I watched this clip of a video on a wide variety of social media places. Because I was trying to determine if this was some sort of fuck-off deep-fake AI generated non-sense. But it does not appear to be. Which is FAR worse than if it had been a fakey bit of video. I edited it down from a source Lefties Loosing it I think.
I think that Ms. Larson must/should have been fired or sent to a re-education camp even before the final syllable left her lips. And the look of utter disdain on her [I assume her/she] face at the end is Oh So Very telling of her view of humanity at large. I could not find a single instance of this clip anywhere as a stand alone piece. It is always part of a news report or something. I thing someone made a mad dash effort to have this expunged from the internet. But as we all know the internet is forever. And after watching it I believe that this clip will probably make Viral Video of 2025 when they make those lists.
But enough about that.
How bad of a racist, misogynist, sexist, homophobe, transphobe or what ever -ist or -phobe do you have to be to reject help from a first responder for any -ist -phobe or what ever else reason that can be laid at the feet of a straight white man these days. Apparently the new way to say this is CIS-Gender. I only just now took the time to look this cis-gender thing up. And I must say that this Cis-Gender label sounds a bit more than a little pejorative. Although I will say that if this Fuck-Off showed up at my door and were I able to see and speak I would say let me die! NOW! Please Kill me! NOW!
I have had a couple of instances where I was in need of help. I did NOT I repeat Did NOT see the color of their skin, the length of their hair [female reference] or care about who they take to bed or what ever else -ist or -phobic reaction that could possibly pop into your head in that situation. Those -ists and -phobes really do not meet people at the door in those situations. The only instance that I recall even a little of those rendering aid in my time of need was that a Sheriff was very rough with me. As it turns out the Sheriff's department gets involved when there is a death situation involved. And as it turns out I was being combative because I was in the throws of attempting suicide. Had the above Fuck-Off showed up I would not be typing this now. So thank you to the Sheriff that could see through my stuff and not be a racist or whatever.
I have long thought that the "Will and Grace" show from 1998 was the first gay based TV show. (As it turns out I was right.) It was the first TV show that 'normalized' gayness to the TV audience. Going back a bit farther to 1980 and to the TV show "Bosom Buddies" was the first show that at some level 'normalized' transvestism or cross dressing or drag what could now be viewed as trans-gender. Of course it stopped WAY short of any of these issues. And of course that is looking back through the lens of 'If I knew then what I know now'. And again looking back still farther to 1959 to the Wonderful comedy "Some like it Hot". In 1959 "Some Like it Hot" was a VERY Difficult movie to get made. The making of "Some like it Hot" was the result of a confluence of many fortunate events. Read All About it here. Or watch about it here. It was based on a French movie from 1935 "Fanfare of Love". But movies are now replete with this sort of thing As seen in "Victor Victoria". But typically these movies based in France. France being the epicenter of all things 'Anything goes artistic' expression. Until along came "Mrs. Doubtfire". But of course that was based in San Francisco. So there is that.
These were some subtle uses by Holly-woke to push unpopular agendas on the public. By first normalizing gayness on TV by way of the Will and Grace show; this paved the way for gay marriage. A long time ago Holly-woke learned that they could manipulate the public with movies. During World War II they put propaganda pieces in front of many movies. Sort of like the movies version of Stars and Stripes. Nazi Germany was famous for this sort of thing. Joseph Goebbels was the head of the propaganda branch of the Nazi movement. Now as we can OBVIOUSLY see holly-woke has dialed up the propaganda side of movies and TV to 11 in favor message over entertainment.
I think I mentioned that my take on the movie "Everything Everywhere all at once" was perhaps the worst offender of all time, all at once, everywhere, for all time. It was a propaganda piece wrapped up in a shitty would science-fiction movie. No matter what this part of the Wiki page tries to spin this shit up to be with the heavy handed use of fancy terms such as a swirl of genre anarchy, nihilism, metatextually, bittersweet domestic drama, Afro-pessimism, inter-generational trauma, dadaist absurdism, modus operandi, omnicidal but it all boiled down to a point at the end of the movie where in the mother Michelle Yeoh must accept and introduce her daughter Stephanie Hsu and her girlfriend to her father James Hong. Who intern does without even blinking accept his grand-daughter and girlfriend. The whole SHITTY mess could have been avoided IF only mother had accepted her daughter for who she is at the outset of this inter-generational drama/trauma and audiencial trauma.
The OVER ARCHING message; If you don't accept your lesbian daughter and be proud of her 'out as lesbian' and her lesbian girlfriend you could cause this universe and the entirety of multiverse to spontaneously unravel into a state of, and I don't even recall what that dismal fate was now it was such a shitty movie. I watched it only because I do like the Science fiction and I respectED Michelle Yoeh and Jamie Lee Curtis. No longer. I kept waiting for some sort of payoff for staying seated for such a long time. No reasonable payoff was forth coming. The phrase "That is 139 minutes I will never get back". But of course anything that has happened in time is time you will never get back. But there are some slices of time that are more regrettably lost than others. This is one of those regrettable slices of lost time.
It was nominated for and won an absolute SHIT-TON of awards and fawning accolades. Apparently the budget was 17 $Million and it shows. But that is to be expected in today's holly-woke environment. The more woke you can make your movie the more awards your movie is likely Going to win. Paraphrasing the immortal words of 'Gunnery Sergeant Hartman' That was SO Ugly it became a 'Modern Art Masterpiece'.
Perhaps that is about to change.
I hope it but I doubt it.
[Update: This years Oskys was an absolute boon for being trans. This why the Elite have placed themselves far and a way above the rest of us, the mainstream folks. I think/hope this will be a part of the decline in celebrity adoration culture that grips the country.]
I hope it but I doubt it.