Sunday, November 24, 2024

My stuff - Collections - Inheritance

    Collections and Inheritance.

    I don't know If I have mentioned this before, but I am cynic and a pessimist.

    I used to have several collections. Collections that sat in boxes and on shelves out of the way. Somehow just knowing that I had them used to bring me Joy. But recently I have downsized that which brings me joy. A major contributing factor to this downsizing was that I needed the money. Then I discovered in myself, what is the point of a collection that remains in a box hidden away simply for the 'joy' of ownership. I imagine that women must experience this sort of thing with shoes and whatever else women are apt to collect. There are eBay adds on TV now "Just in time" for Christmas. There is a young woman fawning over something [Update, Its some red exotic looking purse] that she has acquired by way of an eBay purchase. Looking past her hands and what she has just acquired as the camera pulls out to show a what looks like a small room Lined with shelves and Packed with stuff. I imagine that this little room must bring her much joy. But looking straight down the arrow of time, to a time  when she has to bequeath this room of stuff off to her daughter. I am clearly getting ahead of things. She looks to be a Young woman with a fondness for the color red. I do wonder what psychological, Madison Avenue trick of the eye or mind the use of the color red really plays on us. What will this young woman do if the need arises to move to a new apartment or home. How will she explain to her boyfriend / husband the accumulation of this stuff.

    I faced a similar situation with my fiance. She had an oversized two car car garage Filled to the 6 foot line with Stuff. In this massive collection of things was a large box filled with one of her daughters report cards. A shoe box for third grade report cards alone.

    As a child of a military family we were forced to downsize every year or so. At that of living with my fiance the only thing that I had in abundance were my work tools and a bunch of things that I had acquired in the 30 years working a a prototype development model maker. When the time came to move to Texas from California I implored her to downsize. She did. she rented a 40 foot box dumpster and filled it. That left her with a 60 foot box trailer FULL front to back top to bottom with yet more stuff. When we moved to Oregon from Texas she down sized yet again. a 20 foot u-rent'm dumpster. Filled to overflowing. Then on moving day they brought up a giant Mayflower trailer that she filled that yet again. On arriving in Oregon she disgorged this trailer into a large warehouse bay. Filled most of that warehouse bay and into pallet shelving Twenty feet tall and 80 feet long with four rows. Upon her death her daughters came and picked through most of it. On the third day gave up and summarily ditched the rest.

    There is a LONG Ugly story about her daughters and my house which they plundered as well.

    I wonder about this for my daughter. I had a bunch of pictures of family members that I myself did not know. So holding to these pictures simply to pass them on to her is ridiculous, at least to me. I wont be able to tell her who they are or worse yet how they relate to her. Now If I did know this person by more than just "This is a picture of your Grand Uncle Dean". There is no context, no narrative, no reason to keep this picture. I do agree that 'My' lifestyle helped foster this situation. By being constantly on the move we were never near enough to any of my or my parent's relatives, to have any meaningful visitation. If, however, I was to show her a picture of her Great Grandmother from my mothers side and was able to tell her that Elizabeth Agnes Clark was the first woman to ride a motorcycle, a Harley Davidson, across the continental United States using this map, stopping here and here and here along this route. That 'might' have sufficient interest to her provided she had any interest in the early American highway system or the whatever else might be a 'hook' for her curiosity. But This is not the case. Nor was it the case for me. I inherited several boxes full of pictures from my mother. I image that many of these people were known to her but she never had the time to disseminate that information and I would in all likely hood have had no interest. My mother, however, a realist and had in fact sorted through a staggering number of boxes of pictures and had winnowed that to the boxes that I did inherit. Soooo there is that. [Update. I just accidentally found old pictures on my computer that I though I had lost forever. They do bring me joy and don't clutter up my home anymore that digital any thing can clutter up your home. I do guess that I should now whip them into "The Cloud".]

    The other day I was at CostCo and was tempted to buy some plastic storage bins. I opted to not buy them. If I have things that require me to buy yet more plastic storage bins than I already have then I have too much stuff.

