Saturday, December 7, 2024

My stuff - Random Thoughts

    I saw something today that made me curious. A long time ago the mullet Hair style was 'Popular', maybe. I recall hearing about it quite a little bit anyway. Business in front party in the back, if I recall how that went. I saw a kid sporting this hair style today. Of course it was outside a Walmart and of course I live in a semi-rural-rednecky kind of place. Don't get me wrong about the redneck comment. I wish I was tough enough enough to be a redneck. The redneck is a Tough breed to be sure. They generally don't give a shit about too much. Stay out of their business and they will stay out of yours. That is what I like ab out Rednecks. They will very politely leave you along. I have long said and do believe this about my  neighborhood. There are plenty of Gun-Toting Rednecks between me and whatever Bullshit liberal Radical bidenonomic woke Hive mind blue-haired assholes that may be coming down my street. I an currently saving up so that I can become a Gun-Toting Wannabe Redneck.

    Anyway so having seen this kid with the mullet hair style made me wonder about us old farts who may have had a mullet 40 years ago. Probably no longer Business in front party in the back... 


        more like stealth in front and party in the back.

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