Why do WE, and by we I mean our duly elected officials, harangue on and on about a persons whiffy past as it pertains to questionable at work activities. They seem to expect absolute perfect, pristine immaculate, spotless, pure, unimpaired, untainted, Squeaky-clean, boarding on virginal nominees for government positions. I wonder that Jesus Christ himself will be put through this sort of wringer upon his return. Certainly nobody seems to know about large periods of his life. Would they bang on about the uncounted for years in his life. And what about drinking on the job? Holly Smokes. If ever there was a famous story about drinking on the job it was when Jesus while attending a wedding and the family ran out of wine. When a party ran out of wine he changed some water into wine The first of his many miracles. The wine was the finest wine by all accounts. He changed the water into wine so the party could keep right on going. So nobody had to risk running into the 'cops' to avoid a WWI 'walking while impaired' charge.
As often as not politics, whether for an appointed position or election, degenerates into questions of unseemly behaviors. Never mind the important issues of the day. Has he ever at anytime in his life has he ever hung around any body who's friends might have ever heard of marijuana or heaven forbid seen marijuana if the answer is yes then he must be disqualified. Has he ever been watching football on TV when an advertisement for beer was splashed across the screen and he did not overt his gaze soon enough, Disqualified. And the only grey area in this 'trap' is the difference measured in milliseconds, nanoseconds or picoseconds in the time that it took him to overt his gaze. And why is he watching such a violent sport in the first place. Disqualified. Has his brain chemistry been so irrevocably been altered that he might exhibit violent behavior as a result? Disqualified.
And the congressional inquisitors (Yes a Spanish inquisition reference) ask the most inane, useless, ridiculous questions. They ask the nominee for a clarity of crystal ball reading of all future events that they may be called upon to act upon as to be psychic in nature. Such ridiculous hypothetical questions that even Nostradamus himself would have difficulty answering.
And did he see the Sexy model droobing hamburger condiments all down her sweat beaded DD class chest while eating an Overly large, overly condiment laden Carl's Jr. Hamburger. Did he watch the entirety of this ad? Did he watch more than one of these ads? Is it possible that he could believe that this overtly sexual behavior exhibited by these sexy models in these burger commercials is normative for all women? Does he believe that all women become sexually charged while eating big sloppy burgers? Will this belief translate to a belief that all women eating burgers is a sign of the sexual availability of all women in the future. And could this belief morph into a believe that all women whether eating burgers or not are sexually available and that they are in fact more that sexually available... And will he be more likely to act on the urges that this commercial obvious illicits in men because he viewed them because he is a a man, a toxic male? Did this burger ad contribute to his toxic masculinity? His masculinity must be toxic because he is a male with a strong jaw line. Disqualified.
And there have always been many who ride in on their high white horses of piety decrying the degeneracy of those that they disagree with politically. Persons like The Right Reverend Jesse Jackson. Who rode in and tried to have George W Bush canceled because of some alleged misdeeds involving his time in the National Guard. As it turns out the Right Reverend is an adulterer with an illegitimate child. So much for piety. The bible says somewhere Tend to the log in your own eye before you speak to the splinter in another's eye. Or words to that effect. (Mathew 7:3-5) Dan BlRather of CBS tried for months to get George Bush 'canceled' in the 2004 election cycle by digging up a nonstop series of supposed National Guard documents that supported his claim that George Bush had dodged his duty in the Air National Guard. All of which were disproved by a variety online sleuths pointing out discrepancies in the type fonts and other such screw ups. And these were NOT professionals. Just online sleuths in their parents basements. Dam Blather was found to be mistaken as was CBS. Mistaken. This was the first witch hunt in this century out side of Salem Massachusetts. And lets not forget John Kerry. Who had seared into his memory being in Cambodia for Christmas in 1968. Which as it turned out to not have been seared so much as very lightly toasted with the crusts removed by Mommy. Probably because he was actually inhaling.
There is none among any of them that is with out fault. Yes, but I didn't inhale... Seared in to my memory... I did not have relations with that woman... It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is. the list is long but distinguished.
This is the level of scrutiny that the politicians and nominees seem to be held up to. This level of governmental scrutiny hasn't been seen since the Zapruder Film and the JFK assassination. These are trap questions. like for instance this oldy but goody "Do you still beat your wife?"