    I now have only those things that bring me joy and Are on display. My mothers art work. [The very little that I have. She was a prodigious artist. There was NO medium of art that she set her hand to that she did not Excel at. My first memories were of her oil painting. there when epoxy came into being the dabbled in that. She always kept her hand in clay work. She always seemed to be right on the forefront of what was artistic. When Alexander Calder was making Mobiles and Staybiles in the early '60's she was making great and glorious creations that could have hung in any art gallery anywhere in the world. One of her biggest and most glorious she gave to her friend because we were moving and this particular piece was not going to survive a move. I imagine that she simply gave away the rest over time. She was an amazing sculptress. She did sculptures of me throughout my life. When a friend of hers took an interest in her sculptures of me she started doing sculptures of  all the neighborhoods kids. She did her friends kids for free the rest she charged the paltry sum of $100.00. I could fill a full page describing her work. She held an estate sale before I could arrive to collect those thing that I might have wanted of hers. I her defense it was my fault. She did inform me well in advance of the sale but I 'chose' to push it out of my thoughts much like you might push back getting a book report done until the last minute.] Unless it is of any use at some future time like tools I have gotten rid of most of it. I do still hold onto some of my Mothers china service ware but those dishes I keep in the nick of case that in the very unlikely event that I entertain a guest I will have some nice service pieces to use.

    As long as we are talking about inheritance what about your bodily remains? I come to believe that embalming and subsequent interment into the ground with a big-deal coffin is a waste on a number of levels. First, the embalming process uses pretty horrible chemicals. Second, setting aside huge tracts of land for cemeteries is ridiculous. Cemeteries by definition need to be close by the family of the deceased, so that they will be likely to visit the deceased. If that is what a burial and head stone are for. The costs associated with the embalming, the casket, the plot of land, the actual service involving a mortuary and the guests and all that is involved with that, the headstone or mausoleum, the care and maintenance of the cemetery grounds, the list goes on and on and on. The point here is that the family of friends of the deceased will in some short time cease to visit the interred individual. leaving the entire situation surrounding the burial completely Mute. A complete and total waste of time money effort and resource.

    The idea of a 'Service is great. Gather the friends and relatives together physically or now on Zoom or other technologically wizy way, to commiserate their collective loss or celibate the deceased's life, or in the event the deceased was a total fuck celebrate the fact that the total fuck is Gone, finally. 

    The notion of  'Leaving your body to science' is an interesting idea. I don't know much about that. I rather doubt that my body would be of any great interest or import to any scientific community or endeavor. Perhaps as a cadaver for med-students to carve up but beyond that nothing but a sad of beat down white guy living out is days, just waiting for the sweet warm breath of death on my neck.

    My father chose to be cremated. This is my current choice of ways to be dealt with after. He said to me "You will know that you have the right cremains if there are three Titanium screws that will be from my knee." Sure enough there were Tremendously large titanium screws given to me after. He was interred at the Rose Cranes National Cemetery in San Diego. As a retired Marine Corps Captain he was afforded a full Military service complete with Bugle Player and 21 Gun Salute. I don't recall much from that day other than these facts. I was accompanied by a close friend Lynn and my daughter. My mother was there as was my cousin Nicolas were also in attendance. I don't recall who read out his eulogy. I do recall that I was mentioned in his eulogy in relation to the idea that now perhaps I would be able to step out from behind his shadow. To be sure he did in fact cast a tremendous shadow, being a True big-deal war hero with Purple Hearts, many Medals and Ribbons and was subsequently successful business man. I dont know much about what was going in  in  his mind PTSD wise. He lived through some of the most harrowing war experiences. Experiences that are largely Unknown to all. As with many fathers like that I was never able to live up to his legacy or his dreams for me. I certainly do wish that I could have. He was, in retrospect a great man and, I, on the other hand,... suck.

    I hope it but I doubt it.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Society - Government - Senate hearings

