The other day I heard that there is a Measles outbreak in Texas. In the story there was call for more comprehensive immunization in the schools. The very next thing I heard on my car radio was an advertisement for catching up on your immunizations / vaccinations. My initial reaction was a look back to the COVID debacle as handled by biden and the whole dnc machine. Vaccine mandates, firings of those who rejected the vaccine. Mandates for members of the Military to be vaccinated or fired. I imagine with a dishonorable discharge or at best with a medical discharge. less than 100% of retirement. Early termination for thousands.
That sort of thing smells to high heaven of making a mountain out of a molehill sort of thing. Do NOT get me wrong I do recall the thousands that did die from the COVID virus. I do not mean to trivialize their deaths or the suffering of their families or anything like that, Not At ALL. But I do intend to make this argument; when a government such as the government led by who ever was propping up biden, wants to gather yet more power to themselves they will create an artificial crisis to motivate the populace in the direction that the government wants the populace to be moved. COVID as it happens was in fact a manufactured crisis, literally manufactured. Manufactured in a Chinese virology laboratory funded by the whole biden crew behind the USAID money sink/black hole. I doubt that the "leak" was an accident. I believe it was a test. Sort of like the Trinity pre-Hiroshima test. The guys at the trinity site must have thought this will really go BOOM. I used to make my own fire-crackers. I would make the next one bigger than the last and wait and watch is it would blow something up. Some times it was not so exciting. But Sometimes it was VERY EXCITING. I have to imagine that the engineers were looking at a bunch of numbers on actual black-boards and really couldn't imagine what 20,000 tons of TNT would look like. Some of them had to be thinking to themselves "WOW That really went BANG" with at least a little glee. But in the immortal words of J. Robert Oppenheimer: “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds".
You don't have to look to far into science fiction to see such scenarios. There is a genre specific to this very thing. I just did a google of that genre, I was amazed by the number. I thought there might be 10 or 15 wow was I wrong. I stopped counting at 27 (136). I guess this could be chalked up to life imitating art. The biden group (I call it the biden group because truly biden himself was not in control of his bowels, himself, let alone the country) took a page from any number of movies probably three or so dropped them in a blender and presto e` chango a global catastrophe. A Pandemic of global proportions, biblical proportions. The death toll was certainly frightening and certainly sufficient to motivate huge groups of the population. It also presented the pharmaceutical industry an opportunity not unlike an opportunity here to fore only afforded the 'Military Industrial Complex'. A name given the unholy alliance between government and arms manufacturers by Dwight D Eisenhower. A dire warning that we managed to ignore wholesale. Our government gets involved in wars and terrifies the populace about this war and the arms manufacturers step up to the plate and create ever more efficient ways to dispatch the enemy. An enemy, any enemy, which ever population the government thinks it can "legitimately" claim to be death worthy. They gin up a reason, any reason and its off to the races, arms races that is. In times gone by it was principally ideological enemies typically Capitalism vs. Communism. But of late that has morphed into religious enemies as with the 9-11 ignition of over a decade of conflict in the middle east. That still rages as of this writing and I expect will rage well after my demise. All it takes a focal point, an inflection point, a source of ignition. 9-11 was such a source of ignition. The Viet Nam and Korean conflicts were started over much less catastrophic events. World War I was started over the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand. World War II was caused by good ol' drunken uncle Adolf tripped and fell across the Polish boarder. And with most drunken uncles he just kept tripping over one boarder after another. Some of his drunken friends in the far East (Japan by name) and those in the south of Europe (Italy by name) joined in in that global conga line of death and destruction.
Anyway then it was the pharmaceutical industrial complex to the rescue. They managed to whip up a vaccine for this COVID thing in months and the governmental side of the equation ginned up all manner of mandates to combat their self made catastrophe. They only just recently figured out the beginnings of a "TREATMENT" for AIDS, Decades later. Only, unlike a military conflict which has a beginning a middle and an end Viral catastrophes are a bit more slippery. The COVID virus managed to mutate unlike artillery shells which can be packed away after they are no longer needed (But they will always be needed if governments or religions have anything to say about things.) The Pfizer people and assorted other pharmaceutical groups had a fun new toy that they were just itching to play with, the CRISPER thing. Gene splicing and manipulation. The problem is that with nature things are a little (LOT) more slippery than artillery shells. We all got a taste of that in the movie series Jurassic Park, Ian Malcolm, Life will find a way, nature will out just like the truth. They have let that Genie or Jinn out of the bottle now. And that is just one more fun thing that the pharmeasutical group has to work against. And its not like we don't already have lots fun little microbes ravaging our population. There are already lots incurable diseases. None of them needed any help at killing people. And the pharmaceutical industrial complex is not trying to cure anything. A cure kills the the virus just like it kills the revenue stream unlike a treatment which perpetuates it. And that is the bottom line perpetual revenue stream. That is the difference between the military industrial complex and the pharmeasutical or medical industrial complex. Wars can be stopped (sort of) virus' will always mutate and spread and there will always be a need for new and more aggressive medicine to "TREAT" the sick.
I hope against all hope that Robert F Kennedy the new leader of Department of Health can or will really figure this out for real unlike that other guy Fauchi who just took the money and the prophylactic presidential pardon and walked away. (Maybe)
I do believe that the pharmacy people had a little back room sit down with a bunch of senators and said, You know what would be fun and of course profitable... you did it for Raytheon... Senators buy up lots of stock in Pfizer et al and they contract with some fuck off virology lab in China, because the Chinese made products are have such a good reputation for such high quality, to concoct some new and wizzy virus and arrange for it to be set loose "accidentally"... I know that sounds like a conspiracy but in the immortal words of Allan 'Hippy' Carnes "Every thing is". They Abyss Quote #4
There is interesting news on the horizon from the AI folks. They are using AI and algorithms to model and create new twisted up proteins. I saw a thing this evening where Microsoft has potentially figured out a way to create a quantum computer on a chip. Of Course there is a SHIT Ton of others in the works. [Oh Joy] It sort of used to be a saying that there is always somebody younger, faster, smarter coming up behind you so stay sharp and stay relevant. Well it is starting to feel like the younger faster smarter coming up behind us will be on a chip in a vacuum bottle chilled to near zero. Not just zero, but real zero, absolute zero, Kelvin zero. Like don't touch your lips to that can of beer, ZERO ZERO. And the proposed uses for quantum computers is chemistry. Chemistry of medicine, chemistry of materials, chemistry of chemistry.
I saw a video where a computer scientist was dicking around with his AI at work. He and his buddies thought it would be a hoot to dick with an algorithm to create the Most deadly chemical. All he had to do in the set up of the algorithm was to switch a 0 to a 1, as you do with algorithms. He fired it off and went home for the weekend. He wasn't even using one of the big deal wizzy super computers. When he returned on Monday He was shocked and Mortified to find a brand spanking new double over extra super toxic chemical formula just waiting to be mixed up. By comparison it was was orders of magnitude more toxic than the VX nerve agent. VX (meaning VENOMOUS agent X) is considered to be quite literally number two on the list of most toxic chemicals. Just after something called Novichok. Something whipped up by the Soviets and you know what they say about the Russians, they always want to be the first, and the best or the worst in this instance. First with the worst as the saying goes. (Shit, it turns out First with the Worst is a fucking card game. Who knew?) As I was reading up on this stuff I was gripped by gooseflesh and significant chills. The list of countries in possession of VX is very chilling indeed. Some not so stable guys around the world have massive stockpiles of the stuff.
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