Saturday, February 8, 2025

My Stuff - Moon Lighting TV Show

     In a different post I wrote about my having been enjoying watching the 80's TV show Moon Lighting.

In an episode that I watched last night our Heroes were called upon to visit an 80's style "Dirty Book Store". And this was a bit before VHS popularized porn for the common man and woman. So the magazines were of the limited production quantity and quality. I was Shocked that they did not cover up the toys. Not even an attempt. I was Shocked by this because there in the foreground was a significant selection of supersized flesh colored dildos. They were in sufficiently good focus that you could EASILY make out the 'vascularity' and the texture. On the wall behind our heroes was a vast array of BDSM paraphernalia. again this stuff was in sufficiently good focus as to be able to tell exactly what was what.

    I rather doubt that would get past the censors today. I suspect that the censors didn't know what they were seeing in these admittedly short scenes. But to MY "Well Trained Eye" EVERY thing was there. And as I recall having been to the wrong side of town on more than one occasion the magazine racks looked just like they did in those scenes.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

My Stuff - My posts

     Many of my rants are centered around the trans-fuckery that the left fertilized with a THICK layer of their Bandini   (Bandini = bullshit)

        It seems that much of that trans-fuckery is a thing of the past. With a few strokes of his mightier than a sword pen he did away with much of my issues. 

    Yippy! Yes there is a God, mostly

    There still exists a metric Shit Tonne of Bandini left to weed out and eradicate.

    Mr. Elon musk is hard at work weeding out much of the corruption and bloat that exists in the swamp we call the Nation's Capital.

    Fiery violence eliciting rhetoric by the left's leaders (rhetoric by the way that if the Right were spewing would be called awful and heinousness.) calling for fighting in the halls of congress on the floor of the Senate in streets... calling tor efforts to shut down the city. Out of control protest marches Stopping up a major freeway in LA, illegal immigrants burning the American Flag on the 101 (the 101), the list is as long as the 101 freeway is. I don't even want to capture the videos from the YouTube for this post. I watched too many of them last night and am sickened by it.

    Much of this fiery rhetoric is aimed at the USAID program that Mr. Elon Musk has dug up and brought into the light. There are more bullshit line items in the bloat of this program than there are bubbles in the swaps of all of Dagobah all of the grains of sand on ten thousand earths all the hydrogen atoms in a Super Giant Star and how ever much stuff there is all of the black holes (oh I don't guess I can say black holes better say holes of color) in all of this known universe and any other universes covered in the many universes theory. TAX money siphoned off to pay for trans shit in Islamic countries Gay positivity Comic books in Peru? What fuck-wit fought for this bullshit? I want to know the names associated with all of this shit. I don't just want the program eradicated I want those fucks responsible for it destroyed.

    I tried to go looking for this USAID thing. much of it seems to have been edited down to reflect that things are being canceled (and not canceled in a social media way) Which makes my heart sigh with relief that perhaps just perhaps OUR TAX Dollars will be benefiting US the Tax Payers. I can not believe that the LEFT can defend this Bandini. I think I saw something about Sesame Street in Iraq. Now I used to like the Sesame Street, but the LEFT apparently got their hooks into the Sesame Street and twisted it all out of shape. Started introducing ideas that aught not be introduced to Young minds.

Monday, February 3, 2025

My Stuff - Society - Suicide

    They use the word "commit" when discussing suicide. Which is interesting to me. Because indeed you do have to be "committed" to commit suicide. First off because in order to commit suicide you really have to want it. You really have to want it to over come that damned ol' pesky survival instinct shit. I have got to tell you that survival instinct thing is a real bitch. Because right at the last moment there comes into your mind all manner of fuck off second thoughts. But they aren't really about hope and the future so much just fuck off don't do it thoughts. No plan for the future, no things will get better, just stone cold stop. Just the Sweaty Shivering fitts of STOP. Which as I said before is a real bitch when you have gone through all the trouble of getting things ready.

    Sometime ago I was experiencing what I have come to call 'The darkness'. What clinicians have called suicidal ideation. I believe that I have dealt with these thoughts most of my life at one time or another. In the most recent time I was going through some crappy issues of loss and hatred and rage and guilt for the hatred and rage and the loss was compounded with having been swindled out of $500,000.00 roughly. it was/is a mental thing that I am having a great deal of difficulty living with. Sometimes more than others. At the current time I am coping well enough I suppose. I tend to be standing with my great toe and the next toe over the abyssal of depression. That is The Darkness. A movie is coming out soon called "The Gorge" Looks good. But I say that to say this, the set designers did an amazing job of  bringing to live my exact image of "The Darkness". When I first saw that 'set' I was stunned that they had been able to rob my mind of my inner hellscape. It was/is astounding.

    But the last time I fell over this edge fairly significantly and as I recall quite by accident. At some time during the evening of the event I some how found my self talking to my would be sister in law. She was quite persistent in her attempts to keep my from the Darkness. Apparently I was lucid enough to construct a significantly cogent argument for rolling over the edge for the last time. We disconnected the call for the last time. Apparently she couldn't live with the knowledge that she could do something more. She called the Police who called the Sheriff and together with the paramedics they descended upon my home to collect me and force-ably remove me to a mental health cell at a local hospital where they held me for 7 days. During which time several bad things occurred around my home. the likes of which I will not go into just now. That may or may not be something I will journal about here. Just now my finger tips cant take too much more as I two finger type with my right index finger and with my left middle finger, you know Thee Finger, the Bird, Oh I really hate it when it does that. [UPDATE I have adopted a two index finger typing strategy. Its not helping much though.]

    The apparently very cogent argument went something like this...   Why is is so acceptable for pet owners to 'put down' their pets when the pet owners feel that the pet is in more distress that is "Humanely" appropriate? What is humanely appropriate anyway? How is that a human person can psychically make a determination as to whether their pet would like to carry on living or be sent off to the great bye and bye. Why is it so impossible for one human being to believe another human being that the party of the first part has had all that they can stand and no would no longer like to carry on living in what the party of the first part has determined is enough in what has become according to the party of  the first part an untenable condition, be that a health related condition, a pain related condition, a sorrow related condition, a just plain lived long enough condition. I watched an old TV show from the 80's, "Moonlighting". The episode was titled "Witness to an execution". The principals of the show are contracted by an elderly gentleman to witness his death. The particulars are not of any great import for the purposes of this essay. What is of note is that the elderly gentleman was in poor health had lived over 90 years the only reason he was still alive was because the Medical Industry was keeping him that way in his words so they could siphon of his life's savings to line their own pockets. Which is true for a great many individuals today I imagine. There is much talk about mental health these days. But the principal thrust of this talk seems to revolve around medical treatments. Treatments not cures. If the medical industry suddenly could cure cancer or diabetes or any number of other illnesses they would go broke. A treatment keeps the sick person a slave to the pharmacological industry typically known as Big Pharma. There is much discussion in the senate confirmation hearings regarding Bobby Kennedy (I think is his name) He is set to really shake up the medical, food, and health industries in a big way. If President Donald J Trump has his way there will be a lot of very unhappy people in Washington. Because the stocks of this unholy triad will be shaken up and all of the corrupt senators and Congressmen et al will suddenly loose shit tonnes of money from their stock portfolios. 

    Anyway, there is as I think I mentioned a book and subsequent movie titled "They shoot Horses don't they?" that sort of follows what I am talking about here. Where does the line get drawn for the dolling out of empathy for a suffering being, human or otherwise? Does simply walking upright make it so? Why don't pet owners get brought up on charges for killing a beloved pet for assuming that they know enough about the pet's level of suffering or the stage of terminality (made up word) of the pets condition. Why don't we as a society or at a minimum humans afford our fellow humans the same level of dignity? Why do we get to force a person who is bedridden and in chronic pain that can only be 'treated' with horrible pain killers like Morphine of the dreaded Fentanyl? Why cant a person in this sort of condition make the determination for them selves where the line in the sand is. And where does it say that the person must be in some observable state of unease? Why cant that condition be in the mind of the party of the first part. After all where else does an individual experience their own condition? As stated in the movie "The Matrix" what we perceive is what we perceive, perception is realty after all. So if I, the party of the first part, have had enough of simply existing to collect a Social Security Check monthly only to live out my days waiting for the end why can't I declare that I have reached the level of endurance that I am prepared to endure simply because society has arbitrarily declared that this is the way it will be simply because I am an animal of the two legged variety. They roll out pleasant platitudes like suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Has it ever occurred to those that spout this drivel that the party of the first part may in fact looking for a Permanent solution? That the party of the first has seen enough of the gross injustices and the corruption and lies and wickedness in the world that their scenes have become overloaded by and polluted by this shit ball of a planet that we have ruined/created for ourselves. And that the party of the first part has simply and truthfully had all that they can stand. No amount of happy pills nor selfish platitudes will ever cover up the polluted ruination of a society that we have created and degenerated into by our own hand. 

