Why is it that there are a seemingly limitless number of Power/Energy drinks? 5 Hour Energy, Red Bull, Monster, Rock Star, AMP… the list goes on and on.
I am now sort of getting hooked on the 5 Hour. I swear you can set your watch by this stuff. I drink a half bottle when I get up at 4 AM and at 9:00 the yawns attack.
So any way why are there so many of these products and none of the Power Nap/Sleep aids? All I can find is the Sleepy Time and the Cozy Chamomile teas. Of course there is the Melatonin too and I have tried this but I don't think it did what I had hoped for. And there is the night time pain relievers and Nitol but these are really just antihistamines with no buffering. What I am looking for is that 2:30 pm feeling that in just one more minute I will die… Yawning till I unhinge my jaw, lie down on this nice comfy concrete floor… streaming tears… brown out brain fade feeling that will usher me off to the land of Nod like being hit by a padded bus. I want to be able to buy some thing called Coma or Blackout or Two Minute Warning (two minutes get your poop in a group) something with a punch not Sleepy Time Tea. I want something with the hitting and staying power of a narcotic. Something that hits like Demerol or Thorazine but doesn't leave you in a coma for a day after. Where is that stuff? Ambien is Great stuff. But you can stay awake with Ambien. I say stay awake. Your body can stay awake and some small portion, the insane portion, of your brain will stay up with it but the rest of your brain, the decision making; good judgment part of your brain, is off to sleepy time city so your body will do or say just about any thing. I loves me the Ambien. Some great things happen when your take Ambien… after you are reminded that they happened of course.
I hope in the not to distant future that Ambien gets moved from the prescription classification to the OTC classification like so many other used to be prescription medications.