Humanity existed for millennia before the advent of;
Modern Alphabets;
And now that we can write Legal codes can now be written.
Buddha 624–544 BC The Birth of Buddhism
Jesus, 4 BC, Crucifixion 29 CE The Birth of Christianity
Muhammad 570 CE-632 CE The Birth of Islam
The development of Metallurgy
The Invention of Gunpowder and its Use in Weaponry: c. 800-1300
People start killing each other more efficiently, which allows various empires to rise and fall.
A series of technological revolutions are made.
Atoms (This is when we really started killing efficiently.)
But humanity managed to scratch out a living in the least hospitable regions of the planet with out the aide of any of the above Technological or Spiritual marvels listed above.
There seems to be new evidence placing humans in the arctic more than 45,000 years before previously believed. the first believed inhabitation was 2500 BC
Humanity managed to make it in the deserts over a million years ago as well.
And we keep finding new evidence of human habitation every where. Archeology is finding us everywhere.
I said all that to say this; We are more enslaved now than ever before in our history. And for the black folks out there; yes this includes the oft cited period of American Colonial Slavery so heavily pushed in history classes all across the Western world.
We are slaves to our water utilities. We are slaves to our electric utilities. We are slaves to the sewage utilities. We are slaves to our waste removal companies. We are slaves to the Medical establishment. We are laves to our cellphone companies. We are slaves to our internet providers.
And lets not the whole notion of 'Making' food. I don't mean cooking it. But that does bring up the topic of fire. I am talking about trapping, fishing, hunting. |That is the acquisition of food. Then there is the preparation of this food. Again I am not talking about cooking it... you get the idea. Most kids today don't know what is involved behind laying your money down on a MacDonald's counter in exchange for a hamburger.
The utilities can not come and overtly harm you but they can shut you off from their services for non-payment. That can make life very uncomfortable.
The companies can not come and overtly harm you but being cut off from their services can make your life very uncomfortable as well. Have you ever tried to cut your child off from their cell phone use? That is a whole 'nother level of misery.
Obviously there ways around this kind of slavery. But this level of dedication to a cause takes a very serious individual. The level of sophistication needed is impressive. 'Making' your own clean drinkable water is very difficult. Making' your own very electricity is difficult. 'Making your own anything is difficult. Modern manufacturing and technologies have made life very comfortable. I don't mean surreptitiously stealing water from your neighbors hose or electricity of from their unsupervised exterior electrical outlet. I mean "Making" your own water and "Making" your own electricity. "Making" your own clothes. There loads of YouTube videos out there that will educate you on these practices. There are loads of You tube videos on just about anything you can dream up to type onto the search bar. You could likely study to become a 'Rocket-Surgeon' if you really wanted to. And become proficient at it.
The point here is that we are slaves now, now more than ever. This kind slavery is much like that described in the movie "The Matrix". "The wool" has been slowly and comfortably pulled over our eyes. sometime in the name of convenience and sometime in the name of a crisis. And that throwing off the shackles of this sort of slavery is more difficult than getting a ticket for or riding the "Underground Railroad" Again I am sorry for upsetting the woke black community ever was.
Both involve a great deal of courage, both involve a great deal of knowledge, planning, logistics, and a willingness to live a less comfortable life.
And both can/could be very hazardous if you don't have the skills or follow the rules.
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