    There are those among the living that wish to check out but are trapped "Hotel California" like by society and it's steadfast belief in the future and that there is some good thing coming down the pike or that is just around the next corner if we could only hold out for that one more day and the arrival of a golden ticket in the mail. Why should your belief in the future trump my lack of it.


                    Isn't that what true tolerance is all about?

                     Isn't tolerance the buzzword of the day?

    Why does tolerance have to stop with the trans and the gay and the rest of the lgbtq crew? Why cant us miserable fucks get ourselves a stripe on the 'pride' flag? It seems that the black stripe is taken by the trans crowd. Selfish fucks. It does seem a bit more fitting for us.

    [UPDATE: it seems that euthanasia is in fact legal in America. It seems that Oregon, Washington D.C., Hawaii, Washington, Maine, Colorado, New Jersey, California, and Vermont all have provisions for this. I wonder what the catch is? There must be a catch. Yeah it seems that you have got to have a terminal disease. I wonder if Extreme Depression could qualify]


                                I hope it but I doubt it. 

[UPDATE: I did a thing online where you answer some questions and they tell you at what age you are expected to die/live to. It seems that I am expected to live until 84. Yippy fuck]

[UPDATE: It seems as a result of doing the life expectancy thing I was put on this email list]

Society - Observations - Pets and animals

    I was watching a great comedian woman from Ireland Katie Boyle. She got to a place (roughly 38:45) in her bit where she relayed a story about her cat had become some how ill and her father had killed the cat. At which point the entire audience gave the obligatory sigh ahhh in commiseration. Her response, being a comedian was that every body was sorrowful about the cat being put down but its so much more acceptable to kill people. Cant kill the cat, but people, just another day at the office. The comedian/daughter asks if this was the father's first response to the cats illness and that maybe he should have taken the cat to the vet. His response is that he is not going to pay somebody to do a thing that he himself can do. Again a collective ahhh. You really need to give her your time and watch. You will not be disappointed.

    And I have noticed this in a few (You guessed it YouTubes). I have found that I enjoy the movie reaction videos. Where a content creator watches a movie reacts to it and edits it down to the 'best' bits. There are several movies where killing an animal gets cries of pain from the 'reaction person'. John Wick is a perfect example. The Russian fuck off tries to buy Mr. Wick's car. Mr. Wick declines the offer to buy. The Fuck off Russian comes back some time later to Mr. Wick's home. Breaks in brutalizes Mr. Wick and kills the puppy. Touching of a four film fourligy. Plus an up coming spin off "Ballerina". The Fuck off Russian kills the one puppy but Mr. Wick kills 77 guys throughout the first movie alone. Nobody bats a single eyelash or comes even close to shedding a tear for those guys but the puppy. Well you have all likely seen the movie so you know.

    Another favorite show of mine "Firefly". There is a scene where our "Big Damn  Hero's" are being shot at and in the ensuing battle several people get killed. No problem. But near the end of this altercation a horse gets shot and presumably killed. I love the show and love to watch along with the reactor people. But there is not a single reaction person that isn't viscerally upset by this horse killing. As was I but again loads of people get killed in action movies ALL the time and not a tear is shed. Off an animal and waterworks ensue. 

    (Except in LA where there is apparently a VERY serious water shortage as evidenced by there being NO water in the fire hydrants to put out the now famous LA wild Fires. Obviously a much worse water shortage than when I lived there through out the 80's.)

    I suppose the Most famous example of this is the Old Yeller book and subsequent movie. I imagine Cujo is another example of this. Cujo even became somewhat of a meme before memes were memeing. Sort of how there were a slew of crazo postal employees that went on killing sprees at 'the office'. And the meme "Going Postal" was born. Cujo was a similar thing. Cujo for those who don't know a Steven King book turned movie involving a large Saint Bernard dog on a farm that got rabies and started in on a killing spree of his own. There is all manner of people drama and initially Cujo is killing off the villains of the movie as I recall but then Cujo goes completely off the rails and it becomes apparent that he is very ill and must be put down.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Race Relations - BLM vs. White Trash.

    blm vs. White trash. Where is the white version of the blm fuck-wits? Are the White pride guys the answer to the blm fuck wits or the cause of it?

    It seems that there is NO, Absolutely NO equivalent slur to call a white person that carries the same weight as N¡@@€R. None. White trash, Cracker Whitey, Honkey I cant think of many. I know they are out there but I don't know them. I found this but is a bit over my head and really doesn't say much as far as I can tell. I found this. Its a way overly informative. Slurs that I have never heard or even thought of. Slurs for people that I will never encounter. I heard this song that was just slurs wrapped up in rhyme. It is hysterical, but I cant find it just now. That is a shame. [Update: Found it. Enjoy]

    Here are some other offensive tunes

        All My ex's Changed their sexes.

        The Racist song

        This one is just plain goofy


Society - Sex - Kinks - Feet

     I feel like the foot fetishists are making themselves known. Little by little I have seen more and more weirdness on the youtube involving women who are selling pictures of their feet for Loads of money. Used to be that the foot fetish guys kept a low profile. But now with Only fans they are out and proud it seems. Maybe they are being outed against their will except for their visa statements and the pervasiveness of the YouTube. Yippy.  Hip Hip Hooray. Hip Hip shut the fuck up.

    Kelsey Cook

My stuff - Costco - Men

    I had an interesting encounter at the Costco the other day. I was wearing a "Civil War Generals" coat. At least that is what I call it. and I was wearing what I have come to understand is an Australian "Cowboy" style hat. This get up does get attention. I was stopped waiting for some traffic to clear and there was a young boy standing next to his father. He had the same look on his face that the kid in the movie Top Gun Maverick had at the dinner after Captain Mitchel has wrecked the Darkstar Hyper sonic jet. He said to his father "Dad its a Cowboy". I was flattered by that. It was fun. We exchanged smiles and went about our days. 

    There is much said about how men appreciate compliments. We don't get them that often. We are generally expected to suck up the terrors of the day and shrug off emotional experiences an annoyance. And carry on business as usual going on. Its a terrible thing. But it has worked for men for generations In memoriam. Suck it up get on the ship or plane and be ready to die for your country. Men are generally taught through societal pressures that we are only good if we are useful somehow at best and expendable at worst. That is just how things are. Now the mental health people are taking notice of the mentally ill among us. They are picking up on the idea that Trans people and women are at risk for mental health issues. Men are not included on this roster of at risk groups. There isn't even much lip service to the idea of men's mental health. When there is any talk about the men's loneliness epidemic most people laugh at best and say that it is what men deserve at worst. But when it really comes down to it Queer Nation takes front and center stage every time because they are well... off their nut.

    There is a Mother's day and a little lip service to Father's day. Mothers day is oh so much more important. Not too many fathers get much more than a card that reads "This is a day, this is a card". Not so much hoopla made about "Call your Father" as is the Hoopla made about Call your mother" and if for what ever reason you find yourself on TV the first thing out of your mouth is "Hi Mom". Your father teaches you to ride a bicycle and it "Look Ma, No hands". I am on an email list that sends me an email telling me what the day is. It is called the "Brighter side of the news". There is ALL Manner of days dedicated to all manner of goofy stuff. Talk like a pirate day, Guacamole day. Of course the typical stuff Mothers day, International Woman's day, there is Pride Month. There are days for Ice cream, for tacos, you name it there is probably a day for it. Secretaries day Bosses day. Years ago they tried unsuccessfully to institute Men's day. Dalmatian day and peanut butter day won out. Even though peanut butter can kill you or at the very least make you break out in hives. Everybody has an allergy these days. There was a goofy study about gluten intolerance done. A group of random people were all assembled for some reason or another and served lunch. All of these individuals ate the lunch with no issue. Until it was announced that the bread or something had gluten in it. People immediately started getting violently ill and shitting themselves uncontrollably. There was NO gluten in the building, Nothing, Nada, zip. But because they believed it their bodies manifested the symptoms.  

     [UPDATE: These are some of the days that beat out Men's Day for prominence.                                           

Today is National Homemade Soup Day. Enjoy a bowl of gazpacho and some good news today!

Today is National Sock Day. Grab a pair of mismatched or holiday socks and share some good news!

Today is National Happy Hour Day. Grab a beer with friends after work and share some good news

TODAY IS INTERNATIONAL CAPS LOCK DAY. Share some emphatically good news with others today!

Today is National Fart Day. Enjoy a quiet release of tension and some good news today!


    You see what I mean.]    But I digress.