    I have always, for whatever damn stupid reason, thought that if you are called before a Senate sub-commodity Hearing you were some how under what I assumed was a "Double Super Secret Oath" or something. Meaning that if you purger yourself there, and were found out, your prison term would somehow be double, triple or fourple the usual "So help me God" oath taking in regular court. Like speeding in a road construction zone. I guess I thought that because if you are called in front of a Senate Sub-committee and were lying you were burning a METRIC-SHIT-TON of Tax Payer money moment by moment with every syllable and every consonant and every utterance $10,000.00 every millisecond spent lying. And lest we forget, WE are those Tax Payers. I thought that the stakes were Much higher there. It seems that I was / am so So SO very wrong. This woman tap-dances for such a protracted length of time that I cant even imagine how much money was Burned. She could certainly teach Gegory Hines a lesson. Everybody in that room is being paid with Tax Dollars. All the Senators, their aids, the staffers, the everybody. She and everybody that stonewalls a Senate hearing, a Congressional hearing, any of those hearings should be made to pay for the time wasted. Senator Josh Hawley is famous for discovering this sort of shit. This is truly your Tax Dollars at 'work'. The head of Homeland security a mr. Mayorkas is an amazing example of this extreme time wasting stonewalling strategy. How many HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of our tax dollars has he, him personally, just in the Senate hearings alone BURNED? And that is just him in a singular senate hearing. How much waste is there when he is not evading [not answering] Senator Hawley's questions? How much is he paid to Not secure the boarder or to Not deal with illegal immigrant criminals. I love watching these Senate hearing lead by Senator Cruz and Kennedy and Hawley. Its like watching a plane crash or a train wreck or a plane loaded with yellow cake uranium crashing into a train hauling unprotected plutonium. People are dying, people are burning, its Terrible, its Horrific, its Ghastly, its Horrendous but is business as usual on 'The Hill' I have come to understand. How is it possible that there are abso-fucking-lutley no ramifications for is lying under oath in front of a Senator, several of them. He is proven guilty beyond all reasonable doubt over and over and yet he walks free. If you or I ever even attempted such bullshit in Traffic court for something as pedestrian as J-walking we would absolutely do some jail time and not a simple 30 or 60 or 90 days. Contempt of court I think is what the charge would be. And you can bet your bottom Tax Dollar you would get a SOUND Screaming dressing down by the Judge. mr. mayorkas, Nothing. He shows up Tap Dances for an hour or so then back to work burning Tax Dollars at the Head of the office of Home Land Security. But given his total lack of ability to answer reasonable questions about his work under oath it makes me wonder what his duties truly are, other than his demonstrated lying and tax money burning skills.

    This sort of thing would likely wind up on  your 'Permanent Record'. Like that matters anymore. I don't understand how this mr. mayorkas ever expects to hold any type of government job or public sector job beyond dishwasher and even then...

    Everybody bitches about the cost of the US Military. The Military budget can nothing compared to the Tax Dollar Super-Massive-Black Hole sucking process that is the Senate and Congress and every single meeting and gathering and conclave and confab and convention and conference and and and... Nothing. Every member of the all the Armed Forces could get a Huge salary bump if they just fired this weaselly little dip-shit. We as a nation wouldn't loose anything at all. He does nothing discernible that I can tell, of course other than his demonstrated ability to lie under oath. I imagine that he burns more money than ever branch of every Armed Forces under the Military umbrella, even the Black Ops stuff by himself.

    I hope that Mr. Elon Musk can change this abhorrent behavior. Seeing as he is now heading up some sort of committee regarding Government Efficiency. That is an oxymoron if ever there was one. We shall see if Mr. Musk can 'engineer' his way through the 300 year old swamp that is 'The Hill' I hope it but I doubt it. Maybe he can strap the whole shootin' match to one of his heavy lifting rockets and send that to Mars. As a test flight you see. And maybe this is one rocket launch that I can hope will explode 73 seconds after launch.

Woke Realtions - Trans

    I am suddenly slapped in the face with the notion that because these Fuckwits just keep digging the hole deeper everyday it seems I will be having to update this Rant regularly. 

[UPDATE 12/01/2024]   Every time I feel we have hit bedrock that has become the bottomless pit of a hole that societies FUCKWITS are digging, along comes this story. It seems that Men trans-women men who feel like women. I can't seem to get that label straight in my head and I hope for my sake I never do. these fuckwitted assholes just have to insinuate them selves into every woman's space. Its not good enough that they have barged dick first in to women's sports and by association women's locker rooms and women's restrooms. Even in elementary schools Now they have drilled down even deeper to find yet another heretofore sacred women's space. Its like the leaders of these fuckwits have a meeting once a month over a Zoom Call to discuss New and more pernicious ways to disrupt societal norms. Now they have found yet  another women's space and have barged into again dick first the very much women only space of the La Leche League. While the name of this league may be a bit less than directly to the point the concept of this 'League' is very directly to the point. It is a group of Women who come together to help other women do what heretofore only women could do, Breast-feed. The League is there to support women learn to breast feed. While it might sound simple on the face of it Breast feeding is not as simple as falling off a rock. There are Lots of potentially difficult and potentially embarrassing issues involved with breast feeding.


