Monday, November 11, 2024

Government - isms

    In the light of recent events [read; the election in America] why is it that Fascism gets such a bad rap? There are far worse things.

     Fascism. Certainly Adolf Hitler was a Fascist and was certainly responsible for millions of deaths both concentration camps victims [read; "The Holocaust"] and those lives lost in the entirety of the second World War.  Of this there is no doubt, well to some. As an aside there exists some group of people who deny that the Holocaust was perpetrated against the Jewish and other racial populations. Those people aside there is no doubt that Adolf Hitler and his fanatical fascist policies, political beliefs and weaponization of fearmongering and having an imaginary evil to purge from the planet truly galvanized the Nation of Germany into a Lean Grey/Black/Brown fighting Machine. And he aimed this Fighting Machine at the world at large. He was Overt in his actions. I don't see President elect Donald Trump weaponizing the Police, the National Guard, the Military against legitimate U.S. citizens. Those that are here illegally, those who pose a credible threat to legitimate U.S. citizens or the U.S. government, yes.

    Marxism. And yet Joseph Stalin managed to have a sufficiently good P.R. group to cover up the many more millions than Hitler managed to kill. And Stalin killed these people with long, slow painful deaths of artificially created famine [in Ukraine] and starvation but lets not dismiss those that he did have rounded up and shot. Some of Stalin's 'extermination' squads were over achievers and rather exuberant with their work. Perhaps the reason that Stalin gets a pass is that there was no artillery used to kill those millions. Stalin was a remarkably less overt and much more covert with his mass killing genocide. Genocide is a very popular word being bandied about lately. Stalin was where this tool really was to great effect. “Socially harmful elements”, “Enemies of the people”. You can point these terms at any group of people anywhere in the world. Stalin's notorious 1937 order No. 00447 that called for the mass execution and exile of these groups of people. An entire social group of people. The upper middle class. We mustn't have a reason to over achieve unless of course it's in killing of people that you are over achieving at. There is now a not so subtle movement in Europe pushing in a Marxist European direction.

    Communism. And then there is Mao Zedong. An over achiever in the killing department if ever there was one. Here too is another example of truly amazing P.R. work. Mao is the Undisputed champion of mass killing for political agendas. Tens of millions. Not the measly ten or twenty million racked up by small time killer Hitler or bush league Stalin his policies were responsible for an astounding number of deaths, with estimates ranging from 40 to 80 million victims of starvation, persecution, prison labor, and mass executions. This was his social engineering project "The Great Leap Forward'. And this policy continues to this day. Xinjiang Ping regularly sends millions to re-education/interment camps. I don't think I can say enough about the leadership in China. And I don't mean this a good way as might be inferred by the statement "I can't say enough..." Everything about China is twisted up so tight, I mean Super Massive Black Hole Wedgie tight. The 'Social Credit' system is just a teenincy example of this. His work with the Muslim population in China is exemplary, when it comes to human suffering and killing, that is. Then there is the continual threats ,saber rattling and military 'near misses' with regards to Taiwan. This aircraft intercept is an example in the air. I wonder if this Chinese pilot had watched Top Gun once too often. Here is an example of a Naval indecent. The captain of this Chinese War Ship must have been watching Top Gun with the previously mentioned pilot. I imagine that the pilot and the captain went home to an extra bowl of rice for his work, showing the West who is Boss.

    But I digress President elect Donald Trump is not going to be killing any legitimate U.S. citizens, nor is he going to be killing any illegal immigrants, nor is he going to be starting the Third World War and likely last War. Nor is he going to be ruining the lives of every woman in the country. Forcing every rape victim or victim of incest to carry that fetus to full 9 month term. He is not going to be coming for your children like the Trans movement is. He might take Drag Queen Story Hour out of elementary schools. I would support this action though. He isn't likely to be taking the litter boxes out of the F*** Off schools that have seen fit to put them in the restrooms for the kids who insist that they are cats. [Update this story has been verified as a hoax, but still it is so completely believable.] I would however support such an action. Like Bill Maher said, and I am paraphrasing here, When I was in school your assigned pronouns were "Sit Down" and "Shut the Fuck Up". What are the pronouns for a cat "Here" and "Kitty Kitty"? How or why  is a teacher expected to buy into these delusions of children. This is a total failure of parenting. A failure where in EVERY goofy whim that pops into a child's head Must be treated as it it was pronouncement from the Pope. At least everybody now knows what a pronoun is. So there is that I suppose.

    Closing the boarders up nice and tight like Jerry Falwell's or mine for that matter asshole at this rally, putting The U.S. First in the world, bringing the U.S. back from being a laughingstock, RE-funding the Police, Deporting illegal immigrants, Arresting known terror cells, returning The U.S. to an actual world leader of Peace and not War on the world stage...    The list goes on. He will right Every F***ed Up thing that has happened that happened to the U.S. government while Clinton and Obama was secretly, silently, surreptitiously, stealthily, dismantling it piece by piece and everything that happened after sleepy Joe's "8 hours" on the job, or after his 11:00 am bed time were up and the committee slid in and took over leadership of the government. As a president with dementia he was this update coming after the election a puppet president, a president by committee. The Clinton's and the Obama's being/were the puppet masters and the committee.