They always forget the past political officials behavior. Bill Clinton was impeached for alleged sexual misconduct involving a woman named Paula Jones. Obstruction of justice for lying to Congress. I always thought that lying under oath to Congress was worse that lying to a regular low rent court that you and I are sometimes subject to. Some sort of Double Super Secret oath when you are testifying before Congress. And lets not, just because it is Bill Clinton we are discussing and because this matter involved the extramarital sexual behavior on the part of Bill Clinton lets not forget the meaning of the word testify. And lets not forget Monica Lewinsky. "It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is." If that wasn't an exhibition of world class tap dancing I don't know what is. Fred Astaire and F Lee Baily would have been both proud and ashamed at the same time. To see such a noble art so prostituted) Lying before congress is sort of a national past time anymore. Senator Josh Hawley (this woman looks like she just had a cattle prod pressed against her labia) can be seen catching 'guests' that come before him in Senate hearings in lies ALL THE DAMN TIME. I cant understand how these people are not behind bars for perjury at the very least and wasting SHIT TONNS of tax payer money by repeatedly lying and getting caught out in their lies. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to search up lies before Congress on youtube. If I can ANYbody can. Each lie that is presented before the Senate or Congress must cost Tonns of money. The shear tonnage of lies told before the Senate and congress if measured in milligrams or micrograms or nanograms or even picograms is astounding how ever you measure it. Bandini Mountain comes to mind but this Bandini Mountain would have to be as tall as Mauna Kea. And the tonnage of the entire Planet all 13,170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pounds of it pales in comparison. I think that they package all this waste up and have been shooting off into space where it flash fries in the Corona layer of the Sun. Or else the earth it's self would wobble off of is axis and throw its self into the sun as well.
I think the first time that government officials were held to such levels of scrutiny was Richard Nixon and the Watergate case. (For those who don't remember Watergate being the complex where Nixon had the the DNC bugged Which lead to the use of the suffix -gate attached to every scandal since.) Prior to Nixon politicians were sort of off limits to the news snoops. John Fitzgerald Kennedy is the long form of JFK is a perfect example. There will always be rumors swirling around his family the Chappaquiddick Incident JFK's father Joseph P Kennedy Sr. (the part about shipping is rumored to have involved gun running) regarding his off hours activities. Oh and lets not forget the most unpardonable offense a Catholic. But none of that ever made it to the papers. There is and always will be the question about him and his involvement with Marylin Monroe. Her death will inextricably be linked to JFK through 'unsubstantiated' innuendo. I imagine that all evidence involving JFK anything was put on microfiche. Then the evidence that was put on the microfiche burned and added to the fuel tanks of the Apollo rocket engines. Then subsequently incinerated in a great fiery smoking cloud blasted all across the south of Florida. This microfiche was subsequently added to the Space Shuttle Challenger Solid right side rocket booster propellant. The Range Safety Officer pressed the self destruct button 73 seconds into the launch causing what is now called The Space shuttle Challenger Disaster. This was done on the behest of a super secret CIA Spook Operative et voila, The hunt For Red October No more loose ends eeexcept for the CIA Spook, the Safety Officer and all those at the launch command center and their families during the launch who all later died of mysterious cancers lung, colorectal and pancreatic shortly after. All of which the insurance companies denied coverage for.
I don't know what the Clinton's did with the evidence of their shenanigans. I imagine that they kept all of that as leverage against anybody that might squeal. As if their murderous reputation wasn't enough of a deterrent. I believe that all of the early evidence of the Clinton's murderous activities is burred at the bottom of the Kola Superdeep Borehole in Siberian Russia. Russian officials were contracted to undertake the drilling this hole to bury any and all evidence surrounding the Clinton's murderous and later email server extra official activities. This was the TRUE Russian collusion story. This evidence is sealed in a Titanium Diboride time capsule. Buried under 100 feet of enriched plutonium filled synthetic granite. Several other similar holes have been drilled to even deeper depths and subsequent evidence has been buried accordingly. But these holes have not been made public and the drilling of these holes was carried out under a satellite no fly zone in accordance with several presidential executive orders signed in private through out the Clinton, Obama and biden administrations so no satellite imagery exists. And all of those involved with the transportation, packaging and burial of this evidence later turned up sunning themselves on the shores of Lake Karachay.
[UPDATE: How much does the earth weigh in tons?
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