Monday, August 5, 2024



    As a member of the non-breast enabled persons gender I will never know the issues surrounding the "ownership" of breasts. Just as I assume that members of the breast enabled persons gender will never know what it is like inside the mind of a testosterone soaked mind.

    Some time in the not totally distant past I saw a YouTube in which a woman who transitioned to a man discusses the sudden difficulty of dealing with a mind that was very preoccupied by thoughts of a sexual nature. The constant analysis of women's forms. She/he (I will never be able to get that straight) discussed the loneliness of being suddenly male. Women seem to typically have a larger network of friends that they maintain on a regular basis. They keep in contact with each other just because they are called to by their nature. Men don't have this nature. men are motivated by the need to solve problems. As a result they don't stay in contact with their male friends unless there is a need, a problem to be solved or a question about a problem that needs to be solved. Which sort of explains why women tend to gravitate to professions that involve a network of individuals helping them. and men tend to gravitate to professions that require problem solving.

more to follow...

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