Why does it seem that all Totalitarian government led armies march the Goose Step with the knee high Jack Boots? What is that all about? the Russians, the North Koreans, the Chinese. I haven't seen the Iranian army marching. Mostly I have seen them getting blown up their tanks as A10 Warthogs make short work of them. So I can only speculate on their marching style. But I imagine them to be Goose stepping right down the main boulevard of the capital city of Tehran. Or secretly arresting young women for not wearing their head scarves properly as proscribed by the Koran.
How is it that the Muslim community will throw a literal shit fit blowing up newspapers for printing a cartoon of Muhammad with a bomb in his turban. But us peaceable Christian have to endure the "Critically acclaimed" Piss Christ art installation. An aquarium filled with piss the source of which I an unsure of Crucifix nestled at the bottom of this aquarium filled with piss. Hence the title "Piss Christ"
At the time I heard about this It made me laugh. Has Modern Art so completely run out of creativity and decorum that they will applaud this sort of thing? When I was about 4 years old I was seated in front of a large roll of news print paper with water color paint and let loose. I painted a mess. And I do recall the mess that it was to this day. But my mother who was indeed a real artist thought it was wonderful. I had taped the ads and subscription cards from magazines to the paper and painted the as well. My mother proudly framed it and hung it on a prominent wall in our house. Years later there came a young girl who was hailed as a "Master Artist". His name Advait Kolarkar was bandied about with the likes of Picasso and other grand masters. I saw her work and was immediately reminded of my four year old art piece. If my mother had kept that I might be a Master Artist but as it stands I am a proud retired Prototype Model Maker. If a person can be born to do a thing Model Making was what I was born to do, truly.
Oh one more thing. When I heard about the Piss Christ O wondered what the world would come to If I filled an aquarium with Pig urine floated a copy of the Koran to the bottom with three thick cut strips of bacon adorning the book along with a couple of undressed Barbie dolls fixed in provocative poses. I probably wouldn't be typing this right now. I wonder what will happen if by some stupid set of circumstance a devout muslim were to read this would I wake up tomorrow dead with my throat slit and my computer smashed.
Oh yeah Goose Stepping Fuck Off Armies. You really have to give it to the Chinese. Those fuckers all have the same dower look of abject depression and misery but they can march the fuck out of those boots.