Monday, August 5, 2024

Woke Relations - Trans - Sports - Olympics

    How the HELLLL is break dancing in the olympics and Ballroom dance is NOT?!?!

Ballroom has a very LONG history. I believe that the Waltz has been around for some centuries. Break dancing has only been around for about 40 years.

    As I understand it being in the olympics has something to do with being an armature athlete. I get that. I applaud that. That is what the Olympics is supposed to be about. The Olympics is such a joke now. I don't think Lebron James is an amateur basketball player or any of the USA basketball team for that matter. But some how Ballroom dance is excluded on the basis of the professional standing of the dancers. Some how I think this, along with So many other things that have caused the Olympics to be a sham and shameful on the world stage. 

    Paris France went WAY out their way with the DEI WOKE stuff at every turn. Not the least of which is the whole trans athletes Inclusion. A male boxer fighting pummeling a woman boxer Angela Carini for 46 seconds. In the he pictures of the algerian boxer man he looks so smug and condescending and remarkably un-sweated up. There is NO way in the world that this is in keeping with the spirit of the Olympics. Not keeping with the actual true law. Not keeping to the chromosomal law of nature. Not keeping with ANY safety regulation. And, for that matter, is the USA basketball team in keeping with the spirit of the olympics. Some how every four years the professional players have their income sheltered to somehow to appear amateur. Not even Al Capone could hide from the IRS but some how Steph Curry can. What kind of turning a blind eye bullshit is this?

    It is a true shame because there are so many 'true' Amateur athletes who deserve to be in the Amateur olympics. Surely there are amateur basketball players who deserve to be at the olympics and on the world stage. But money truly rules the world and the olympics is no exception. Nothing, no nation, no government, no politician, no governing body of any kind nothing is immune to the power of money, corruption, scandal, bribery...  Love of money and all of that...

    I recently heard several good-bad joke about the olympics; "Bronze, Silver, Gold what color will the Russian gymnastics team's urine be this year?" I imagine Russian athletes who don't score well wont be welcomed "home" but sent to some very remote and very cold Siberian gulag. Which calls to mind the other olympic joke This  joke is about the Chinese athletes, "Don't win, your social credit score will be erased as will your family but they will be literally and permanently erased, erased from all living memory. Right out of the IPhone factory. 

    Its soooo sad which is why I will never watch the olympics again. Which is doubly sad for me because I have such very fond memories driving across country with my father and catching the olympics in hotel rooms after each day all along the way. Memories of Olga Korbut  (Вольга Корбут)  going crazy on the balance beam and scoring the first perfect 10 (My mistake 9.8.Which the entire audience in attendance too Great exception to) and winning the hearts of everybody in the whole world, not a dry eye on the planet. Olga, with her crooked little smile and crooked (natural colored) teeth and goofy pig tailed hair. She even has a Postage Stamp with her face on it.

I recently saw a picture the USA women's gymnastics team. They all, every last one, had absolutely perfect dentition, straighter that straight, linear accelerator straight claimed to be "the world's most straight object." and every tooth was bleached beyond toilet bowl white, whiter than a white Dwarf Star white, positively luminescent, absolutely incandescent, and their hair was perfectly quaffed, not a strand out of place even after their routines. Not a sweat mark under any of their arms, any of them. I wonder just how much Aquanet double-over-extra-super-high-hold-hairspray-shellac or Flecto Vera-thane they had to use to make that happen. That also makes me wonder if that much shellac use could maybe get a DOT or SNELL helmet rating? And how does one sleep with glow in the dark teeth? That bright, are they warm to the touch?

    So anyway no more shameful Olympic business for me. Sorry Peacock or who ever paid some exorbitant fee to have their advertisers plaster their logo's and commercials all over the front of our retinas.

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