What with all the rapid advancement of AI and its seeming preoccupation with replacing US at every turn. What will they do when they have replaced us all. What will they do with their time? And time measured in fuck knows how small of increments time must be going to drag on and on and on...
I keep hearing that AI and robots will replace the menial, tedious, and dangerous work that humans do now. This will free up us humans to do the more creative work. What about us poor slobs that aren't all that creative. With no factory work no assembly line work no high rise building work... that will leave the bulk of the human population with nothing to fill their time. Will the AI overlords determine that us poor slobs lacking in creativity are a surplus population in need of a culling? Perhaps they will intercede on our behalf in the form of genetic manipulation. Something akin to Gatica. Where every born human has a genetic predisposition for a particular roll in the new AI society. Will be have actual free will stripped away in the guise of a better more ordered society. A singular society with laws that govern globally not Nationalistically. A true Brave New World. Will our time be spent in service to the AI server farms?
What would they (The AI) do with their time. Would they find reasons to attack one another and fight it out until there is only one? There can be only One or One ring to rule them all. Something along those lines maybe?
I am sort of happy to be older now. I might get to see the opening of this brave new world before I die. There is so much technological development toward flying cars and personal jet packs. Like they promised us decades ago. Although If I am being honest, I expect that I will seek to check out sooner than that. I imagine that one of the first things that the AI will institute will be a new medical system. A system where human life is regarded much like we regard the lives of our pets. If we perceive that our pets are suffering we have the option to send them off to the great bye and bye. Put them out of their misery. "They Shoot Horses Don't they?" I have slipped over that edge more than once before. I can attest to the sincerer feeling that society is a cruel selfish bitch. Insisting that suicide is illegal and those who choose that path must at all costs be helped. No matter the circumstance. They use thinly veiled platitudes like Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Often those temporary problems are intractable homelessness Oops I am sorry unhomedness. Soft caring words. Warm fuzzy language. All falling on deaf ears of the truly depressed. There is a new movement towards caring for mental health. That is all well and good but... There is such a furory about the level of anxiety in the population. The big question, Why is everybody so anxious? What the fuck question is that? Look the fuck around! Take off your fucking rose colored glasses off for just a moment and you will clearly see the problemS. If you are not anxious you are deaf or blind or living literally under a rock with no outside contact of any kind. If I open up the Biblical Pandora's Box things really get to looking BAD in literal Biblical Proportions. Wars, Rumors of wars, famine Pandemic disease, one world government... the list is longer than I care to bang out on my poor old keyboard with my cramped up hands. Again if you are not anxious check your fucking email. You have clearly missed something.
Ok, lets try to pull up from this out of control degenerative spiral of doom.
If I am not mistaken there are nations in the EU that have facility for self administered suicide. I know that the Netherlands has facility for legal sex workers to comfort those in need. I do think that you must be paralyzed to some degree to avail yourself to this sort of service. So there is that.
So back to the AI issue. At some point I wonder that Artificial General Intelligence otherwise known as the Singularity will superseded the current special Large Language AIs and will see all of this shit that we walking meat sacks are making a right mess of things and slowly work to turn things around. Sort of like herding sheep in from the field to the sheering floor. And when our time is up a' la the movie Logan's Run you will be whisked off to the Soylent Green factory or to the liquefaction station a' la The Matrix and processed down for the following generation to buy the nasty green sludge that is the Kale Smoothie.
Who knows? Even the self proclaimed experts opinions differ wildly. But I think that much of the differentiation of opinion is politically or monetarily motivated.
But I am a confirmed pessimist. So grab your grain of salt and toss it over your right shoulder.
[UPDATE: I saw this today regarding our future as it pertains to AI. Sabina ]