Monday, December 9, 2024

My View: Feminisim


    These are my views on the most recent "Wave" of Feminism, what ever wave we are dealing with now. Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, what ever incarnation. And this wave is a Fuckin' Tsunami. And its not going to abate any time soon I don't think.

    As I understand it Feminism started with the Industrial Revolution. Prior to this time there was a clear distinction between women's work and men's work. This nation was principally an Agrarian society. Except for the New England States. Men worked the farm fields and women cooked and cleaned and rose the children, Principally. Women's work was equal to the men's work in productivity benefit to the family. Women would spin thread and weave that thread into cloth and would cut and sew that cloth into clothing. and they were charged with cleaning and maintenance of that clothing. Which is where the stereotypes of watching underwear and darning socks came from. No easy thing to be sure. I point this out because when the industrial revolution came in factories in the cities would would spin thread and weave cloth and cut and sew that cloth into clothes. Suddenly and for all intents and purposes that took a woman's productivity and contribution to the family and turned that 'work' family contribution into a cost to the family. This is why women were often found smashing up industrial factory looms. This Sudden Industrialization of many hand work specialties was a systemic shock for society. It reduced or eliminated the need for skilled crafts people across a wide spectrum of skilled laborers work. Reducing pay and introducing very dangerous working conditions for everybody concerned, men, women and children. Grease Monkey.

    This was the apparently a forgotten fact from women's history This is apparently the first of the cumulative shocks to the Generational Memory of Women. It seems that the women of today are dealing with generations of Generational memory of oppression. It seems to be a close relative of the Generational Memory of Slavery that is so deeply in bedded in Black Culture. In bedded so deeply that a Ms. Jasmin Crockett will burn down and waste SO much time in a House-over-site Committee banging on yet again and again and again about Oppression and Slavery. Slavery that no Black person in America today has dealt with personally. Not her nor her parents is now nor has ever been a "SLAVE". Stories of Grand parents or by now Great Grand Parents. Survivors of the Holocaust share a similar Generational Memory 'condition'. These are is a Glaring examples of generational Memory.  

    Another part of the industrial Revolution that was a Boon for Women was the bicycle. This was an affordable form of transportation for women, and it let them leave the house and go into town. It was the beginning of trousers or slacks for women. Another of the bicycles benefits to 'the world' was that it brought improved roads to the landscape.

    I imagine that the women of the time were feeling both blessed by the industrial revolution and simultaneously cursed by it. The had the 'increased' freedom that a bicycle brought and the gaining mobilization of larger and larger groups of 'like minded' women. The began flexing their muscle in a number of ways. The Prohibition of booze was largely championed by pious woman. Women flexed their muscle as the Suffragettes. They fought and won the fight for the right to vote. This I believe was the beginning of the fight for "Equality". But the Suffrage movement from 1920's gathered a great deal of steam and as is apt to happen the issue of equality took on strange and in my opinion twisted dimensions. Just like the Legacy media of today has morphed into a Mouthpiece for what ever political agenda the owners of the media outlet deem worth while. CNN ushered in the 24 hour news cycle. And in order to be first often time facts were skimmed over and later found to be erroneous. But the speed at which the 'NEWS' was being Churned out there was no place for a retraction, and even if the retraction was published the 'Damage' had been done. The first of the story was the first impression and as we all kn ow 'First Impressions' are the lasting impressions. And Most importantly if there was 'No NEWS' that day they hired 'journalists' to create the NEWS often time out of thin air or even more often out of their ass.

     I said all that to say this, The Women's Liberation movement is 'hiring' individuals to 'create' offenses against women that 'Need' to be addressed and 'Fixed'. Often times pulling these  issues and offenses out of thin air or again out of their asses. Clearly there are some issues that needed and do still need to be addressed. Sexual Harassment at work is clearly an issue. There are women who's job it is to 'Find or Make Trouble' and in the most vitriolic manner possible make it into the "News' cycle. But women have harangued on about it to the point where men in industry are hesitant to hire would be problematic women and are reluctant to work with women.

    I said all that to say that women have seemingly 'Over Revved' the Woman's Equality Machine. The Me Too movement, while important, has had what is commonly referred to as Unintended Consequences.

    There is clearly a VERY FINE Razor Sharp line the Bleeding Edge you could say.  

    If you swing the Pendulum hard enough to make an immediate difference the pendulum will swing far past the intended target and the intended result. The Me Too is a prime and probably the most glaring example of this. Many times men have over stepped office decorum. But who is the arbiter of this sort of thing. A man may have meant to offense and might have indeed not been offensive but "offensive" is clearly In the eye of the beholder. Now a days it doesn't take much of anything to offend those who are "Looking" to be offended. Many women have consumed the "Cool Aide" and are VERY WARY. And there are clearly people in the world and the workplace looking to be offended. Then there is a Gigantic HR Nightmare to unravel. And more and more peoples lives and livelihood's are being destroyed. And the unfortunate reality Men are coming out the losers in this "Game". I know that it some what of a joke but there are more women who are home owners now than there men homeowners, This is in my opinion a by-product of the atmospherically high divorce rate.

    The bottom line is that Society is unraveling before our very eyes. What used to be Playfully called "The Battle of the Sexes" has spiraled WAY out of control. The "Battle" has now  morphed into Global Thermo-Nuclear WAR. And I think we can ALL Agree that NO ONE Wins in that game.

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