Monday, December 9, 2024

My stuff - Mother' Art

    My mothers art. 

    Now that I have discovered how to put picture files onto these pages I will try to put them here.

    My Mother was a prodigious artist. There was NO medium of art that she set her hand to that she did not Excel. My first memories of her art were of her oil painting. She did a very large portrait of my father in his Marine Corp Drill Instructor uniform and Campaign Cover. He looked every bit as Hard as A marine Corps Drill instructor should. Very Stern. Then when epoxy came commercially available the dabbled in that. She always kept her hand in clay work. One of the very first clay works was a sort of imaginative work. She called it an "Elf's House". She always seemed to be right on the forefront of what was artistic. When Alexander Calder was making Mobiles and Stabiles in the early '60's she was making great and glorious creations that could have hung in any art gallery anywhere in the world. One of her biggest and most glorious creations she gave to her friend because we were moving and this particular piece was not going to survive a move. I imagine that she simply gave away the rest over time. She was an amazing sculptress. She did sculptures of me throughout my life. When a friend of hers took an interest in her sculptures of me she started doing sculptures of all the neighborhoods kids. She did her friends kids for free the rest she began charging for her work. She charged the paltry sum of $100.00 for a life size full bust of the neighborhood kids. I could fill a full page describing her work. 

    She held an estate sale because she was moving from her large home to a one bedroom apartment. She told me of this impending sale and subsequent move. But for what ever damn stupid reason I did not take her seriously enough. Before I could arrive to collect those things that I might have wanted of hers the sale was well under way. I 'chose' to push it out of my thoughts much like you might push back getting a book report done until the very last minute. I was very prone to doing this very thing in school. I did one book report on the book "To Kill a Mockingbird". I really regretted having pushed that back. When I finally did read it I very much enjoyed the read and wished that I had more time to write a better report for that book.

This is an example of a Calder Stabile  This link is to some Calder Mobiles

    I don't have any of my mothers mobiles so I cant put up any pictures of those. They exist only in my mind now. 

Society - Feminisim


    These are my views on the most recent "Wave" of Feminism, what ever wave we are dealing with now. Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, what ever incarnation. And this wave is a Fuckin' Tsunami. And its not going to abate any time soon, I don't think.

    As I understand it Feminism started with the Industrial Revolution. Prior to this time there was a clear distinction between women's work and men's work. This nation was principally an Agrarian society. Except for the New England States. Men worked the farm fields and women cooked and cleaned and rose the children, Principally. Women's work was equal to the men's work in productivity benefit to the family. Women would spin thread and weave that thread into cloth and would cut and sew that cloth into clothing. and they were charged with cleaning and maintenance of that clothing. Which is where the stereotypes of watching underwear and darning socks came from. No easy thing to be sure. I point this out because when the industrial revolution came in factories in the cities would would spin thread and weave cloth and cut and sew that cloth into clothes. Suddenly and for all intents and purposes that took a woman's productivity and contribution to the family and turned that 'work' family contribution into a cost to the family. This is why women were often found smashing up industrial factory looms. This Sudden Industrialization of many hand work specialties was a systemic shock for society. It reduced or eliminated the need for skilled crafts people across a wide spectrum of skilled laborers work. Reducing pay and introducing very dangerous working conditions for everybody concerned, men, women and children. Grease Monkey.

    This was the apparently a forgotten fact from women's history This is apparently the first of the cumulative shocks to the Generational Memory of Women. It seems that the women of today are dealing with generations of Generational memory of oppression. It seems to be a close relative of the Generational Memory of Slavery that is so deeply in bedded in Black Culture. In bedded so deeply that a Ms. Jasmin Crockett will burn down and waste SO much time in a House-over-site Committee banging on yet again and again and again about Oppression and Slavery. Slavery that no Black person in America today has dealt with personally. Not her nor her parents is now nor has ever been a "SLAVE". Stories of Grand parents or by now Great Grand Parents. Survivors of the Holocaust share a similar Generational Memory 'condition'. These are is a Glaring examples of generational Memory.  

