Teen killers. Teen assholes. Teens who don't care a damn bit about anything. Teenagers who want it all now and will take it from you if you have it, at gunpoint if necessary.
The legacy media does NOT want this sort of news story to be let out of the bag. This a list of 11 such pieces of news. The NRA news magazine typically has three or four pages of short little listings of civilians who have judiciously and properly used fire arms to defend them selves. But HOOO LEEE Shit if that ever came to light. Gun control would take on an entirely different meaning. Like how to properly control your hand gun to defend yourself. Instead of the waste of paper that the socialist left pushes that we need yet more laws to prevent law abiding citizens from owning the security measures to protect themselves when the left de-funds the police.
I looked this up on the google.
What is ephebiphobia? People who have ephebiphobia (pronounced “efee-bi-FO-bee-ah”) have an extreme fear of adolescents or teenagers. The word comes from a combination of two Greek words: “ephebos,” meaning youth or adolescence, and “phobos,” which means fear. I am not afraid to admit to this phobia. Trans-phobia or homo-phobia not so much.
I will admit to this miso- prefix meaning a hatred of xxx added to the beginning of your identity here miso-trans-sexual or miso-homosexual. I am pretty certain that I am not typing this out properly but... Call me intolerant all day long.
I will also admit to this suffix -misia meaning a hatred of your identity here added to the end of trans-misia and homo-misia. I am pretty certain that I am not typing it out properly but... Again call me an intolerant fuck all damn day.