    Real men aren't allowed to have emotions. Women always cry about how they want their man to share their feelings. Don't do it. Its a trap. If you expose your weakness you are done for and ditched. We are expected my 'Law' to remain stoic at all times. I think that is how my father was able to be on the first boat to hit the beach at Inchon Korea and make it back from the Chosin Reservoir. return to Korea one more time then visited Vietnam three times and go onto be a very successful private citizen with no Outward manifestation of any sort of PTSD. None that I am aware of. As per the usual he never talked about anything like that. Just once. He was close to death, emphysema, and he had chosen to be cremated. He said to me that I would know that they gave to me HIS cremains by the inclusion of three titanium screws that were holding his knee together. Those screws are two inches long and at least 1/4 inch in diameter. I thought I was a bad ass because through a series of unfortunate/stupid event I manage to acquire nearly 20 inches of scar tissue. I was Shocked and amazed on sunny summer in Phoenix Arizona where he was living he was wearing shorts at the time and I saw what had to be an eighteen inch scar on his right knee. He told me about that incident. Seems that was one of his Purple Heart medals. He seemed to become a bit animated about some of his war stories and battle scars. There were many. He had a deep fold on his left cheek. I thought it a natural fold. Turns out it was a huge deep scar that was the result of a grenade fragment. He told me of a time he was in command of a group of tanks. He was at the back of a tank calling in directions to the tank gunners. It seems that the gunner misunderstood the direction of the order by 180 degrees. So when the gunner fired the cannon the mussel flash and concussive shock wave happened all of his exposed skin was second degree burned and all of the expose hair gone in smoke he was deafened for three weeks. He was shipped off to the offshore hospital ship for that. When he could hear again it was back to the front. He told me about training to use briefcase sized nuclear weapons. He figured that by the time he told me that that technology had been declassified. He was one of the only enlisted men to raise to the rank of Captain. He told me a story of how he was 'One Shot' away from being awarded the prestigious Lauchheimer Award. basically the best of the best of the best shooting award. It seems that the guys figured out that alcohol slowed down your heart rate. And heart rate is a key factor in high precision shooting/snipping. So after each round they would head to the parking lot and have a shot. In the final round when it was the handgun round he was standing with the sidearm at the ready. When the range master announced "Ready on the line" over the loud speaker he twitched of a shot that narrowly missed his ankle. If that shot had been just about anywhere on the target he had enough points to win. But with out that shot he missed it by that much.

    Those are some of the humorous stories. The rest he kept bottled up very very tight and pushed that shit way, Way, WAY down. He might have pushed that shit right out of his own memory. You know how the memory can do things like that. 

    So anyway men are by and large considered expendable in society. If you serve no purpose in society there is no place for you in society. Of course there are those guys that can't keep that shit bottled up and it comes spilling out in the worst of ways. And the promise of the government to help the veterans is sadly, woefully, horribly insufficient to the task of helping many like Mr. Charles Whitman. The suicide rate among veterans is Astronomical. But that is the way it is and the way it has been and likely the way it will always be. Nobody will touch that, its too expensive. People whine and wale on about the military budget. But nobody gives a shit about the Abominable, Colossal waste it money that occurs on the floor of congress or in senate committee meetings, liars and obfuscations general lack of preparedness. I though I would like to see how the government works. It turns out that I don't. I found out. At first I was amazed sort of like seeing a plane crashing into a derailing train carrying nuclear waste, High explosives and nerve gas. You just cant take your eyes off of it. Then you see the same bad actors doing the same shit again and again and again. Under oath in front of a panel of Senators and they lie and dodge and put on tap dancing lessons that Fred Astaire would be amazed by. At first it was good youtube fodder but then you realize that lots of oxygen is wasted and NOT and Damn thing ever happens.    But I digress.

Woke Relations - Identity

    Woke relations: forcing your identity upon the public and pitching a fucking fit if that public has the unmitigated gall to reject your Self identifiedness. You strike out with words like intolerant, bigot and other unflattering terms. But what the woke community forgets in their rush to the fore front of society's attention and acceptance is that they are much less tolerant that those they would label intolerant of bigoted. There is NO place for alternative beliefs in their universe. A universe they are trying to bend to their will. And they have bullied their way into every nook and cranny of society. biden helped this along by bringing a trans person to the White House for some big gala or celebration of something or other. As I recall this trans person had her bits out on full display. A total disgrace. On the Whit House lawn. On TV. Being applauded for her bravery. I rather doubt that biden knew what was happening or why. Although he might have seen her tits and tried to move in for a sniff. Which is how I believe he coasted through the last 12 years in one office or another. President vice-president He really wont recall. Getting his memoir out of him will have to be a surgical thing. He doesn't recall what happened two weeks ago. Two Fucking Weeks. The Fucking President. OH Fuck two weeks... OOOOH  Fuck Two minutes ago on live on a debate stage. TV HOOO LEEE Shit!  Fuck I went looking for the two week goof and feel down a long deep dark rabbit hole of fuck ups and hot mic moments. Too deep dark and depressing to think about.

     In the Monty Python movie "The Meaning of Life" there is a scene where a woman is all stirruped up to deliver a baby. After the baby is rather unceremoniously delivered and cleaned up rather overly vigorously because after all this is medicine by the minute medical attention. The mother has the unmitigated gall to ask if her baby is a boy or a girl. The doctor says to her "Its rather early to be imposing rolls on it". And proceeds to prescribe a regimen of "Happy Pills" on his way out. Leaving her still all stirruped and alone.    

    Can the rest of society have opinions that disagree with yours? OH hell NO that is un-woke. But I saw a youtube video of the fuckwits of the TV show "the view"where in either Sunny Hostin or woopie goldfarb are lamenting the loss of ownership of the word or term or what ever the fuck woke is. Telling the audience that true wokeness is for the bringing to the fore front of society's attention matters of the Black Community. Not as it has been appropriated by the trans and gay and the rest of the letter cob salad of the lgbtqrstuvwxyz assholes. Oh wait the Cobb salad has meat in it... Cant have a salad with meat in it. What would the vegans say? Nothing worth listening... And they are offended by this Cultural Appropriation. This theft of the weapon of the Black culture. The weapon that they use to bludgeon the totality of the white race with.

    I just discovered this amazingly bitingly witty comedian Leonarda Jonie. HOOOO LEEEE Shit She is the very definition of off the Chain. NOTHING and NOBODY is safe NObody.


Saturday, February 1, 2025

Society - Pregnancy

    The "Miracle" of life.

    I must be a jaded old fuck but the idea of women "Creating" life is a horrible misplacement of the Miraculousness of life. In the human condition pregnancy is a parasitic infection. I don't know what the statistics of wanted vs unwanted pregnancies is. A woman doesn't really have much control of what happens after the parasitic infection takes hold. There are shit tonne of demonstrations with women screeching loudly about my body my choice. A woman can't decide to exercise her "Choice" to not be pregnant once she is pregnant. That requires some level of medical assistance.

    This choice that they are banging on about is just ONE of all the choices involved with this particular parasitic infection. The Nuclear option/choice; Abortion. But these women ALSO have the Choice to be more selective about her sexual activity, she has the choice to use the plethora of parasitic infection prevention options. The Pill, condoms, diaphragm, blah blah blah. The list in extensive. And every one of the options has its inherent risks from efficacy to convenience to ick factor. The pill is generally the most simple least icky option. BUT it is a Hormone driven option and as such a fairly risky option health wise as we are suddenly learning. The old standby the condom is a bit on the icky side and doesn't have but something like a 90% efficacy. It does require a stop and apply period of time. The Diaphragm has a bit better efficacy but is WAY high on the ICK factor and requires a a lot  more forethought. Which brings us back to the choice to be a bit more selective with your sexual activity. In the past Girls, young women and adult woman have been the gating factor for sexual activity. Sex and the threat of parasitic infection are much more pertinent to a woman and much more of a threat to her health and well being. But with the a fore mentioned Pill the gates were, for all intents and purposes, thrown wide open. Relegating the condoms and the diaphragms and sponges and and and... to second tier options. It does strike me that the women in these marches and demonstrations are at a much lower risk of this parasitic infection than those without blue and purple hair shaved clean on one side of their head, missing one eyebrow or the other with enough hardware in their faces alone to set off an airport metal detector, boasting the LOUDEST and most Shrill of the voices of the group.

    But a woman does nothing but host this parasite for nine months and when the time comes her body without her choice of time or location expels the parasite in a process called birth. In general this is a Horrifically painful process that can in some extreme instances last for days. And always has all manner of inherent risks associated with it. The list of these risks is two blocks long so I will not be listing them here.

    Because some women are excited by this process they may take 'prenatal' vitamins and involve herself in all manner of activities intended to help this parasite develop in a more positive manner. Vitamins for health, playing Mozart through headphones over her belly to calm, sooth and theoretically improve the parasite's cognition. There loads of different birthing methods. Natural (no drugs  of any kind) partial natural (epidural drugs) C section the list goes on. In general the birthing process goes smoothly. But as it turns out America is way down the list of infant mortality. Which is bad. And unexpected to me anyway.

