Language Changes. And who ever owns Language owns the World.
Throughout time the English language had had a slow migrational change. For instance absolutely everybody is familiar with the word Gay. I don't know when or by whom this change was made. But Gay used to be a word meaning happy, lighthearted and carefree. Now the the part of the definition of the word Gay that meant lighthearted and carefree has been bumped down to the second possible meaning of the word. Famously used to pertain to a time in history commonly referred to as the Gay 90's. (1890's for those who are unfamiliar)
But now there are 'Bad Actors' at work in Society. Bad Actors that are using the 'creep' of language to change society. They seek to Force Word Creep through the English language to control their narrative. I am speaking specifically about the Trans movement here. Trans 'leaders' whoever they are are bending the world into their own image and likeness by hijacking and co-opting the English language. When you 'Own' language you 'Own' the world. The trans leaders whoever they are are even creating an entire new lexicon for this. And woe betides the poor sap who isn't up-to-date on all of this new Jargon. (Me) The most obvious and immediate is the substitution of the phrase "Sex Change" which sounds pretty jarring for "Gender affirming Care" which sounds like big warm and supportive hug from your overly large breasted favorite Aunt. Gender Affirming Care sounds so nice and warm and inviting and helpful. It completely obfuscates what is really happening. It also leaves the meaning so completely open ended and squishy. It can mean virtually anything and nothing at the same time.
The Trans 'Bad Actors' are bending language to hide what they are really doing. They couch 'Sex Change Surgery' in flowery soft terms like 'Gender Affirming Care'. Instead of the more clinical and less palatable terms that are actually being perpetrated upon children. This is chemical sterilization and surgery. Which is chemical and front line warfare on children. This is the surgical removal 'chopping off of' of primary and secondary sex traits. [Slide this video out to about the five minute 45 second to get to the 'Gender Affirming Care' part.] That being the removal of a young boy's penis or young girl's breasts. In advance of ever going through the Horrors of puberty. Never to be returned. This is the chemical sterilization of both boy's and girl's with the use of 'puberty blockers'. These chemicals inhibit the production of natural sex hormones in young boys and girls. And this is a permanent solution. Many would have you believe that this is a completely reversible solution. It is NOT. This also inhibits the growth of the primary and secondary sex tissues. This causes the 'gender affirmed care' child to have no ability to experience sexual sensation of any kind, Ever, Ever, EVER. All of the erotically sensitive tissues are either prevented from coming in to being or are physically removed with a knife.
The medical industry combined with the insurance industry [Multi Billion dollar a year machines (meat grinding machines) ] are working hand in surgical glove to fast track kids through this meat grinder of a process. With No Real "Care" for the children involved. just their parents Checking account. By Fast Tracking I mean deliberately withholding critical information and counseling from these children. They are performing these practices on children too young to truly understand what it is that is going to be happening to them. Doctors all across Europe have been reining in these processes because they are being caused to face the actual science and medical evidence that they are too quick in their rush to "Care" for these confused children. ALL Children are Confused.
There is so much psychological harm done all along the path to becoming their 'True Selves'. All of the psychological 'programming' all of the "entrapment" as was coined by Mr. Bill Maher. [slide this video out to about 4 minutes and 30 seconds to understand this point.
This video by Amala Ekpunobi is AMAZING. It should be required viewing for parents who feel that they are caught in the maelstrom of 'Gender ideology' in their own homes.
There are so many 'Celebrities' that are coming out with their 'Gender dysphoric' children and how they are getting their kids First Class seats on the Sex Reassignment Concorde SST. (They pulled some out of retirement just for this situation. Damn the safety issues Full Speed Ahead.) And who doesn't listen to celebrities? Right? Everybody listens to absolutely everything that Jamie Lee Curtis says about absolutely everything because she is one the modern day Oracles of Delphi as is Charlize Theron and and Kim Kardashian and, and, and the list is virtually endless as is the psycho-babble that the spew over the airwaves and on every social media platform there is. Even those that they make up for themselves. We ALL know and trust These People with the lives of Our Children and they can be trusted with everything because they are on TV. Right? RIGHT??
I still wonder how its possible that the human race waited until now to suddenly have this issue. Is this some sort of Cambrian Explosion thing? Should we expect Professor Xavier's Schools for Gifted children to start popping up here there and everywhere? Will there be stylized SR71 jests flying overhead soon? Stopping a cul-de-sac near you to pick up another confused child? Yes these are X-Men references. But like DP said X-Men is so last decade, so sexist.
I have said it before and I will say it again, Did Someone on the baby facilitation floor in Heaven fall asleep and nobody noticed? All of these babies sent to Earth in the wrong bodies?Is the QA department up there so completely 'Asleep at the wheel' that the QC department cant keep up? Are they all afraid to tell God that there has been a Colossal screw-up of this magnitude?
I think this about sums up God's position on messing with children. Oh wait, that's right, we don't listen to God anymore, we listen to celebrities. Because they are the new Know All and See All on this and every other issue of our time.