Sunday, January 19, 2025

Woke Relations - Society - Kids today


    I think that Mr. Jordon B. Peterson is right to some degree. And by that I mean that so So SO many of the populations today has thrown off the "need" to make value judgments and moral decisions. "Feelings" now Far out way Facts in every way imaginable now. And Feelings are fickle. Little Johnny five year old "Feels" like little Joanny four year old today. And parents are smothered by a wet blanket of guilt and insecurity that they will take it as Gospel as it little Johnny Five year old's feelings have been hand delivered to the front door by Jesus Christ himself presented on a third stone table hand etched by the Lord God Almighty Himself that today little Johnny five year old must now be treated as little Joanny four years old girl. And all of this because if you don't he will suffer irreparable psychological harm and will do damage to his welling, long term. And all of this because the women on the View and Oprah said so, and so did Charlize Theron and Cher and Jamie Lee Curtis and and and... so it must be so. So lets get little Johnny five year old off to the sex reassignment center on the double before he changes his mind. We should push for the chemical first strike and then the surgical option in a year or so to keep from scaring his psyche. And as an interim measure we need to push the school to allow little Johnny five year old to use the girls rest rooms and locker rooms and must allow him to participate on the girls sports teams
    I look forward to your cards and letters.

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