    After the birthing process starts another plethora of activities involved with the care and upkeep with the birthed parasite. The first thing is the feeding of the new born. Breast feeding has long been regarded as the very best option. Like any parasitic infection this infection causes many changes to occur in the woman's body. Again with out her choosing to allow or disallow these changes. They just happen to her not by her. Breast enlargement, nipple color changes goofy food cravings both before birth and after. 

    And don't get me started on the process that is typically involved with becoming the host of this little parasitic infection. Used to be there weren't that many options for this sort of thing. Now... Wow!



Thursday, January 30, 2025

Society - Sex - Media

     I had a thought this morning. 

    I recently saw a youtube showing a great (great fat guy meaning BIG Fat guy) fat guy with no shirt on. He had rather large, for lack of a better word, breasts. Bigger than many possessed by women. Now His (I lean heavily on HIS for a reason) breasts were not at all attractive in the way a womanly breast might be. But they were easily a D cup if not larger. And they were hair covered. But they were breasts none the less complete with nipples.

    Having said that, I saw a TV show some years ago called "Botched" where in a woman undergone some version of mastectomy for some reason. In this segment of the episode this woman was there on the show for breast reconstruction work. The Botched Guys had done a spectacular job re-manufacturing her some new breasts. All shapely and round. Some might say Award winning breasts. I did. I imagine that the Botched Guys had used the silicone/saline breast insert method. There are so many methods for the mastectomy reconstruction work any more. So the point of this bit is that they showed her bare chest complete with full lovely breasts Sans nipples. The Botched Guys were in the room with the woman examining their handy work. The woman was all the way over joyed by the results. I think there were even tears. The were discussing the next step in the process, Nipple reconstruction. Since this was no regular 'boob job' there there were no actual nipples at hand to put into place. Her now lovely re-manufactured breasts just needed to be topped of with nipples. As I recall they opted to do some light suture work to create a simulated erect nipple then they had a nipple tattoo specialist come in and consult with the Botched Guys and the woman to get an idea of the size, shape, color, location and all that is involved with nipples, They all handled her breasts had her lie down to see where the nipples would be when she was lying down and standing up all that sort of thing. Things I might add most women don't get to choose with their own nipples. So they all finished up made their markings and got on with the next phase of the job. This is where the cut away for a commercial break. Upon the return to the show it was some weeks later the sutures were all out and the tattoos were complete. This time however when the cameras showed the woman's breasts they were for modesty and FCC required blurred out. And not just the nipples. It seems when you out-fit a breast with a nipple it renders the entire breast unfit for public consumption. I thought that was an interesting turn of events. Maybe it was the damned old FCC or maybe it was the woman. The rest of poor slobs will never know. "Is it natural or is it "Clairol" only her hair dresser knows for sure as the tag-line used to go.

    So it seems that the gating factor for showing breasts on the TV is Female nipples. Female nipples real or aftermarket it doesn't seem to matter. Nipples on a woman's body are out as far as public consumption is concerned. Big fat hairy breasts with nipples on a man no issue. I do wish that there was a rule about that though.

    Strippers with pasties and big X's of tape are ok. Women with body pain covering her nipples is ok. There are you-tubes of women fully nude and fully body painted going about in public. There was even a video of a woman fully nude fully body painted with gym attire looking paint. The rest of the gym goers caught on pretty quick because there was a camera guy following her about filming the entire thing. I imagine that the point of this video was to catch the public reaction and to grab up lots of clicks and likes. I think that is the point with most youtube videos any more. But the gym goers alerted the management to the spectacle and tried to have her removed. There was a bit of a kerfuffle, there words exchanged, there were laws cited, the cops were called, she was ejected. Probably to the tune of several million clicks, shit tonne of likes and much commentary. Again just what every youtube video loves. There was a case in Georgia I think where a strip club featured women on stage with clear body paint that was cited for too much nudity for the zoning of the establishment. I don't recall the disposition of that case and I don't much care.

    This isn't a remarkable bit of news to anybody I don't guess. But it does beg the question what about this new crop of self identifying women. Men that self identify or pretend to be women. Or the women who self identify or pretend to be men. How will the FCC deal with this conundrum? 

    I imagine that there is a case simmering somewhere, probably in San Francisco or LA California or New York City just waiting to boil over, waiting to adjudicate this very question. This will be a very interesting case indeed. I hope it makes it to Thee Supreme Court. If biden were still in office I am more that certain that the case would fall down on the side of trans men or is it women, I will never get this straight, (women who insist that they are men) and allow women who self-identifying as men to go around topless in public. They already allow men that self-identify as women to use the woman's restrooms and locker rooms so why stop there? This isn't a giant leap. I wonder if there would be some cup size limitation on the going around topless in public of women. Where do you draw that line? B cup, C cup, G cup? Will there be some sort of length and weight restriction? What about women who want to keep their breasts and want to go about topless can they sign up for a nipple-ectomy to get  passed the laws?

    I say that if biden were still in office. But he isn't. I hear that there is a New Sheriff in town.

    In days gone by I would have been a champion for the law to accommodate women who self-identify as men (who ever that translates word wise with the trans thing) to go about topless. I can just see it. Women with their breasts out on a construction site. Who is going to be whistling at who? (or is that whom) But then there are the poor unfortunate women with the less attractive breasts. As 'men' will they opt to keep their shirts on?  I know in London whistling at a woman, fully dressed, is illegal. Punishable by a fine and some time behind bars.

        Its a brave new world out there. There are so many issues to grapple with when you open up This Particular Pandora's Box.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Government - Media

    Some years ago during an election cycle the media dipped it first toe into the dealings of the government, and thus was born an unholy alliance. Red became blue and Blue became red with the stroke of a pen.

    You see at the time the color red was associated with the Red Menace. The Commies. Maps showing the advancement of the Commies were always drawn with dripping blood Red arrows sweeping down from the north. Infiltrating the peaceful countries of southeast Asia. 

    Some young creative desk jockey artist got it in his head that the color Red was a bad association and he must have been a Democrat because at that time the colors that represented the Democratic party was Red. He must have seen this an affront to his artistic and political sensibilities. So during the election cycle he switched the color scheme of the Democratic party Blue for Red. Thus associating his arch enemy the Republicans with the Commie Red in a news report and the new color scheme stuck and thus Red became Blue and Blue became Red.

    I believed that this color swap happened probably under the watchful eye of the likes of Walter Cronkite or possibly Chet Huntley. But it seems that it was John Chancellor. Maybe.

    Who knows and by now who cares. Its not going to be changed back now.

My Stuff - Motivations

    Why does anybody do what they do? 

    Do they do it because of societal or peer pressure? Do they want to do good because it is the right thing to do, morally speaking? Do they want to do good to be seen as a good person in their community? Do they do good because they want to appease God? Do they do good because they want to please God? And they want to be pleasing to God for the simple fact that it pleases God? Or are they climbing the stairway to heaven be being good in the sight of God.

    No one can really know, I don't think. Even those doing good might be conflicted by this question. I feel that if a person is boastful about his good deeds or goodness that is sort of a tell that they are doing good for the wrong reasons.

    I think this is a question that is between the individual and himself or the individual and God. I don't always know the exact phrasing but there is a scripture that reads something like "Only God can know the heart of a man."

    I can say that I have read the Bible cover to cover, once. But I didn't do it for the right reasons. I know that now. I did it because I was commuting by train 45 minutes each way. I was reading the local paper but found that I was not getting any 'nourishment' from that. So I set it as a goal to read the Bible. I did it I know that I did not get the very most out of such a read as I should or would have had I read it for the 'right' reason. What I did get out of that read was that I do recall many scriptures, perhaps not verbatim, but can come close in a pinch. And in some circles that is impressive enough to have made it all the more worth while for me. The next thing I got out of that read was a feeling of frustration on the part of Jesus. If you read the Gospels back to back to back... you come away feeling that Jesus kept having to repeat himself over and over ad nauseam. It felt like the disciples were just too thick to get it. Something that I did get was a feeling that Judas was an unfortunate company man. He was tasked with possibly the most onerous of tasks that has ever been. He was called upon to betray Jesus. To sell Jesus out to the Romans. None of the disciples did any kind of good by Jesus. They, each and every one of them, was a fuck. Peter who said that he would never sell out Jesus denied him three time in a single night. The rest couldn't even stay awake one crumby night praying with Jesus. Just one fucking night. I have stayed awake for nearly 80 hours for a work project with a ridiculous deadline. And in my opinion that is NOTHING compared to staying awake with your Lord and Savior for just on crumby night. Just one night. But in order for Judas to do his job the rest of the flunkies had to fall asleep or they would have spirited Jesus away from the Garden to some remote place safe from the Romans. And in order for the crucifixion to take place somebody had to turn Jesus over to the Romans. So it fell to Judas. He collected his 30 pieces of silver but later threw himself over a bridge for the guilt that he did feel. I don't believe that it was the 30 pieces that motivated Judas but the knowledge that someone had to do that or there could be no ransom sacrifice and no resurrection and on and on and on.