    It just occurres to me that these Fuckwits are probably taking a page from Gloria Allred's playbook. It seems that she has a "Spidey Sense" for this sort of thing. Where ever there is sex-discrimination going on she is there to thwart the forces of the EViiil

    I do not say that hermaphrodite, intersex, DSD individuals whatever the new descriptors are for this condition are now, don't exist. [ Word Creep or word migration as per George Carlin ] Clearly, They do. And they certainly do have a place in the world and in sports just like every person does. They shouldn't be caused to live in the background Burdened with an overwhelming feeling of self doubt, insecurity and timidity. But this group of people have the right to claim these titles for themselves. They come by this title by birth right, not because they felt like it one day. This group of individuals is a vanishingly small segment of the population. These individuals used to keep this sort of thing very, Very, VERY secret. The kind of secret that Edward Snowden or the NSA or Snowden and the NSA might be looking to dug up. And yet at some point this vanishingly small, Highly secretive segment of the population has found themselves as clients of some Crazy, Stupid Good, no strike that, Amazing, Preeminent, Illustrious, Prominent, without Peer and every other superlative you can think of the likes of which would have Gloria Allred herself quaking and pissing her designer panties, in front of a judge, Publicist Group who can seemingly be everywhere at all times day and night. Advocating for them at every turn, in every venue, on every TV panel show, YouTube video and channel, every Ticktock, social blah blah blah, on every Congressional panel and in front of every judge in the land, whether they want [Watch starting at the 3:35 minute mark. This woman should be on America's got Talent for her Masterful display of Tap Dancing around a very Very VERY simple Yes or No question.] it or not. [Here she is again exhibiting the very same level of tap dancing talent]

    As an aside I have always, for whatever damn stupid reason, thought that if you are called before a Senate sub-commodity hearing you were some how under what I assumed was a "Double secret Oath" or something.

    [ Al Sharpton could not keep up this many podium appearances. And he is or was the master of popup podium appearances. For years it seemed that every time a young black kid got so much as a speeding ticket, he was behind a podium somewhere Crying that this was a racially motivated offense against all black people everywhere in America, and how the 'Systemic' racial profiling was heinous and those who committed this heinous and atrocious offense should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law. Meaning that they should be publicly excoriated, eviscerated, eradicated and they and their family for three generations past, present and future should be deported to the Arctic labor camp where the Russian dissident Alexi Navalyn died (was killed). I hesitate to say this, but not even Satan himself couldn't keep up this schedule] 

    But I digress as I am always apt to do [look for essay creep in all of my essays]... But it seems that this vanishingly small, double over extra super, Top Secret, burn your eyes after reading, military grade, encrypted, secret agent level shit, segment of the population has been dragged, probably kicking and screaming, into the public spotlight by the Trans movement wave now besetting us all. Especially the women. That is a shame. That in my opinion is a INCREDIBLE military, weapons grade, invasion of privacy.  [This is the same Tap Dancing Queen of Double-Speak we see later being interviewed by Senator Cruz.] I, obviously cant speak for this segment of the population but if I were an 'Inter-sex' individual and I didn't want my secret told I would be Pissed no, I would be ab so-Fucking-utely, Fucking APOPLECTIC!

    Somehow it seems to me that wheelchair bound basketball players playing against 'leg enabled' players seems unfair. If it follows that in order to play in the Paralympics in any sport you have to demonstrate that you are crippled, handicapped, handy-capable, disabled an amputee or whatever new softer word to describe your condition might be being used by this generation. [ Again, word Creep or word migration as per George Carlin ] I strongly believe that if you want to compete on the girl's / women's teams you need to demonstrate that you meet the minimum criteria for that being on that team. Those criteria being a Pair of X chromosomes. [Tough to fake, cant surgically or chemically alter that shit] You should exhibit the typical primary or secondary sex traits shared among girls and women. But as demonstrated in this year’s summer, sham of an, olympics in the city of lights, paris france, by the algerian boxer man a Mr. Khelif managed to compete in a full contact combat sport against women meeting NONE of the criteria required to be on any woman's boxing team. He didn't meet the XX chromosomal conditions, He didn't exhibit any primary or secondary sex traits that a woman, by definition, would exhibit. No ovaries, no uterus, no vagina, no protuberant breasts. What Mr. Khelif did however exhibit was an   F   in the appropriate box on his passport. But this was good enough for the ioc.


