Thursday, July 18, 2024


As you have no doubt heard there is an election coming up, again.

I am just not sure how to vote.
If i vote for the corrupt incumbents we get screwed yet again.
If I vote for the newbies full of idealism and vigor the corrupt incumbents will corrupt them and stonewall their every effort to do any good for "We the people".

And if we did manage to sweep all the incumbents out and replace them with well intention-ed new wave of government screws they would soon be corrupted by the corporate screws looking to maintain the status quo. And it they managed to avoid that trap and did managed to pass positive legislation that would benefit "We the people" activist Judges would shoot it down by saying the tried and true "I find that to be unconstitutional" and out it goes. There should be a damn program called "Constitution Check" like a Spell check that makes sure that you don't waste so darn much time and money writing stupid laws that are simply going to be erased by a single judge no mater how many people vote for the law a single judge can with the stroke of a pen wipe it away. What ever happened to the "Will of the people"? Just one Judge can come along and "Interpret" the constitution his way and make that call and totally disregard the People. And he is not even elected. There is NO recourse for "We the People". That is sort of like the "artists concept" disclaimer.

So if I sound a bit disillusioned I am, very. I think that is what they want, to make it so complicated and disheartening that no one will give a rats ass and they can continue to rape and pillage "We the people".

This year is a watershed year for elections. On one hand we are saddled with a doddering senile old dictator who is well known to be corrupt but is protected by a "cabal" a cadre of powerful, influential intractable, greed driven, warmongering, cant say no to any crazy idea that pops its head up from the cesspool of society that is America today. His closest adviser is his son. A former crack smoking drug-addicted weirdo. 

Here's a joke...  If there are six lines of equal length, how high will Hunter be after he returns from the bathroom? 

This doddering old dictator excuse me doddering old pants shitting dictator. Shitting his pants at the Vatican. Are you SHITTING me? It boggles the mind as to who among us can keep making excuse after excuse for these failings in a WORLD leader. His total and absolute lack of ability to string together a sentence during a press conference, an interview or a debate gives me pause to wonder just how badly he is representing AMERICA, arguably the most powerful nation on the planet, behind closed doors. It also begs the question, who is propping up his decisions? Who is making "his" decisions? Who is making the decisions that are behind his press conferences? Who are the puppet masters? And, finally, it begs the question when he does appear  to be sentient, lucid, awake, aware of his surroundings, sensible, well considered, ALL the things a World Leader should exhibit, during the occasional spasm of lucidity, just how much of the Adrenaline, Epinephrine, Nor-epinephrine, Meth Amphetamine, Adderall and Ritalin cocktail do his handlers have to dose him with? His blood "cocktail" percentage must be about 50/50. and this likely explains why he has to be forcibly led off stage when after his surge of lucidity brought about by this "cocktail" wares off and his mind crashes. It causes me to wonder who's cocaine was found in the White House. And how was that incident made to disappear so quickly and completely? If that was ANY other president the TRUTH would have been found out. and exposed. Even if only to hang the guilt on some junior staffer, who's drug addled past/present would be ficitfied and fabricated so deeply and completely and convincingly that even the staffer would believe in his guilt. (Read; 1984 Rat in a face cage scenario)  It is WAY to coincidental that Hunter, an known addict and wandering the halls of the White House was not Heavily investigated. Blood samples taken, blood toxicity panels performed and those results made public.

It boggles my mind just how much power the Obamas and the Clinton's still hold in the oval office. I recently heard that Hillary talks on the phone to the white House DAILY.

What was the phrase made famous by "Deep Throat" in the now long forgotten Woodward and Bernstein's outing of President Nixon. "Follow the Money". Where ever there is money there is power and where there is power there is corruption.

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