There is a trend developing that I hope for and fear at the same time. It sort of started several years ago. Sitting here, the first person that I can recall that is involved with this is Jennifer Lopez. It's no secret that she has a magnificent posterior. And low and behold she is remarkably popular and in no small part for that posterior. Not shunned or marginalized for her shapely ass-ets. No doubt that you have heard the rap tune "I like big butts and I cannot lie". When I lived in a much majorer metropolitan area, magazine racks sported magazines featuring women with abundant posteriors. So by now you are seeing a thread developing here. I am a fan of the pulchritudinous posterior. And while the adjective pulchritudinous doesn't necessarily mean plentiful it sure sounds like it could. Words like bootyliscious are popular now referring to a shapely posterior. There is actually an authentic word for this… callipygous. Not quite the same though… doesn't just roll off the tongue and rappers would have a tough time rhyming with that. If I had my way Cosmo would be shut down tomorrow or be taught that if they want to help women be attractive to men they should be advancing the cause of the bounteous bottom. Interestingly enough the blog I mentioned before (I guess it's no secret that this blogger is a woman) had a similar post now that I think about it. The blogger in question was lamenting the fact that she herself apparently does not have a colossal keister. She had posted a picture of a woman with a remarkable behind. Not one of those Lawyer's Girlfriend's behinds. If women want to know what men want them to look then like they should STOP looking to Cosmo for advice. Cosmo is filled with designer stuff. Designers are mostly homosexual. Nothing wrong about that except that they are designing for their 12 year old boyfriends, not the stuff of heterosexual men's fantasies. If you want to know what heterosexual men want to see in a woman's physique look at a porn star. Good porn stars not skanky Crack addicted porn stars. Much as I hate to say this, look to a Rap Star's music videos. These are women with SHAPE! Lots of Shape! Jenifer Lopez has it. Kate Moss does NOT! In my mind Kate moss, Paris Hilton and Calista Flockheart and her skeletally prominent sisters are the poster children for what is wrong with American fashion and body image. Tyra Banks; tall, one time, Victoria Secret supermodel, has a remarkable figure, and doesn't seem ashamed of it. I think her figure made Victoria Secret what it is today. Tyra had an onstage breast palpation to dispel the myth that she has breast implants. Another tall woman Aisha Tyler laments the fact that she as no behind in a riotously music video titled "Nowassitall". Aisha is a Great comedienne. And the woman's behind for whom the word "Bootyliscious" was coined Beyonce Knowles. Kim Cardashian is in this list of shapely women in pop-culture. Some years ago there was a bit of a splash with the plus size model Emme Aronson. Just try to tell me that Queen Latifa, Cristina Schmidt, Kate Dillon or Chloe Marshal don't make your dick hard. I wonder that the term plus size might be re-written plush size. I prefer the term plush. I mean when you go to buy something that you want to be comfortable you pay extra for the plush. Who wants to lie naked with a scrawny woman? It feels like laying on or next to a bicycle frame not a woman.
This about sums up what this is about sort of… Jenifer Love Hewitt was paparazzi-ed in Hawaii while on a honeymoon vacation. This is a woman who has been in the maxim magazine top sexiest women for several years in a row. FHM magazine even longer. She was caught in what were considered not so very flattering pictures which exploded on the internet and the gossip magazines. She defiantly answered back in this statement but then not too very long after she showed up on 'Shape" magazine's cover reduced (18 lbs) back to a somewhat smaller more Cosmo-esque body shape. I am somewhat disappointed by that. I had hoped that she would, as she admonished young women to do, '…stand strong" against the Size Zero Nazi's out there. Tyra Banks had a similar incident so has Kim Cardashian. I don't advocate that a woman should be overweight, health issues and all, but public opinion should not dictate to a person their shape. I understand that everybody wants to look attractive but by who's standards. And standards change. I hope the apparent current trend of the re-fleshing of American (women at large) is going to continue. There was a hint of that in some Milan fashion show where the judges or some other governing body indicated that the models had to meet some height to weight ratio minimum. This caused quite a stir. Some of these models make Kate Moss look like positively normal. She is NOT normal! Most of these runway models look like they "summered in Auschwitz" while the Nazi's still were still running the place.
I hope that fashion finally pulls its head up out of its ass and realizes what women are supposed to look like… curvaceous and swervaceous. I hope women pickup on this too. I hope it but I fear it at the same time. About the last thing I need is a nation of women running around being all shapely and gorgeous. The only butt I am really interested in, though, is my sweety's butt. oooOOOooo… now she has a Butt, Bountiful and Delicious. I just love her butt and no buts about it!
I didn't mean for this to turn in to such a long winded pontificating treatise about women's shape. But I am apt to pontificate. And as I recently found out I come by that trait naturally. My mother informed me that my father did the same thing.
Oh I almost forgot… what brought this all on was a commercial that I just saw… Reebok is apparently making shoes that will help with your butt and thighs. Yippy!!!
…guess we all know where I stand on the subject of behinds now…