    This has got to be the most condescending look of smug UN-Fucking-deserved victory that has ever been taken in the history of photography. Even back to those cave drawings found in france wouldn't you know it. It just Screams "That's ok sweety you'll do better next time. Just stay out of the ring with the big boys."

    [Now I can see with the pressures to Win Gold a woman might, in the interest of shedding a few extra pounds have those primary sex traits, ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes and for that extra few grams have her head, arms, and pubic hair lasered off, ANYTHING not essential for the sport. I do find it interesting that the woman's sport uniforms such as they are are even more skimpy than the articles you might find at Victoria's Secret, but I digress yet again.]

     [ Shit it seems that Mr. Khelif  is really going places now. First algerian Vogue an Instagram page a Milan Fashion week appearance now a Wiki page! Tell me that this guy doesn't strut around like a First rate 'Thug Life Baller'. Fuck Heidi Klum didn't and doesn't get this kind of press.]  

    I bet that the Russians, the East Germans and the Romanians, the Bulgarians, the This, the That, the Other Countries are all kicking themselves right now. ALL that Time, All that money, All of that Biological Scientific study learning how to cheat, Cheating and worry about getting caught, Again, All of that Chemical and Hormone work done on their athletes was all totally unnecessary all this time. They were all out cheated by the semi-third world country, algeria. Just pencil whip the passport and easy peesy moldy cheesy "et voila" "Quod erat demonstrandum",   Gold Medals for all and ‘Honor’ for your country on the world stage. 

Until the truth is revealed as it usually is these days. There are cameras every where in every phone in everybody's pocket in everybody's hand even while crossing the street. There is an Edward Snowden under every rock, in every mud hole, strapped to the back of every cockroach, on the wings of every drone pigeon looking for their 15 minutes of fame. You can trust the Men In Black on this.

    It is concerning to me that only 'boys' and 'men' are fighting to get accepted onto the girl’s and women's teams. Where are the girls and women fighting to get on the boys’ teams.* I use the terms boys and men very loosely here, because any right-minded boy or man would not try to compete against girls or women. Truly the victory would and should ring very hollow. Certainly, there are girls and women that can and would and do destroy boy's or men in competitions but this is not the norm. And generally not in any contact or semi-contact or combat sport. There have been a couple of unfortunate women who fancied them selves as real brawlers. That almost never ends well for the woman. *I do recall reading about some outstanding girls who successfully fought their way onto their high school sports teams. I say GOOD for them. I applaud Their effort bucking sex based stereotyping. But these girls weren't stupid enough sign up to be members of the defensive line. Theirs is the uphill fight, the fight to be Better than, not the lazy unethical way to seal women's scholarships, medals, titles, places on the team. Every time an imposter wins ethics, hard work, HOURS of dedication and training loose.

    I don't claim to have the answer to this conundrum but thankfully there are people much smarter than I who do and are fighting for "Truth Justice and the American way".

Friday, November 22, 2024




    On occasion my friend Keith and I would ride our bicycles down to Blackie's early on Friday afternoons when Blackie's opened. You had to get there early to get good seats at The Window. The Window that faced the Newport Pier and boardwalk. We would park ourselves on our favorite bar stools with schooners of beer and number cards in hand. When a particularly attractive woman would walk by, we would hold up the appropriate number card reflecting the 1 to 10 scale of attractiveness. We weren't totally stupid and in Newport there was never, and I mean Never, a girl / young woman / older woman rating in at less than an 8 so we really, only ever had three cards in hand 8, 9, 10. This was a popular 'sport' on the boardwalk. Lots of the Summer Rental Party Folk / Kids would do the same. Typically, this was met with good humor and appreciation. On this afternoon, however as very attractive young woman walked by the front window and we held up our number cards reflecting a rating of a strong 9. As it happened, she was walking some three feet in front of her BIG Bruiser Boyfriend. We held up our numbers just in time for her boyfriend to see. He was outraged and stormed in to Blackie's ostensibly to unscrew our heads from our bodies. He was not at all happy with the two of us. He was getting all bowed up ready to... when Keith asked if he thought our rating of his girlfriend was inaccurate. As I said before we had rated her at a strong 9. He was sort of at a loss for words to answer that. So, he Huffed, and he Puffed and turned and walked out. Keith was always so very smooth. I was as close to pissing myself as I have ever been, I think. Although that was a time in my life when I was terrified out of my mind on a regular basis.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Wokle Relations - Trans - Children

    The focus of this morning’s essay [Rant] will be Trans in elementary schools. Trans has, as expected, escaped the bounds of simple gender, male / female self-identification.