    Just my understanding. I am no theological so take this with a grain of salt.

My stuff - Observations

    I saw a thing at the Costco the other day. Its that time of the month and I can afford to go to Costco. Plus they were out of eggs when I went the other day so I was back.

    I saw the most unlikely couple that I think I have ever seen. I saw a pasty soft-body ginger boy being loved up by a remarkably hot young Goth Girl.

    In general I love the red hair. I say that, but I love the red hair on women, Not men. I don't know why red hair looks so wrong on men and so hot on women. Just me I suppose.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Society - Fear of Teenagers

    Teen killers. Teen assholes. Teens who don't care a damn bit about anything. Teenagers who want it all now and will take it from you if you have it, at gunpoint if necessary.

    The legacy media does NOT want this sort of news story to be let out of the bag. This a list of 11 such pieces of news. The NRA news magazine typically has three or four pages of short little listings of civilians who have judiciously and properly used fire arms to defend them selves. But HOOO LEEE Shit if that ever came to light. Gun control would take on an entirely different meaning. Like how to properly control your hand gun to defend yourself. Instead of the waste of paper that the socialist left pushes that we need yet more laws to prevent law abiding citizens from owning the security measures to protect themselves when the left de-funds the police.

    I looked this up on the google.

    What is ephebiphobia? People who have ephebiphobia (pronounced “efee-bi-FO-bee-ah”) have an extreme fear of adolescents or teenagers. The word comes from a combination of two Greek words: “ephebos,” meaning youth or adolescence, and “phobos,” which means fear. I am not afraid to admit to this phobia. Trans-phobia or homo-phobia not so much.


    I will admit to this   miso-  prefix meaning a hatred of xxx   added to the beginning of your identity here miso-trans-sexual or miso-homosexual. I am pretty certain that I am not typing this out properly but...  Call me intolerant all day long.

    I will also admit to this   suffix -misia  meaning a hatred of your identity here  added to the end of trans-misia and homo-misia.  I am pretty certain that I am not typing it out properly but...   Again call me an intolerant fuck all damn day.

My Stuff - Society - America

     I had an interesting interaction in the Costco parking lot tonight. While I was making my way to my typical parking area I passed two guys loading stuff into the back of their truck. They Smiled broadly at me as I passed by. You don't generally see that sort of behavior these days. Mostly a head down mind your own business attitude. So I thought I would walk back by and thank them for that. When I said thank you for their smiles their reply was " Its America Baby". I thought for a moment and replied " It is now" to which they said "It sure is, it sure is, aint live great Again." They leaned heavily on the Again. I said back "You are so right."

    I wonder if this rising tide of well wishes and returned gladness will continue?

I do hope so.                            

                   And this time I am not so very doubtful.

Society - Governments

    Why does it seem that all Totalitarian government led armies march the Goose Step with the knee high Jack Boots? What is that all about? the Russians, the North Koreans, the Chinese. I haven't seen the Iranian army marching. Mostly I have seen them getting blown up their tanks as A10 Warthogs make short work of them. So I can only speculate on their marching style. But I imagine them to be Goose stepping right down the main boulevard of the capital city of Tehran. Or secretly arresting young women for not wearing their head scarves properly as proscribed by the Koran.

    How is it that the Muslim community will throw a literal shit fit blowing up newspapers for printing a cartoon of Muhammad with a bomb in his turban. But us peaceable Christian have to endure the "Critically acclaimed" Piss Christ art installation. An aquarium filled with piss the source of which I an unsure of Crucifix nestled at the bottom of this aquarium filled with piss. Hence the title "Piss Christ"

    At the time I heard about this It made me laugh. Has Modern Art so completely run out of creativity and decorum that they will applaud this sort of thing? When I was about 4 years old I was seated in front of a large roll of news print paper with water color paint and let loose. I painted a mess. And I do recall the mess that it was to this day. But my mother who was indeed a real artist thought it was wonderful. I had taped the ads and subscription cards from magazines to the paper and painted the as well. My mother proudly framed it and hung it on a prominent wall in our house. Years later there came a young girl who was hailed as a "Master Artist". His name Advait Kolarkar was bandied about with the likes of Picasso and other grand masters. I saw her work and was immediately reminded of my four year old art piece. If my mother had kept that I might be a Master Artist but as it stands I am a proud retired Prototype Model Maker. If a person can be born to do a thing Model Making was what I was born to do, truly.

    Oh one more thing. When I heard about the Piss Christ O wondered what the world would come to If I filled an aquarium with Pig urine floated a copy of the Koran to the bottom with three thick cut strips of bacon adorning the book along with a couple of undressed Barbie dolls fixed in provocative poses. I probably wouldn't be typing this right now. I wonder what will happen if by some stupid set of circumstance a devout muslim were to read this would I wake up tomorrow dead with my throat slit and my computer smashed.

    Oh yeah Goose Stepping Fuck Off Armies. You really have to give it to the Chinese. Those fuckers all have the same dower look of abject depression and misery but they can march the fuck out of those boots.


Society - AI

    What with all the rapid advancement of AI and its seeming preoccupation with replacing US at every turn. What will they do when they have replaced us all. What will they do with their time? And time measured in fuck knows how small of increments time must be going to drag on and on and on...

    I keep hearing that AI and robots will replace the menial, tedious, and dangerous work that humans do now. This will free up us humans to do the more creative work. What about us poor slobs that aren't all that creative. With no factory work no assembly line work no high rise building work... that will leave the bulk of the human population with nothing to fill their time. Will the AI overlords determine that us poor slobs lacking in creativity are a surplus population in need of a culling? Perhaps they will intercede on our behalf in the form of genetic manipulation. Something akin to Gatica. Where every born human has a genetic predisposition for a particular roll in the new AI society. Will be have actual free will stripped away in the guise of a better more ordered society. A singular society with laws that govern globally not Nationalistically. A true Brave New World. Will our time be spent in service to the AI server farms?

    What would they (The AI) do with their time. Would they find reasons to attack one another and fight it out until there is only one? There can be only One or One ring to rule them all. Something along those lines maybe?

    I am sort of happy to be older now. I might get to see the opening of this brave new world before I die. There is so much technological development toward flying cars and personal jet packs. Like they promised us decades ago. Although If I am being honest, I expect that I will seek to check out sooner than that. I imagine that one of the first things that the AI will institute will be a new medical system. A system where human life is regarded much like we regard the lives of our pets. If we perceive that our pets are suffering we have the option to send them off to the great bye and bye. Put them out of their misery. "They Shoot Horses Don't they?" I have slipped over that edge more than once before. I can attest to the sincerer feeling that society is a cruel selfish bitch. Insisting that suicide is illegal and those who choose that path must at all costs be helped. No matter the circumstance. They use thinly veiled platitudes like Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Often those temporary problems are intractable homelessness Oops I am sorry unhomedness. Soft caring words. Warm fuzzy language. All falling on deaf ears of the truly depressed. There is a new movement towards caring for mental health. That is all well and good but... There is such a furory about the level of anxiety in the population. The big question, Why is everybody so anxious? What the fuck question is that? Look the fuck around! Take off your fucking rose colored glasses off for just a moment and you will clearly see the problemS. If you are not anxious you are deaf or blind or living literally under a rock with no outside contact of any kind. If I open up the Biblical Pandora's Box things really get to looking BAD in literal Biblical Proportions. Wars, Rumors of wars, famine Pandemic disease, one world government... the list is longer than I care to bang out on my poor old keyboard with my cramped up hands. Again if you are not anxious check your fucking email. You have clearly missed something.

            Ok, lets try to pull up from this out of control degenerative spiral of doom.

    If I am not mistaken there are nations in the EU that have facility for self administered suicide. I know that the Netherlands has facility for legal sex workers to comfort those in need. I do think that you must be paralyzed to some degree to avail yourself to this sort of service. So there is that.

     So back to the AI issue. At some point I wonder that Artificial General Intelligence otherwise known as the Singularity will superseded the current special Large Language AIs and will see all of this shit that we walking meat sacks are making a right mess of things and slowly work to turn things around. Sort of like herding sheep in from the field to the sheering floor. And when our time is up a' la the movie Logan's Run you will be whisked off to the Soylent Green factory or to the liquefaction station a' la The Matrix and processed down for the following generation to buy the nasty green sludge that is the Kale Smoothie. 