    Another part of the industrial Revolution that was a Boon for Women was the bicycle. This was an affordable form of transportation for women, and it let them leave the house and go into town. It was the beginning of trousers or slacks for women. Another of the bicycles benefits to 'the world' was that it brought improved roads to the landscape.

    I imagine that the women of the time were feeling both blessed by the industrial revolution and simultaneously cursed by it. The had the 'increased' freedom that a bicycle brought and the gaining mobilization of larger and larger groups of 'like minded' women. The began flexing their muscle in a number of ways. The Prohibition of booze was largely championed by pious woman. Women flexed their muscle as the Suffragettes. They fought and won the fight for the right to vote. This I believe was the beginning of the fight for "Equality". But the Suffrage movement from 1920's gathered a great deal of steam and as is apt to happen the issue of equality took on strange and in my opinion twisted dimensions. Just like the Legacy media of today has morphed into a Mouthpiece for what ever political agenda the owners of the media outlet deem worth while. CNN ushered in the 24 hour news cycle. And in order to be first often time facts were skimmed over and later found to be erroneous. But the speed at which the 'NEWS' was being Churned out there was no place for a retraction, and even if the retraction was published the 'Damage' had been done. The first of the story was the first impression and as we all kn ow 'First Impressions' are the lasting impressions. And Most importantly if there was 'No NEWS' that day they hired 'journalists' to create the NEWS often time out of thin air or even more often out of their ass.

     I said all that to say this, The Women's Liberation movement is hiring individuals to 'create' offenses against women that 'Need' to be addressed and 'Fixed'. But all too often these individuals are pulling these  issues and offenses out of thin air or again out of their asses. Clearly there are some issues that needed and do still need to be addressed. Sexual Harassment at work is clearly an issue. But there are women who's job it is to 'Find or Make Trouble' and in the most vitriolic manner possible get it into the "News' cycle. But women have harangued on about it to the point where men in industry are hesitant to hire women deeming them to be too problematic and are reluctant to work with women on a one one basis.

    Billy Graham had a rule about traveling alone. NEVER EVER Do it Not EVER AT ALL! If it weren't so horrible I would think that the muslim have it right by wrapping up their women in black KKK outfits.

    I said all that to say that women have seemingly 'Over Revved' the Woman's Equality Machine. The Me Too movement, while important, has had what is commonly referred to as Unintended Consequences.

    If you swing the Pendulum far enough and hard enough to make an immediate difference the pendulum will swing way past the intended target and the intended result. The Me Too is a prime and probably the most glaring example of this. We can blame Harvey Weinstein for this. Now a days it takers nothing to offend those who are actively "Looking" to be offended. Many women have consumed the "Cool Aide" and are VERY WARY. And there are clearly people in the world and the workplace looking to be offended. Then there is a Gigantic HR Nightmare to unravel. And more and more men's lives and livelihood's are being destroyed by hyper offendable women in the workplace. These have a point to make and they don't care who they get "canceled" doing it. And the unfortunate reality Men are coming out the losers in this "Game". It is some what of a meme joke but but there are more women who are home owners now than there men homeowners because of a phenomenon called divorce. This is in my opinion a by-product of the atmospherically high divorce rate.

    The bottom line is that Society is unraveling before our very eyes. What used to be Playfully called "The Battle of the Sexes" has spiraled WAY out of control and morphed into all out Global Thermo Nuclear WAR. And I think we can ALL Agree that NO ONE Wins in that game.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

My stuff - Random Thoughts

    I saw something today that made me curious. A long time ago the mullet Hair style was 'Popular', maybe. I recall hearing about it quite a little bit anyway. Business in front party in the back, if I recall how that went. I saw a kid sporting this hair style today. Of course it was outside a Walmart and of course I live in a semi-rural-rednecky kind of place. Don't get me wrong about the redneck comment. I wish I was tough enough enough to be a redneck. The redneck is a Tough breed to be sure. They generally don't give a shit about too much. Stay out of their business and they will stay out of yours. That is what I like ab out Rednecks. They will very politely leave you along. I have long said and do believe this about my  neighborhood. There are plenty of Gun-Toting Rednecks between me and whatever Bullshit liberal Radical bidenonomic woke Hive mind blue-haired assholes that may be coming down my street. I an currently saving up so that I can become a Gun-Toting Wannabe Redneck.