    "What do you want to be when you grow up Johnny?" has suddenly gone from an occupational or vocational question to a completely open-ended question. A question that is left completely open to absolutely anything and everything. If Johnny wants to identify as a dust mote or a cat everybody is suddenly compelled to accept Johnny's delusional assertion. A teacher called a student "Despicable" for challenging another student's self-identification as a cat.  I have read that this has been carried to ridiculous extremes in some grade schools. Some schools are actually putting   Litter boxes   in the school bathrooms for those children identifying as animals of one sort or another.

It is my firm believe that if a child makes this feelings based self-identification assertion [this assertion being a self-identification of being a non-human] and insists that the teaching staff and the janitorial staff  make available to this delusional child; bathroom equipment outside of the normal and customary bathroom facilities then the parents of said child must be responsible for the complete care, cleaning and over-all maintenance of this child's unusual and non-customary bathroom facilities IE a litter box. And if the teachers of said child are keeping Johnny's species self-identification a secret from said child's parents; then that teacher must be responsible for the care, cleaning and over-all maintenance of this child's litter box. And the cleaning of this litter box must be handled in a VERY timely manner, meaning when Johnny or Janie takes a shit in their litter box the teacher must come right behind the shit taking child immediately and clean it up. And when I say clean it up, I mean that the shit must be collected in a appropriate plastic bag and disposed of in their home, NOT on school grounds. And this means that the plastic bag containing Johnny's or Janie's shit may NOT be disposed of in any school waste can, garbage can, or dumpster on school grounds or anywhere other than the teacher's home or Johnny's or Janie's parents’ home. It is my recommendation that the teacher should dispose of the plastic bag containing Johnny's or Janie's fecal matter at Johnny's or Janie's home. Front yard or garbage totter makes no never-mind to me. But if any ADULTS are going to play along with and feed into Johnny's or Janie's delusion, they must be responsible for ANY and ALL non-normal situations that arise from Johnny's or Janie's delusion. If Johnny or Janie insist that they are a cat, dog, hamster, guinea pig they should also be raised like the household pet they are claiming to be meaning that they should be bathed and flea dipped just like any cat or dog might be. And Johnny or Janie insist that they self-identify at a hamster or guinea pig that they must be made to sleep in a litter bed. And they should be fed the appropriate cat, dog hamster, guinea pig chow.