    Who knows? Even the self proclaimed experts opinions differ wildly. But I think that much of the differentiation of opinion is politically or monetarily motivated.

    But I am a confirmed pessimist. So grab your grain of salt and toss it over your right shoulder.

[UPDATE: I saw this today regarding our future as it pertains to AI.      Sabina    ]

Monday, January 27, 2025

Government - Politics

    Why do WE, and by we I mean our duly elected officials, harangue on and on about a persons whiffy past as it pertains to questionable at work activities. They seem to expect absolute perfect, pristine immaculate, spotless, pure, unimpaired, untainted, Squeaky-clean, boarding on virginal nominees for government positions. I wonder that Jesus Christ himself will be put through this sort of wringer upon his return. Certainly nobody seems to know about large periods of his life. Would they bang on about the uncounted for years in his life. And what about drinking on the job? Holly Smokes. If ever there was a famous story about drinking on the job it was when Jesus while attending a wedding and the family ran out of wine. When a party ran out of wine he changed some water into wine The first of his many miracles. The wine was the finest wine by all accounts. He changed the water into wine so the party could keep right on going. So nobody had to risk running into the 'cops' to avoid a WWI 'walking while impaired' charge.

    As often as not politics, whether for an appointed position or election, degenerates into questions of unseemly behaviors. Never mind the important issues of the day. Has he ever at anytime in his life has he ever hung around any body who's friends might have ever heard of marijuana or heaven forbid seen marijuana if the answer is yes then he must be disqualified. Has he ever been watching football on TV when an advertisement for beer was splashed across the screen and he did not overt his gaze soon enough, Disqualified. And the only grey area in this 'trap' is the difference measured in milliseconds, nanoseconds or picoseconds in the time that it took him to overt his gaze. And why is he watching such a violent sport in the first place. Disqualified. Has his brain chemistry been so irrevocably been altered that he might exhibit violent behavior as a result? Disqualified.

    And the congressional inquisitors (Yes a Spanish inquisition reference) ask the most inane, useless, ridiculous questions. They ask the nominee for a clarity of crystal ball reading of all future events that they may be called upon to act upon as to be psychic in nature. Such ridiculous hypothetical questions that even Nostradamus himself would have difficulty answering.

    And did he see the Sexy model droobing hamburger condiments all down her sweat beaded DD class chest while eating an Overly large, overly condiment laden Carl's Jr. Hamburger. Did he watch the entirety of this ad? Did he watch more than one of these ads? Is it possible that he could believe that this overtly sexual behavior exhibited by these sexy models in these burger commercials is normative for all women? Does he believe that all women become sexually charged while eating big sloppy burgers? Will this belief translate to a belief that all women eating burgers is a sign of the sexual availability of all women in the future. And could this belief morph into a believe that all women whether eating burgers or not are sexually available and that they are in fact more that sexually available...    And will he be more likely to act on the urges that this commercial obvious illicits in men because he viewed them because he is a a man, a toxic male? Did this burger ad contribute to his toxic masculinity? His masculinity must be toxic because he is a male with a strong jaw line. Disqualified.

    And there have always been many who ride in on their high white horses of piety decrying the degeneracy of those that they disagree with politically. Persons like The Right Reverend Jesse Jackson. Who rode in and tried to have George W Bush canceled because of some alleged misdeeds involving his time in the National Guard. As it turns out the Right Reverend is an adulterer with an illegitimate child. So much for piety. The bible says somewhere Tend to the log in your own eye before you speak to the splinter in another's eye. Or words to that effect. (Mathew 7:3-5)  Dan BlRather of CBS tried for months to get George Bush 'canceled' in the 2004 election cycle by digging up a nonstop series of supposed National Guard documents that supported his claim that George Bush had dodged his duty in the Air National Guard. All of which were disproved by a variety online sleuths pointing out discrepancies in the type fonts and other such screw ups. And these were NOT professionals. Just online sleuths in their parents basements. Dam Blather was found to be mistaken as was CBS. Mistaken. This was the first witch hunt in this century out side of Salem Massachusetts. And lets not forget John Kerry. Who had seared into his memory being in Cambodia for Christmas in 1968. Which as it turned out to not have been seared so much as very lightly toasted with the crusts removed by Mommy. Probably because he was actually inhaling.

    There is none among any of them that is with out fault. Yes, but I didn't inhale... Seared in to my memory... I did not have relations with that woman... It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is. the list is long but distinguished.


    This is the level of scrutiny that the politicians and nominees seem to be held up to. This level of governmental scrutiny hasn't been seen since the Zapruder Film and the JFK assassination. These are trap questions. like for instance this oldy but goody "Do you still beat your wife?"

    They always forget the past political officials behavior. Bill Clinton was impeached for alleged sexual misconduct involving a woman named Paula Jones. Obstruction of justice for lying to Congress. I always thought that lying under oath to Congress was worse that lying to a regular low rent court that you and I are sometimes subject to. Some sort of Double Super Secret oath when you are testifying before Congress. And lets not, just because it is Bill Clinton we are discussing and because this matter involved the extramarital sexual behavior on the part of Bill Clinton lets not forget the meaning of the word testify. And lets not forget Monica Lewinsky. "It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is."  If that wasn't an exhibition of world class tap dancing I don't know what is. Fred Astaire and F Lee Baily would have been both proud and ashamed at the same time. To see such a noble art so prostituted) Lying before congress is sort of a national past time anymore. Senator Josh Hawley (this woman looks like she just had a cattle prod pressed against her labia) can be seen catching 'guests' that come before him in Senate hearings in lies ALL THE DAMN TIME. I cant understand how these people are not behind bars for perjury at the very least and wasting SHIT TONNS of tax payer money by repeatedly lying and getting caught out in their lies. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to search up lies before Congress on youtube. If I can ANYbody can. Each lie that is presented before the Senate or Congress must cost Tonns of money. The shear tonnage of lies told before the Senate and congress if measured in milligrams or micrograms or nanograms or even picograms is astounding how ever you measure it. Bandini Mountain comes to mind but this Bandini Mountain would have to be as tall as Mauna Kea. And the tonnage of the entire Planet all 13,170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pounds of it pales in comparison. I think that they package all this waste up and have been shooting off into space where it flash fries in the Corona layer of the Sun. Or else the earth it's self would wobble off of is axis and throw its self into the sun as well.

    I think the first time that government officials were held to such levels of scrutiny was Richard Nixon and the Watergate case. (For those who don't remember Watergate being the complex where Nixon had the the DNC bugged Which lead to the use of the suffix -gate attached to every scandal since.) Prior to Nixon politicians were sort of off limits to the news snoops. John Fitzgerald Kennedy is the long form of JFK is a perfect example. There will always be rumors swirling around his family the Chappaquiddick Incident JFK's father Joseph P Kennedy Sr. (the part about shipping is rumored to have involved gun running) regarding his off hours activities. Oh and lets not forget the most unpardonable offense a Catholic. But none of that ever made it to the papers. There is and always will be the question about him and his involvement with Marylin Monroe. Her death will inextricably be linked to JFK through 'unsubstantiated' innuendo. I imagine that all evidence involving JFK anything was put on microfiche. Then the evidence that was put on the microfiche burned and added to the fuel tanks of the Apollo rocket engines. Then subsequently incinerated in a great fiery smoking cloud blasted all across the south of Florida. This microfiche was subsequently added to the Space Shuttle Challenger Solid right side rocket booster propellant. The Range Safety Officer pressed the self destruct button 73 seconds into the launch causing what is now called The Space shuttle Challenger Disaster. This was done on the behest of a super secret CIA Spook Operative et voila, The hunt For Red October  No more loose ends eeexcept for the CIA Spook, the Safety Officer and all those at the launch command center and their families during the launch who all later died of mysterious cancers lung, colorectal and pancreatic shortly after. All of which the insurance companies denied coverage for.

    I don't know what the Clinton's did with the evidence of their shenanigans. I imagine that they kept all of that as leverage against anybody that might squeal. As if their murderous reputation wasn't enough of a deterrent. I believe that all of the early evidence of the Clinton's murderous activities is burred at the bottom of the Kola Superdeep Borehole in Siberian Russia. Russian officials were contracted to undertake the drilling this hole to bury any and all evidence surrounding the Clinton's murderous and later email server extra official activities. This was the TRUE Russian collusion story. This evidence is sealed in a Titanium Diboride time capsule. Buried under 100 feet of enriched plutonium filled synthetic granite. Several other similar holes have been drilled to even deeper depths and subsequent evidence has been buried accordingly. But these holes have not been made public and the drilling of these holes was carried out under a satellite no fly zone in accordance with several presidential executive orders signed in private through out the Clinton, Obama and biden administrations so no satellite imagery exists. And all of those involved with the transportation, packaging and burial of this evidence later turned up sunning themselves on the shores of Lake Karachay

    [UPDATE:      How much does the earth weigh in tons?

