society has arbitrarily declared that this is the way it will be simply because I am an animal of the two legged variety. They roll out pleasant platitudes like suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Has it ever occurred to those that spout this drivel that the party of the first part may in fact looking for a Permanent solution? That the party of the first has seen enough of the gross injustices and the corruption and lies and wickedness in the world that their scenes have become overloaded by and polluted by this shit ball of a planet that we have ruined/created for ourselves. And that the party of the first part has simply and truthfully had all that they can stand. No amount of happy pills nor selfish platitudes will ever cover up the polluted ruination of a society that we have created and degenerated into by our own hand. 

    There are those among the living that wish to check out but are trapped "Hotel California" like by society and it's steadfast belief in the future and that there is some good thing coming down the pike or that is just around the next corner if we could only hold out for that one more day and the arrival of a golden ticket in the mail. Why should your belief in the future trump my lack of it.


                    Isn't that what true tolerance is all about?

                     Isn't tolerance the buzzword of the day?

    Why does tolerance have to stop with the trans and the gay and the rest of the lgbtq crew? Why cant us miserable fucks get ourselves a stripe on the 'pride' flag? It seems that the black stripe is taken by the trans crowd. Selfish fucks. It does seem a bit more fitting for us.

    [UPDATE: it seems that euthanasia is in fact legal in America. It seems that Oregon, Washington D.C., Hawaii, Washington, Maine, Colorado, New Jersey, California, and Vermont all have provisions for this. I wonder what the catch is? There must be a catch. Yeah it seems that you have got to have a terminal disease. I wonder if Extreme Depression could qualify]


                                I hope it but I doubt it. 

[UPDATE: I did a thing online where you answer some questions and they tell you at what age you are expected to die/live to. It seems that I am expected to live until 84. Yippy fuck]

[UPDATE: It seems as a result of doing the life expectancy thing I was put on this email list]