    Anyway so having seen this kid with the mullet hair style made me wonder about us old farts who may have had a mullet 40 years ago. Probably no longer Business in front party in the back... 


        more like stealth in front and party in the back.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Society - Disney

     Disney has for some months now been tap-dancing, shuckin' and jivin' and spinnin' like a whirling dervish around the little shit that is zegler. I call her a little shit because she has single-handedly... Well I cant say that. She did have LOTS of help from the DEI Message Master Fuckers at disney. But she did go out loud and proud against one of the worlds most beloved stories. I used to think that sleepy/sniffy/pervy  was the quicker-fucker-upper. Move over sleepy you have serious competition. The Story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I know that by now everybody on the internet has seen at least some bit of screwed-up nonsense that she has spewed like verbal vomit into anybody's ear that will have it. I have been watching with some interest because I have for some time believed that the movie industry is headed for, I don't know, The End. disney is arguably one of the largest or by now was the largest studios. But now they are absolutely having to eat some serious crow shit. zegler just cant seem to keep her woke yap shut. If she isn't bashing what should have been a great springboard to stardom that is the Snow White movie she has turned her little Left Woke Hive mind virus infected brain or what should pass for a brain at least that's what an Xray might show on all those who voted for Mr. President elect Donald J Trump. And the last I heard that was over half of the population of the country. Something about her hoping that we never have peace and gave Mr. Trump the High Hard One in her closing remarks in a breathtakingly ill conceived X tweet or what ever they are now. All manner of the most ridiculously strung together stream-of-conscientiousness drivel. Stuff about a daughter that she has yet to become pregnant with insinuating that she zegler sr. will such a shit parent that she will not have educated zegler jr. on the many methods available to keep from becoming pregnant in the first place somehow implying that her little slut of a yet to be born daughter will some how be born pregnant and be forced to carry this baby to term against her will. I really didn't understand that string of shit...

    Now an upstart from the NEW media has actually made a Snow White movie that people can go see with the anticipation of seeing a Good movie. Staring the New media's Darling Ms. Brett Cooper in a roll that she is happy to be in and happy with the ORIGINAL story, just like everybody else. Jeremy Boring and the Daily Wire are putting this together. I have seen some of a trailer and Ms. Brett Cooper really looks the part. Really! And as it happens Ms. Brett Cooper has some actual real acting experience. That was until the all of the parts she was being offered all came with the nudity clause. That is when she stepped off that carousel of soul-sucking-soul-death.

    But I digress. 

    The principal reason that I am writing this little shorty diatribe is that while zegler has been running around ACTIVELY and Purposefully torpedoing disney's Snow White Project Costing Metric Shit Tons Of Money and stock market valuation she still has yet to be fired. Fired for so completely alienating the movie's would have been audience, forcing several re-dos of major portions of the movie I guess I cant hold her responsible for the seven "Magical Creatures" debacle  But her "Weird, Weird, Weird comment on the red carpet and creepy stalker reference downing the movie at every turn at every opportunity and the list of Weirdness just keeps spewing forth from her mouth like she thinks she is well, somebody/anybody that people would choose to listen to about anything ever. She went on what ever social media that will still have her anymore and posted that she believes that Israel should forgive and forget about October 7th. Free palistine. I did particularly love that little self inflicted knife wound. Playing to the mob to be sure. Her new and only job aside from bashing more than half of the nation and everybody that is "harassing" her.  