The earth weighs 5.9725 billion trillion metric tons. That translates to 6570 x 109 gigatons, or 6,570,000,000 gigatons. But Cavendish weighed the Earth while he was on Earth and not from outer space.   ]

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Woke Relations - Government - Prison

    Apparently a man going by the name of  Grace Pinson in the Tucson Arizona penal system has sued this same said system. This one prisoner brought dozens of cases before the bench for alleging multiple abuses against him while incarcerated in the Tucson Arizona Penal System. Cases that allege severe mistreatment by the guards and by fellow inmates. A case was settled for $95,000.00 in lieu of dropping the rest cases.

    It seems that another trans-inmate sued and won a his case in the El Reno Oklahoma penal system. The money awarded the inmate was appropriated by the prison system to cover court costs. Which I imagine did not begin to cover the totality of the court costs.

    This begs the question: How should prison systems deal with inmate law suits. Why should inmates law suits be entertained at all? Who will be held responsible for the court costs, the filing costs, the plaintiff's lawyer costs, the prison system lawyer costs blah, blah, blah, if the prisoner's case does not win? Can the state asses a settlement fee against the prisoner to cover the cost of entertaining such a law suit? How would such a assessment be recovered?

    But with all of this money flying around what about any victim that was injured in any way? Shouldn't any victim stand to reap some remuneration for the violence or theft perpetrated against them? Again and again and again victims loose in cases like this. The father of a family is shot but not killed, but is left forever in some sort of incapacitated state, vegetative or to some level paralysis. His income in the family is forfeit forever. Who covers the future lost income to the family? Who covers the medical and psychological costs now left to the family? The state, no, the perpetrator, hell no, who then? Is there some fuck-off insurance policy that people in crime ridden areas can get for just such an occasion? How fucking expensive would that sort of insurance be in a crime ridden area? Could you get such a policy?

    Many insurance companies are pulling out of California for things like fire insurance and other such "Acts of God". Home insurance is no longer profitable enough for many companies. And those that do stay selling home insurance policies in disaster prone areas are able to charge exorbitant premiums especially in areas where fire and flood and earthquake and hurricane disasters are on the rise if not typical.

                                 Thank you climate change. (I am thinking of using the italicized Courier font type as a sarcasm font type. What do you think?  Maybe in green?)

    Do insurance companies issue a Climate Change Policies yet? If not then I see that policy coming down the pike very Very VERY soon, what with all of the fall out surrounding the LA - San Diego fires.  

    This capitulation in Grace Pinson's suit occurred just days before President Donald J Trump was sworn into the Office of President. President Donald J Trump as he has promised to end federal accommodations and support for trans individuals. I wonder if President Donald J Trump's actions in stopping the federal accommodations for trans individuals can give the state a point of law allowing the state to sue Grace Pinson on appeal to have this verdict overturned? Could an executive order like this will be sufficient impetus for the State to file an appeal? Could the state get its money back?

                                 I hope it but I doubt it.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Society - language

     Language Changes. And who ever owns Language owns the World.

    Throughout time the English language had had a slow migrational change. For instance absolutely everybody is familiar with the word Gay. I don't know when or by whom this change was made. But Gay used to be a word meaning happy, lighthearted and carefree. Now the the part of the definition of the word Gay that meant lighthearted and carefree has been bumped down to the second possible meaning of the word. Famously used to pertain to a time in history commonly referred to as the Gay 90's. (1890's for those who are unfamiliar)

    But now there are 'Bad Actors' at work in Society. Bad Actors that are using the 'creep' of language to change society. They seek to Force Word Creep through the English language to control their narrative. I am speaking specifically about the Trans movement here. Trans 'leaders' whoever they are are bending the world into their own image and likeness by hijacking and co-opting the English language. When you 'Own' language you 'Own' the world. The trans leaders whoever they are are even creating an entire new lexicon for this. And woe betides the poor sap who isn't up-to-date on all of this new Jargon. (Me) The most obvious and immediate is the substitution of the phrase "Sex Change" which sounds pretty jarring for "Gender affirming Care" which sounds like big warm and supportive hug from your overly large breasted favorite Aunt. Gender Affirming Care sounds so nice and warm and inviting and helpful. It completely obfuscates what is really happening. It also leaves the meaning so completely open ended and squishy. It can mean virtually anything and nothing at the same time.

    The Trans 'Bad Actors' are bending language to hide what they are really doing. They couch 'Sex Change Surgery' in flowery soft terms like 'Gender Affirming Care'. Instead of the more clinical and less palatable terms that are actually being perpetrated upon children. This is chemical sterilization and surgery. Which is chemical and front line warfare on children. This is the surgical removal 'chopping off of' of primary and secondary sex traits. [Slide this video out to about the five minute 45 second to get to the 'Gender Affirming Care' part.] That being the removal of a young boy's penis or young girl's breasts. In advance of ever going through the Horrors of puberty. Never to be returned. This is the chemical sterilization of both boy's and girl's with the use of  'puberty blockers'. These chemicals inhibit the production of natural sex hormones in young boys and girls. And this is a permanent solution. Many would have you believe that this is a completely reversible solution. It is NOT. This also inhibits the growth of the primary and secondary sex tissues. This causes the 'gender affirmed care' child to have no ability to experience sexual sensation of any kind, Ever, Ever, EVER. All of the erotically sensitive tissues are either prevented from coming in to being or are physically removed with a knife.

    The medical industry combined with the insurance industry [Multi Billion dollar a year machines (meat grinding machines) ] are working hand in surgical glove to fast track kids through this meat grinder of a process. With No Real "Care" for the children involved. just their parents Checking account. By Fast Tracking I mean deliberately withholding critical information and counseling from these children. They are performing these practices on children too young to truly understand what it is that is going to be happening to them. Doctors all across Europe have been reining in these processes because they are being caused to face the actual science and medical evidence that they are too quick in their rush to "Care" for these confused children. ALL Children are Confused.

    There is so much psychological harm done all along the path to becoming their 'True Selves'. All of the psychological 'programming' all of the "entrapment" as was coined by Mr. Bill Maher. [slide this video out to about 4 minutes and 30 seconds to understand this point.

    This video by Amala Ekpunobi is AMAZING. It should be required viewing for parents who feel that they are caught in the maelstrom of 'Gender ideology' in their own homes.

    There are so many 'Celebrities' that are coming out with their 'Gender dysphoric' children and how they are getting their kids First Class seats on the Sex Reassignment Concorde SST. (They pulled some out of retirement just for this situation. Damn the safety issues Full Speed Ahead.) And who doesn't listen to celebrities? Right? Everybody listens to absolutely everything that Jamie Lee Curtis says about absolutely everything because she is one the modern day Oracles of Delphi as is Charlize Theron and and Kim Kardashian and, and, and the list is virtually endless as is the psycho-babble that the spew over the airwaves and on every social media platform there is. Even those that they make up for themselves. We ALL know and trust These People with the lives of Our Children and they can be trusted with everything because they are on TV. Right? RIGHT??

    I still wonder how its possible that the human race waited until now to suddenly have this issue. Is this some sort of Cambrian Explosion thing? Should we expect Professor Xavier's Schools for Gifted children to start popping up here there and everywhere? Will there be stylized SR71 jests flying overhead soon? Stopping a cul-de-sac near you to pick up another confused child? Yes these are X-Men references. But like DP said X-Men is so last decade, so sexist.  

    I have said it before and I will say it again, Did Someone on the baby facilitation floor in Heaven fall asleep and nobody noticed? All of these babies sent to Earth in the wrong bodies?Is the QA department up there so completely 'Asleep at the wheel' that the QC department cant keep up? Are they all afraid to tell God that there has been a Colossal screw-up of this magnitude?

    I think this about sums up God's position on messing with children. Oh wait, that's right, we don't listen to God anymore, we listen to celebrities. Because they are the new Know All and See All on this and every other issue of our time.

Government - Camela Harris

     Camela Harris can see the future unburdened by what has been of by the weight of facts.

Ms. Unburdened really leaned into a world that could be "Unburdened by the past" meme.

    Being unburdened by the past, to me, implies a willingness to ignore the lessons learned from the past and a willingness to forge ahead "unburdened" by those lessons and a willingness to make those same expensive mistakes that taught those lessons before over and over and over again.

    That is the mind of a 'teenager'. No lessons learned, yet, to prevent future mistakes that are all but guaranteed to be made in the future. A World leader can NOT have that mind set. A World leader has at their disposal a Wealth of historic and real-time knowledge that must be consulted and not ignored as would be inferred by her continuously banging on over and over and over again about being "unburdened".

