Disney has for some months now been tap-dancing, shuckin' and jivin' and spinnin' like a whirling dervish around the little shit that is zegler. I call her a little shit because she has single-handedly... Well I cant say that. She did have LOTS of help from the DEI Message Master Fuckers at disney. But she did go out loud and proud against one of the worlds most beloved stories. I used to think that sleepy/sniffy/pervy was the quicker-fucker-upper. Move over sleepy you have serious competition. The Story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I know that by now everybody on the internet has seen at least some bit of screwed-up nonsense that she has spewed like verbal vomit into anybody's ear that will have it. I have been watching with some interest because I have for some time believed that the movie industry is headed for, I don't know, The End. disney is arguably one of the largest or by now was the largest studios. But now they are absolutely having to eat some serious crow shit. zegler just cant seem to keep her woke yap shut. If she isn't bashing what should have been a great springboard to stardom that is the Snow White movie she has turned her little Left Woke Hive mind virus infected brain or what should pass for a brain at least that's what an Xray might show on all those who voted for Mr. President elect Donald J Trump. And the last I heard that was over half of the population of the country. Something about her hoping that we never have peace and gave Mr. Trump the High Hard One in her closing remarks in a breathtakingly ill conceived X tweet or what ever they are now. All manner of the most ridiculously strung together stream-of-conscientiousness drivel. Stuff about a daughter that she has yet to become pregnant with insinuating that she zegler sr. will such a shit parent that she will not have educated zegler jr. on the many methods available to keep from becoming pregnant in the first place somehow implying that her little slut of a yet to be born daughter will some how be born pregnant and be forced to carry this baby to term against her will. I really didn't understand that string of shit...
Now an upstart from the NEW media has actually made a Snow White movie that people can go see with the anticipation of seeing a Good movie. Staring the New media's Darling Ms. Brett Cooper in a roll that she is happy to be in and happy with the ORIGINAL story, just like everybody else. Jeremy Boring and the Daily Wire are putting this together. I have seen some of a trailer and Ms. Brett Cooper really looks the part. Really! And as it happens Ms. Brett Cooper has some actual real acting experience. That was until the all of the parts she was being offered all came with the nudity clause. That is when she stepped off that carousel of soul-sucking-soul-death.
But I digress.
The principal reason that I am writing this little shorty diatribe is that while zegler has been running around ACTIVELY and Purposefully torpedoing disney's Snow White Project Costing Metric Shit Tons Of Money and stock market valuation she still has yet to be fired. Fired for so completely alienating the movie's would have been audience, forcing several re-dos of major portions of the movie I guess I cant hold her responsible for the seven "Magical Creatures" debacle But her "Weird, Weird, Weird comment on the red carpet and creepy stalker reference downing the movie at every turn at every opportunity and the list of Weirdness just keeps spewing forth from her mouth like she thinks she is well, somebody/anybody that people would choose to listen to about anything ever. She went on what ever social media that will still have her anymore and posted that she believes that Israel should forgive and forget about October 7th. Free palistine. I did particularly love that little self inflicted knife wound. Playing to the mob to be sure. Her new and only job aside from bashing more than half of the nation and everybody that is "harassing" her.
But more Digression
Now I am finally seeing other people question disney's management skill. I have been wondering about this for a while now, well ever since zegler first started fucking up
How is it possible that Ms.Gina Carano can get fired for some marginally controversial social media posts about masks and election voter fraud and I don't know what else. NONE of any of that got even remotely close to costing Disney as much as just one appearance of zegler on one red carpet event. But what ever she said must have been pretty inflammatory. What ever she said would have to have been So Outrageous to get her singled out and so publicly fired from a show that she was Rocking. Maybe she presaged Mr. Elon Musk's like about telling boob eiger to go fuck himself. I somehow don't think that is the woman that is Ms. Gina Carono. She seems to have been raised better than that and is possessed of much more class and sophistication than zegler It seems that Ms. Gina Carano was apparently was born for that part. She has the good acting abilities, the raw physicality and good looks. But Disney in their infinite and sage
wisdom... I say that having never seen a single frame of the show. But
by all accounts...
I hope that zegler's movie making career is DEAD. Hopelessly irretrievably, unmistakably, irrevocably and all the other ly's DEAD! I saw a YouTube video about hollywoke types that died this year. There was one actress that was found dead in a field. She was homeless.
How Oh How will Disney spin this? Certainly they are aware that Mr. Elon Musk is bankrolling Ms. Gina Corano's wrongful termination law-suit. Certainly Disney has seen the total contempt that Mr. Elon Musk has for boob eiger. By now boob eiger has seen Mr. Elon Musk telling boob eiger to go fuck himself live on stage and on camera and calling him out by name. Clearly making a point of it. It pretty much doesn't get any clearer than that.
And now Mr Ryan Reynolds is floating the idea of buying Marvel from disney. We all know what happened the last time Mr. Ryan Reynolds floated an idea. It turned into a Monster Three Movie Franchise. Editorially though, I believe that Deadpool the first was with out a doubt was the best and as disney-marvle got the grubby message pushing fingers involve the whole thing slowly slid off the rails. I really wanted Deadpool Wolverine to be amazing. I was even sufficiently motivated to go see it in an actual theater for the first time in many years. I was let down. In a most colossal way. I think that boob eiger should hire a body guard. I don't know what the United health Care CEO did to get himself shot. I somehow doubt that it was as expensive to that company as the team of eiger/zegler has been to disney and the movie making industry at large.
I wonder if boob eiger still gets invitations to hollywoke parties. I wonder if there any parties happening in hollywoke just now. I doubt barak obama's shill clooney isn't having any nor do I imagine he is being invited to any.