    I personal think that Sleepy/Sniffy/Pervy Joe really put in more like two and a half hours, on a good day, if the Geritol had kicked in soon enough for appearances sake anyway. I also think that he lost his debate so catastrophically because some underflunkie who is now residing some place horrible like North Korea or Iran forgot to bring "Thee kit" that night. Thee kit with the Caffeine, the Adrenaline, the Norpinephrine, the Epinephrine, the Amphetamines, all the -phetmines, all the -ines, the Dexamphetmine, the Methcathinone, the Methamphetamine, the Ritalin the Adderall, the Poppers, the Cocaine, the Concerta, the Dexedrine, the Crack, the Meth oh I said that already, The Cocaine and the Meth was mostly for Hunter though. They mix all this mess up in Gigantic 100cc syringe with a 6 inch Cardiac needle and voila just like Mia Wallace in Pulp Fiction, Bang Zoom Back from the dead. But Ol' Sleepy/Sniffy/Pervy wouldn't be the first Meth Crazed tweeker of a world leader though. Have you ever watched Ol' Adolf in the 1936 Olympics? That guy was TWEEKING Hard.

 I truly hope that President Elect Donald Trump can get The U.S. back on the rails of governmental sanity. As I understand it the Senate is now led by Republicans clearly President Elect Donald Trump is a republican still waiting on the congressional votes to be tallied at this time. [Update the congressional votes are in and by a slim majority the Republicans control the house also YIPPY] I was hoping for a republican lead in the Congress so that actual PRO-gress can be made instead of the CON-gress that we enjoy so much today. [I really wish there was a sarcasm font [Update: I have adopted the Italics font at stand in for a sarcasm font.] ] I hope it but I doubt it. Mark Twain.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Sex - Trans

    As a member of the non-breast enabled persons gender I will never know the issues surrounding the "ownership" of breasts. Just as I assume that members of the breast enabled persons gender will never know what it is like inside the mind of a testosterone soaked mind.

    Some time in the not totally distant past I saw a YouTube in which a woman who transitioned to a man discusses the sudden difficulty of dealing with a mind that was very preoccupied by thoughts of a sexual nature. The constant analysis of women's forms. She/he (I will never be able to get that straight) discussed the loneliness of being suddenly male. Women seem to typically have a larger network of friends that they maintain on a regular basis. They keep in contact with each other just because they are called to by their nature. Men don't have this nature. Men are motivated by the need to solve problems. As a result they don't stay in contact with their male friends unless there is a need or a problem to be solved or a question about a problem that needs to be solved. Which sort of explains why women tend to gravitate to professions that involve a network of individuals helping them. and men tend to gravitate to professions that require problem solving.

more to follow...

Woke Relations - Trans - Sports - Olympics

    How the HELLLL is break dancing in the olympics and Ballroom dance is NOT?!?!

Ballroom has a very LONG history. I believe that the Waltz has been around for some centuries. Break dancing has only been around for about 40 years.

    As I understand it being in the olympics has something to do with being an armature athlete. I get that. I applaud that. That is what the Olympics is supposed to be about. The Olympics is such a joke now. I don't think Lebron James is an amateur basketball player or any of the USA basketball team for that matter. But some how Ballroom dance is excluded on the basis of the professional standing of the dancers. Some how I think this, along with So many other things that have caused the Olympics to be a sham and shameful on the world stage. 

    Paris France went WAY out their way with the DEI WOKE stuff at every turn. Not the least of which is the whole trans athletes Inclusion. A male boxer fighting pummeling a woman boxer Angela Carini for 46 seconds. In the he pictures of the algerian boxer man he looks so smug and condescending and remarkably un-sweated up. There is NO way in the world that this is in keeping with the spirit of the Olympics. Not keeping with the actual true law. Not keeping to the chromosomal law of nature. Not keeping with ANY safety regulation. And, for that matter, is the USA basketball team in keeping with the spirit of the olympics. Some how every four years the professional players have their income sheltered to somehow to appear amateur. Not even Al Capone could hide from the IRS but some how Steph Curry can. What kind of turning a blind eye bullshit is this?

    It is a true shame because there are so many 'true' Amateur athletes who deserve to be in the Amateur olympics. Surely there are amateur basketball players who deserve to be at the olympics and on the world stage. But money truly rules the world and the olympics is no exception. Nothing, no nation, no government, no politician, no governing body of any kind nothing is immune to the power of money, corruption, scandal, bribery...  Love of money and all of that...

