Saturday, January 25, 2025

Woke Relations - Government - Prison

    Apparently a man going by the name of  Grace Pinson in the Tucson Arizona penal system has sued this same said system. This one prisoner brought dozens of cases before the bench for alleging multiple abuses against him while incarcerated in the Tucson Arizona Penal System. Cases that allege severe mistreatment by the guards and by fellow inmates. A case was settled for $95,000.00 in lieu of dropping the rest cases.

    It seems that another trans-inmate sued and won a his case in the El Reno Oklahoma penal system. The money awarded the inmate was appropriated by the prison system to cover court costs. Which I imagine did not begin to cover the totality of the court costs.

    This begs the question: How should prison systems deal with inmate law suits. Why should inmates law suits be entertained at all? Who will be held responsible for the court costs, the filing costs, the plaintiff's lawyer costs, the prison system lawyer costs blah, blah, blah, if the prisoner's case does not win? Can the state asses a settlement fee against the prisoner to cover the cost of entertaining such a law suit? How would such a assessment be recovered?

    But with all of this money flying around what about any victim that was injured in any way? Shouldn't any victim stand to reap some remuneration for the violence or theft perpetrated against them? Again and again and again victims loose in cases like this. The father of a family is shot but not killed, but is left forever in some sort of incapacitated state, vegetative or to some level paralysis. His income in the family is forfeit forever. Who covers the future lost income to the family? Who covers the medical and psychological costs now left to the family? The state, no, the perpetrator, hell no, who then? Is there some fuck-off insurance policy that people in crime ridden areas can get for just such an occasion? How fucking expensive would that sort of insurance be in a crime ridden area? Could you get such a policy?

    Many insurance companies are pulling out of California for things like fire insurance and other such "Acts of God". Home insurance is no longer profitable enough for many companies. And those that do stay selling home insurance policies in disaster prone areas are able to charge exorbitant premiums especially in areas where fire and flood and earthquake and hurricane disasters are on the rise if not typical.

                                 Thank you climate change. (I am thinking of using the italicized Courier font type as a sarcasm font type. What do you think?  Maybe in green?)

    Do insurance companies issue a Climate Change Policies yet? If not then I see that policy coming down the pike very Very VERY soon, what with all of the fall out surrounding the LA - San Diego fires.  

    This capitulation in Grace Pinson's suit occurred just days before President Donald J Trump was sworn into the Office of President. President Donald J Trump as he has promised to end federal accommodations and support for trans individuals. I wonder if President Donald J Trump's actions in stopping the federal accommodations for trans individuals can give the state a point of law allowing the state to sue Grace Pinson on appeal to have this verdict overturned? Could an executive order like this will be sufficient impetus for the State to file an appeal? Could the state get its money back?

                                 I hope it but I doubt it.

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