    [DEBUNKED]  Ok, so the litter box story is a hoax. Even though this litter box story is a hoax it is so completely believable given the state of liberal views held by teachers and the teachers of teachers. And because of stories like this one. "Despicable". I firmly believe that the teacher must be made to apologize to the ‘Despicable' girl in front of the class and in writing for such an unfounded, harsh attack and condemnation. But this teacher didn't stop with an overly harsh castigation, this teacher didn't stop there. Read the story, this teacher made a whole 'Federal case' out of the situation. The teacher involved the school administrators and... [Wow, Oh Shit just read this story more completely. WOW! Fuck! The more times I re-read this article more goofed in the head I believe this teacher must truly be.] This teacher didn't only make a federal Case out of what should have been a trite little non-event, she practically went to the UN by-passing all Local, State, Federal, Congressional Senatorial, Executive, Supreme Court authority. [But if she had gone to the Executive Authority, Joe Biden. he might have just given the girl's hair a good sniff, patted her lightly on the bottom, bought her some ice-cream and sent her on her way.] Which when I think about it, that would have ended that situation dead in its tracks because as we all [Well at least I]  know the UN is the least effective governing body yet devised by man. It is so fucking ridiculous how righteously indignant this teacher got. This was not the rational action or reaction of a professional educator. This teacher has some very deep seated personal issues that she should look into for her own personal mental health and well being. She could maybe sleep without her nightly 800 mgs of Amobarbital, or Secobarbital or Phenobarbital or Thorazine, I hope Thorazine for her sake. I wonder is she missed her meds dose that morning, week. I wonder what the voices in her head are telling her. I suppose you don't have to guess too hard though. I believe this teacher should be compelled to drive to 'Despicable' girls home and apologize to this thirteen year old girl and her parents. Furthermore, this teacher should be given a script to read from detailing the events that occurred that day as they pertain to this attack on this thirteen year old girl. This teacher should be made to truly believe what is written is on this script a la the 1984 rat, face cage scene. Explaining to her parents why she so harshly sided with 'cat' girl's assertion about being a Cat and labeling their daughter as a Despicable. Furthermore, this teacher must be receptive to the parent’s response to this teacher's outrageous attack on their daughter. Perhaps this teacher should find herself at the mercy of the parents to be adjudicated as they see fit. I believe this teacher should be dismissed with extreme prejudice so that she can take the necessary time to discover for herself what her underlying motivations for this attack were. [Go to your room and think about what you did.And there will be no dinner tonight.] This teacher Should have been ADULT enough   [Adults are typically characterized by maturity, self-confidence, autonomy, solid decision-making, and are generally more practical, multi-tasking, purposeful, self-directed, experienced, and less open-minded and receptive to change]   to entertain 'Despicable' girl's question with equal weight as 'cat' girl and her assertion of cat-self-identification. 'Despicable' girl didn't bully 'cat' girl she simply asked a completely reasonable question given the startling nature of the 'cat' girls claim of cat-self-identification. How could 'Despicable' girl possibly be prepared to hear such a claim at thirteen years of age. Claiming to be a cat and demanding to be treated as a cat is so completely outside all norms in any school especially at this grade level. Or it should be anyway. And while we are asking questions about 'cat' girl's assertion about being cat, how is it possible that 'cat' girl could have previously been a human girl and now, today suddenly is a 'cat-girl'? How is it possible that this 'cat-girl hybrid' can speak? How is it possible that this 'cat-girl hybrid' is learning in class alongside non-cats (humans)? How is it possible that this 'cat-girl hybrid' walks upright on two human feet, not paws with claws. Why is this 'cat-girl hybrid' wearing shoes and clothing and is exhibiting No whiskers, No fur, No tail nor any other typical feline trait? There are SoooOOOooo many questions. Questions that 'Despicable' girl had every right to ask and every right to have answered. 'Asshole' teacher just completely tap-danced around that land-mine and went right into calling her "Despicable". This is the kind of 'teaching’ that absolutely shuts down ALL Legitimate Curiosity. Don't question anything, just shut up, keep your head down, keep your nose clean and don’t do anything unless I say so, or else... I imagine that because of the fucked-up nature of this teachers attitude a "Don't question Authority" is a sign should be hanging over the door header in her classroom. Unlike "Know Thy Self" but more like "Abandon hope all ye who enter here".

    As an aside if this teacher had been a man he would have been Fired RIGHT NOW [Its a long winded way for you to hear the "Right Now" catch phrase of a Mr. Ross Bennett]for the sexual language directed AT this 13 year old.

    Derail alert.

    I say this about anybody, absolutely anybody, that decides to step outside of generally accepted norms. They should/must be prepared for pushback. They must have thick skin. And the further from the norm the more withering the pushback is going to be. Getting irate doesn't help your situation at all. YOU have unilaterally taken this step outside the norm. Unless you are so COMPLETELY 'passing' you should wear a sign around your neck alerting those around you of what your preferred pronouns are. Confusing people is a non-starter on your part. You are just looking for a fight.  

    Again, the further from the norm, the more outrageous your deviation, the more withering reaction is going to be.    

    Newton's third law.     For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If object A acts a force upon object B, then object B will exert an opposite yet equal force upon object A. 

    If object A is a, not an even remotely convincingly passing man, who asserts that he is a woman and has his phone setup to video-record this interaction in advance of this inevitable kerfuffle. And when object A encounters object B. Object B being a member of the wait staff at a restaurant. And when object B inevitably mistakenly 'miss-gender's object A, because of their voice tone and general countenance and demeanor or miss-demeanor in this case and because this is San Francisco. Then object A should be aware that they are not at all convincingly passing as a woman and suck it up and understand that they are presenting a confusing countenance and live with their choice and understand all of the ramifications of this choice. 

    Even Speed Laws take into consideration what might be a reasonable speed might be according to 80% of drivers, so...