I feel like a little of Jewish man… I harbor so much guilt. I feel like I could power a small city with the energy wasted on it… assuming you could somehow harness that energy.
There is so much guilt around these days.
The ever present for white guys… Privileged White Male Guilt.
Under that is the there is Black and Brown guilt.
The very popular Green guilt.
Under that we have the Recycling guilt. What is recyclable and what is not… It's so darn confusing and too much effort guilt
Electricity guilt. Did I turn off the lights soon enough am I keeping the phone chargers on a power strip and the strip turned off?
Use of oil guilt. I drive a 40 + year old car and it does not get great mileage and is not so very clean burning I am sure… but you will have to kill me to take it from me.
The not driving a Prius guilt.
Green house gas emissions guilt.
The Fur guilt. I don't own one but I like the fur just the same.
Meat guilt. I eat meat Chicken Steak, loves me the Rib Eye, fish.
Employment guilt… not having a real job guilt… not supporting your household like a "man" guilt
Sex guilt. Where do I start with this…
I like the Bigger boobs guilt.
I like looking at naked women guilt
I like the shapely posterior… nice ass (see even have to P.C. that up at first.)
I like the words that surround sex guilt… Pussy, cock, fuck, ass…
I like the kinky sex guilt. This is a very LONG list…
I like the porn guilt
The asking for sex guilt. She is a very busy woman.
The after mess guilt. Read; wetspot guilt
Was it good for you guilt? Do I have to ask… should I ask… crap I asked what a goof…
And the big one… Parental guilt
Was I firm enough guilt?
Was I lenient enough?
Did I get the things that she needed guilt?
Was I there enough for support?
was I detached enough to allow personal growth?
Did I teach good things by example or by counter example?
This list keeps on growing…