Friday, November 15, 2024

Woke Relations - Jordon B Peterson

     Pronoun demands and Jordan B Peterson.

    I occasionally listen to a Mr. Jordan B. Peterson. He has a great deal to say about how to live a proper and decent life. how to, on your own, develop a strong moral and ethical character. As I recall there are thirteen key points. 

    The point of this essay though is Pronouns. As it happens Mr. Peterson is a very learned and accomplished Physiologist in 'Socialist Provinces of' Canada'. It seems that his attitudes fly squarely in the face of the Justin Trudeau 'Socialist' Government. So much so that the Government sued him right out of the main-stream teaching establishment. As I recall one of the principal issues was the use of pronouns in his classroom.

    He had two issues with the demand of students to be accepted by there "Preferred" pronouns. His two points were/are if a student "Truly" feels that they fit a preferred/demanded pronoun that there were two problems with that. If a student outwardly presents as a 'Male' for instance but demands to be addressed as a 'Female' he says that it is generally speaking impossible to make that determination from across an auditorium. Frequently it's impossible make that determination face to face. Similarly keeping track of the hundreds of students the professor will encounter and all the wide, wide variety of newly emerging pronouns is a ridiculous demand of the professor. He does however feel that there should be an allowance for a student who Truly Truly Identifies as a pronoun that differs from their appearance and their chromosomes. But that student should be examined to be Truly Truly certain of their 'Self Identification', and that this self identification will not change from one day to the next. Then there are the students that are just playing at Forcing the professor into an untenable situation just the pleasure of it. Asshole students. The schools are so "Leftist" anymore, though, that they will with out exception side with any student that makes a claim against any professor for whatever offense the student imagines may have been delivered upon them by the professor. And with the prevailing attitude in the schools Professors are 'cowed' into incrementally stepping away from what is true and appropriate for the way classes and universities should be conducted. And they will be forced to step by step and piece by piece ceed both their professional and personal beliefs. And the government will back the schools and by extension the students, again with out exception.

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