    I recently heard several good-bad joke about the olympics; "Bronze, Silver, Gold what color will the Russian gymnastics team's urine be this year?" I imagine Russian athletes who don't score well wont be welcomed "home" but sent to some very remote and very cold Siberian gulag. Which calls to mind the other olympic joke This  joke is about the Chinese athletes, "Don't win, your social credit score will be erased as will your family but they will be literally and permanently erased, erased from all living memory. Right out of the IPhone factory. 

    Its soooo sad which is why I will never watch the olympics again. Which is doubly sad for me because I have such very fond memories driving across country with my father and catching the olympics in hotel rooms after each day all along the way. Memories of Olga Korbut  (Вольга Корбут)  going crazy on the balance beam and scoring the first perfect 10 (My mistake 9.8.Which the entire audience in attendance too Great exception to) and winning the hearts of everybody in the whole world, not a dry eye on the planet. Olga, with her crooked little smile and crooked (natural colored) teeth and goofy pig tailed hair. She even has a Postage Stamp with her face on it.

I recently saw a picture the USA women's gymnastics team. They all, every last one, had absolutely perfect dentition, straighter that straight, linear accelerator straight claimed to be "the world's most straight object." and every tooth was bleached beyond toilet bowl white, whiter than a white Dwarf Star white, positively luminescent, absolutely incandescent, and their hair was perfectly quaffed, not a strand out of place even after their routines. Not a sweat mark under any of their arms, any of them. I wonder just how much Aquanet double-over-extra-super-high-hold-hairspray-shellac or Flecto Vera-thane they had to use to make that happen. That also makes me wonder if that much shellac use could maybe get a DOT or SNELL helmet rating? And how does one sleep with glow in the dark teeth? That bright, are they warm to the touch?

    So anyway no more shameful Olympic business for me. Sorry Peacock or who ever paid some exorbitant fee to have their advertisers plaster their logo's and commercials all over the front of our retinas.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Society - On the decline of Civilization - San Francisco - The Left

    On the decline of the once great city of San Francisco.

When I was young (1965) five years old my mother used to take my friends and I to Ghirardelli Square and Golden Gate park in San Francisco and LEAVE us there while she went and did grocery shopping on the then naval installation commissary on Treasure Island. She would leave us there in the morning at say 9:00 am and return at say 3:00 pm. Neither she nor my friends families gave this even a first, second or third thought nor were any fucks gigen. There was obviously no thought of kidnapping for sale to sex-slavers. There was no thought murder, there was no thought of introduction to horrible drug experience either just visually or by actual force. She would take us on field-trips to the Height-Ashbury district, Golden Gate Park, the Japanese Tea Garden, (I loved the novelty of the super high humpy foot bridge) the Exploritorium, The Botanical Gardens, and to the Berkley Modern Art Museum. I loved the Giant Carousel horse ride in Golden Gate Park. I used to love watching the model boat people sailing in the Big Pond. I used to love the Antique Bicycle shop there I, my self, would no more consider taking my child to any of these locations now than I would introducing my child to the drug fentanyl. But, now I imaging that if I did take my child to any of these locations I would in fact be introducing them to fentanyl. 

    I haven't been to San Francisco recently but I do hear about major department stores leaving. It seems that the once glorious Union Square is no more Glorious than Skid Row. 

    Some 30 years ago I used to take my daughter and friends to San Francisco. We would go to Union  Square, Ghirardelli Square, FAO Schwartz, the Pier 39 district. We would ride Cal-Train into The City walk to Powell street Cable Car turn-around and ride around all day long with no worries at all. I don't know if, in hind sight, I was just plain stupid doing that, blinded by the reliving of my youth in those trips. None of the adults concerned were concerned so... I did feel totally safe on those trips.

    I will say this though, I was brought up short once in a conversation with a woman friend-co-worker when I told her of a shorty trip to "The City". She was suddenly and visibly very concerned for my safety. That was the first time I had cause to consider the difference between male and female world view with regard to safety. It never occurred to me that The City was an unsafe environment for women. Apparently it was and by extension still is and to an even greater degree to be sure. That is very telling and a great shame.

    I cant speak to the decline of The City from personal experience but just like reading about fentanyl I can understand that it is very bad. Similarly I can, by reading about all the "wackiness" of The City, understand that The City is no longer a Great City. 

    Unfortunately, it seems the same can be said about many once Great Cities in  America. New York, Chicago, Baltimore and so many others. It is so sad to contemplate this decline in what were once Great American Cities. Once great cities laid low by liberal left-wing politics.

    As a quicky footnote I will add that I have been looking at a selection of what I assume are recent pictures of some of these locations and they do not appear to have suffered much of the decline that I am describing. I will hope and assume that the decline is primarily limited to the down town areas and the halls of policy, which is nice.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

My stuff - Want vs. Need

There is often a great gap between that which I/we want and that which I/we need.

Lately I have been getting a much tighter grip on the need want conundrum. Living only on debit cards will do that for a person. Donating Plasma and driving Uber helps as well.