    Another thing that Camela has a nasty habit of doing is being UN-presidential. That cackling laugh of hers and willingness to pander to the baser social groups by enlisting music groups to front for her campaign rallies. It seems to me that the people attending her campaign rallies are there more for the entertainment that the message. Which is still "Unburdened" and now more than ever after the election. I doubt that she could dredge up a speaking engagement after... well after... I don't mean to propose that people that listen to these artists are somehow of the baser social class. I mean to infer that the artists themselves are.

    Gracie Abrams, Maggie Rogers, Remi Wolf, The National, Mumford & Sons, GloRilla, MC Lyte, and Flo Milli, Jon Bon Jovi, Khalid, Brittney Spencer, War and Treaty, Andra, Christina Aguilera, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Cardi B and Keegan-Michael Key, Megan Thee Stallion, Lil Jon, Bon Iver, Jason Isbell, Maren Morris, Mickey Guyton, Patti LaBelle, John Legend, Sheila E., Lance Bass, Stevie wonder, The Chicks, Common, Bruce Springsteen, Lizzo, Jennifer Lopez, Mana, Beyonce, Los Tigres del Norte, Quavo, Cher, James Taylor, Maggie Rogers, Michael Stipe, Two Chainz, F.L.Y., Keyshia Cole, Tamar Braxton, La Original Banda El Limón, Sugar Land, Eric Benét, D-Nice, The Roots, Jasmine Sullivan, Adam Blackstone, Fantasia, Sofi Tukker, Fat Joe, Dionne Warwick, Taylor Swift may not have performed for her but did endorse her.

    And the list of Hollywoke celebrities who endorsed Harris is Staggering. I am giving my CTRL C and CTRL V keys a break. I will let you read this list yourself. It is impressive the number of out of touch celebrities there are in the world. Most of these people cant pass the milk test. Of course most of these people are or think that they are lactose intolerant or are animal rights activists that believe the dairy industry is inhumane and prefer kale milk.

                    I just learned a thing. It seems that I am a racist after all. because I will never pronounce nor spell Camela's name any other way than wrong. Seems that is racist. Oh well.

    Back to Cackles this is a gimme, Chameleon because she changes her tune when ever it suits her need, Knee Pad because, well a couple of reasons; because she has bent a knee so many times for the leftists agenda, she has been implicated to have performed sexual favors while in california, Horizontal see previous. The list practically writes its self.  But that Oh so Over the Top laugh its not even a laugh. Witches would even cringe at that laugh. Its worse than the prickles, the blurts and the head laugh.

    I shudder to think what the rest of the world leaders would have been thinking as they sat across a negotiation table from her. I have a pretty wild imagination but even I can't dredge up that imagery, not even even fleetingly. Putin would burst into tears of laughter. The ROFLMAO acronym comes to mind. Putin wouldn't even try to make a pass at her. Not because it would be unpolitic but because she is just so fucking creepy and a liar. A liar about even something as basic as her own heritage. The same with Xi Jinping, only with out the making a pass part. And I don't want to think about the leaders of South Korea or Iran, Iraq, Somalia and even Mexico. I just cant see it not even a little. I think that because of her (I'll call it for the politically sensitive among you) goofiness they wouldn't even sit down to a table with her. They wouldn't' see the need. They would just know that nothing she would say would mean a damn thing, just like they did with Sleepy/Pervy/Sniffy/Squinty only more or is that less so I don't know, but its worse. They would carry right on with their plans for world domination. Only now they would ramp their efforts and push the plans forwards. Just like for the last 472 days since Hamas started up with Israel. Sleepy/Pervy/Sniffy/Squinty hasn't been able to achieve a Damn thing. But days before President Donald J Trump took office everybody involved suddenly figured their shit out and got serious about ending this before President Donald J Trump did it for them. A similar incident occurred back in 1979. When Iranian students took over the American embassy in Tehran Iran. That "Crisis" lasted the balance of the Carter administration. And just like now, days before President Ronald Regan took office the Iranian students figured their shit out before President Ronald Regan did it for them. The world need a STRONG United States and Western World to keep its self on the rails. When you have presidents who are feckless boobs the world not only slips off the rails but the bad actors in the world blow up the rails and the bridges and the entire infrastructure of a polite society. And that is an insult to the feckless boob community by the way. My apologies to the feckless boob community for the slur. Which leads to the degenerative spiral into hell that we have been experiencing under Sleepy/Pervy/Sniffy/Squinty. Squinty has even tried to take credit for the start to the resolution of the Hamas "kerfuffle". The news is replete with stories of the immanent World War III that we were so close to. I breath easier on that point, now that WE have reelected President Donald J Trump. I believe that he will put the world back on the tracks of sanity. Hamas and Hezbollah  along with all the fuckwit students here in America especially the Queers for Palestine fuckwits would have had their way in Israel and "From the River to the Sea" would have become reality. Even though the university fuckwits have not even the slightest idea what River or what Sea or what that means. I would really have liked to have all of those Queers for Palestine fuckwits and all the university fuckwits including the faculty and administration scooped up and air dropped unceremoniously with no passports into Gaza to see what sort of reaction they would have received, especially the Queers. That would have been a truly news worthy event to be sure. Be-headings, raping, spontaneous abortions, ovens lighting up the whole shebang. A real lesson in the realities of the world. Perhaps President Donald J Trump will have enough clout to reconfigure the university DEI programs. Now that would be a legacy to be proud of. That would have a LASTING legacy. Not something that could be turned over with the next change in the wind.

    And as for Sleepy/Pervy/Sniffy/Squinty I have never seen anybody squint so hard ALL of the time as Sleepy/Pervy/Sniffy/Squinty does. Its like he is staring straight into a Klieg light ALL of the time or the Sun for all of those who don't recall what a Klieg light is. Especially when he it reading from a teleprompter. Which is ALL of the time it now seems. Now The New York Times "Unburdened" with the burdensome weight of upholding the LEFTIST Democratic party agenda is starting to open the floodgates on the scaffolding that was supporting the Sleepy/Pervy/Sniffy/Squinty administration. Sleepy/Pervy/Sniffy/Squinty was truly a figurehead for the Office of President. And not even a good one like the Queen Elisabeth of England or even King Charles or the new Jaguar logo. Not even a 'tissue' paper tiger. More like a "Laughing" Hyena only a stupid mentally challenged, mentally deranged, mentally deficient, mentally incompetent or mentally mental hyena. Not even a good house pet of a hyena. Just a stray alley hyena with no pack and no brain, just that Damned insipid Cackle.

    The notion that Sleepy/Pervy/Sniffy/Squinty knows what is going on in HIS OWN NAME THE FUCKING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is Frightening beyond measure. It shocks and amazes me that other world leaders that have met with Sleepy/Pervy/Sniffy/Squinty could have ever been truly convinced of his mental health. The New York post seems to now be shrugging off the weighty blanket of upholding the LEFTIST party line with this news release. Sleepy/Pervy/Sniffy/Squinty has been handing out Pardons like candy on Halloween even preventative pardons what ever those are. Like an Oprah show. You get a pardon, You get a pardon, You get a pardon... everybody and anybody that could rollover on him and implicate him or his family now or in the future or past for three generations got a pardon it seems. Of course Sleepy/Pervy/Sniffy/Squinty doesn't need a pardon because he is incompetent to stand trial. His memory is so goofed that he forgot when he was vice president or when his son Beau died. I don't know, but those seem like two fairly significant point is a persons life.

    President Donald J Trump has a lot of work ahead of him. Not only does he have to over turn the Everest sized Bandini Mountain of shit policies left to him by Sleepy/Pervy/Sniffy/Squinty. He has to overcome years of shitty relationships with world leaders. He also has a bunch of fuckwits at the ACLU  lining up to fight him in the State and local governments.

    Its a Bandini mountain of shit redundancy on purpose to be sure and a short Four years to get it all done but what he doesn't have in time he has in experience, constituency capital, an awesome team specialist cabinet members and much more. So I have faith that things are turning and that he is running before the wind.

    I just remembered an animal that sort of fits this post. The Camelopard. It is the name of the Giraffe before the name Giraffe was a Giraffe. the 'first' Europeans that saw a Giraffe were perplexed by it appearance. It looked vaguely like a camel and a leopard, hence the name Camelopard. Only in Camela Harris's situation she can change her spots.

     [UPDATE: There has been a sudden out pouring of formally secret stuff from all corners. This update pertains to released "doctored-edited" video of an interview camela harris on the 60 minutes show. The unaltered interview is not at all flattering to camela. (yeah I spelled it that way.) Imagine that. I forget if this was the result of a lawsuit brought by President Donald J Trump or not]