    But more Digression

    Now I am finally seeing other people question disney's management skill. I have been wondering about this for a while now, well ever since zegler first started fucking up

    How is it possible that Ms.Gina Carano can get fired for some marginally controversial social media posts about masks and election voter fraud and I don't know what else. NONE of any of that got even remotely close to costing Disney as much as just one appearance of zegler on one red carpet event. But what ever she said must have been  pretty inflammatory. What ever she said would have to have been So Outrageous to get her singled out and so publicly fired from a show that she was Rocking. Maybe she presaged Mr. Elon Musk's like about telling boob eiger to go fuck himself. I somehow don't think that is the woman that is Ms. Gina Carono. She seems to have been raised better than that and is possessed of much more class and sophistication than zegler It seems that Ms. Gina Carano was apparently was born for that part. She has the good acting abilities, the raw physicality and good looks. But Disney in their infinite and sage wisdom... I say that having never seen a single frame of the show. But by all accounts... 

    I hope that zegler's movie making career is DEAD. Hopelessly irretrievably, unmistakably, irrevocably and all the other ly's DEAD! I saw a YouTube video about hollywoke types that died this year. There was one actress that was found dead in a field. She was homeless.

    How Oh How will Disney spin this? Certainly they are aware that Mr. Elon Musk is bankrolling Ms. Gina Corano's wrongful termination law-suit. Certainly Disney has seen the total contempt that Mr. Elon Musk has for boob eiger. By now boob eiger has seen Mr. Elon Musk telling boob eiger to go fuck himself live on stage and on camera and calling him out by name. Clearly making a point of it. It pretty much doesn't get any clearer than that.

    And now Mr Ryan Reynolds is floating the idea of buying Marvel from disney. We all know what happened the last time Mr. Ryan Reynolds floated an idea. It turned into a Monster Three Movie Franchise. Editorially though, I believe that Deadpool the first was with out a doubt was the best and as disney-marvle got the grubby message pushing fingers involve the whole thing slowly slid off the rails. I really wanted Deadpool Wolverine to be amazing. I was even sufficiently motivated to go see it in an actual theater for the first time in many years. I was let down. In a most colossal way. I think that boob eiger should hire a body guard. I don't know what the United health Care CEO did to get himself shot. I somehow doubt that it was as expensive to that company as the team of eiger/zegler has been to disney and the movie making industry at large. 

    I wonder if boob eiger still gets invitations to hollywoke parties. I wonder if there any parties happening in hollywoke just now. I doubt barak obama's shill clooney isn't having any nor do I imagine he is being invited to any.

My stuff - I have a cold

    I have a cold.

    Its been about three years since I have been even a little sick. On the hole I am a pretty healthy person. I have the typical .177 caliber morning sinus salvo. In general when I get a cold it starts in my throat. A sore throat for a couple days and if it progresses past that it becomes a head cold. Generally dies off in about 5 days. If it makes it past that it slowly slides back down my throat into my lungs. If it gets that far it generally hangs in for a couple weeks. And when it gets this far it generally involves my lungs, coughing up all manner of chunky and creamy lung butter, sweaty coughing fits that last several minutes. With all of that coughing comes a second round of sore throat business and with all of that coughing and sore throat comes lots of sinus involvement as well. The whole package. Like I mentioned before I am prone to the morning .177 caliber morning sinus salvos. But when everything is involved well the caliber of morning sinus salvo ratchets up a bit, typically into the .223 caliber range with the occasional .30-06 round. This morning I was treated to a genuine .50 caliber BMG round. It nearly blew the nose cloth out of my hands. In times like this nose paper just doesn't stand up to that kind of fire-power. It's sort of shooting Pumpkins with a 12 gauge shot gun at close range. I was truly astounded. It felt like a depleted uranium round. And with all of the nose blowing comes dried out sinuses and nose bleeds and bloody goop slimming down the back of my tongue and into my throat.

